Chapter 5: Alcohol

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"Welcome to Ne-Oh. Sergeant Bradford! Officer Chen! You aren't in uniform today. And who is this? Is this your daughter?" Sasha asked. Ever since the officers helped save her boyfriend from Marquel, she had kept tabs on them.

"Sort of. Sasha, this is Tamara, Tamara, this is Sasha! Lucy picked her up off the street and she's been living with her for a while now." Tim explained. "You took care of me too, Tim! You let me walk Kojo for totally un-needed money. I would walk him for free." Tamara argued.

"You guys are such a cute family, I thought you two were married-"

"We aren't married!" The couple in question exclaimed. This was so much harder than he thought.


After dropping Lucy and Tamara off at their apartment, Tim drove himself home to change, and then to Las Torres. He couldn't stand his emotional state anymore, at least not while I'm sober, he thought.

As he sat down at the bar he looked at the time. It was only 2 pm, and he was in store for a lot of alcohol.


As Lucy closed the door behind Tamara she sighed, turning around and leaning against it.

"Ok Disney princess, tell me what's wrong. Spill." Tamara put a hand on her shoulder.

"Look, I don't know how to explain it. I... I think I'm in love with Tim."Lucy said with fear in her eyes, looking down at her feet as guilt fled her heart. It was wrong to have feelings for your superior. But the thought of being with Tim felt so right.

Even though Tim had turned her down almost a year ago, she had still believed somewhere in her heart that Tim could feel the same way about her. But she shoved that thought down with the rest of her I'm in love with Tim thoughts, just like she had when the thought of being married to Tim had come up throughout breakfast. She and Tim had no chance, and she was sure Tim hadn't loved her back. Not until last night, when she had fallen asleep in his loving arms, feeling his chest rise and fall with hers as her tears flowed. The nightmares hadn't come that night like they usually did and she was truly at peace.

"Lucy, have you ever thought that maybe... he loves you back? The way you two look at each other- no, the way you too are around each other screams love. Tim has never looked at Ashley the way he looks at you. You know more about Tim than anyone else in this world. Think about it for a second, who's been there for him when he's been at his worst? You have. I don't know the details but every time you come home with a smile, I know it's because you and Tim were together. And when Tim is smiling, he's almost always looking at you. Just- Just give him a chance Mom. I think you'll find Tim loves you back." Tamara smiles as she gives Lucy a hug, who is now standing in shock at two things. 1. Tim might love her back, and 2. Mom.

Lucy's arms snake around Tamara, and she gives a light squeeze to her. "I love you so much Tamara, and you can keep calling me Mom. I don't mind it." The girls stood in their kitchen, embracing for a moment. Nothing could separate the two now, they were mother and daughter.


As Lucy finished climbing into bed, her phone rang loudly.

"Hey, this is Stephanie from Las Torres. Is this Lucy?" A voice spoke.

"Uhhh, yeah. This is Lucy." Lucy pulled the phone away for a second and looked at the caller ID. Tim?

"Look, Your friend here," The girl pulled away from the phone and she could hear her talking to someone in the background," Your friend Tim is here, he's had a lot to drink and definitely cannot drive. We are closing soon so we need someone to come pick him up since I don't think an Uber would be a good idea. He said to call you, so can you come to pick him up?"

Lucy was already diving out of bed and into a pair of slippers. "Yeah, I'll pick him up thank you so much." I'm going to kill Tim after I make sure he's ok, she thought.

The drive to Los Torres was painstakingly slow as Lucy worried about the many possibilities of drunk Tim. Did his Dad die? Did someone die? Is something wrong with him?

As she walked into the bar, she saw Tim with his head down at the bar, holding a margarita glass in his hand. What in the hell is up with him?

"Tim? What are you doing?" Lucy asked as she ran up and put her hand on his shoulder. He looked up at her, tears flooding his eyes.

"I- I'm sorry Luce. I... I didn't want you to see me like this." He slurred. Lucy brought her hand to his face and he leaned into her.

"Tim what's wrong? You were fine when you dropped us off earlier." Lucy questioned the man as he tried to stand up, but fell into Lucy's arms. She thought about the time she had fallen into someone's arms after drinking this much, and she shivered.

"Let's take you home Tim-" she was cut off by Tim's embrace.

"I want to stay with you." She could hear his shaky voice trying to sound stern, so she just hugged him back and nodded. "You can stay with me."

Lucy paid Tim's bill and practically dragged him into her car. She had started to back out, and Tim started to talk.

"I'm sorry."

"It's ok, Tim."

"No, it's not. I got drunk off my ass and dragged you into it. I'm sorry."

Lucy thought about what she wanted to say next, but Tim let his feelings pass the floodgate he kept securely locked while sober.

"I try so hard to be good enough for you. I was never good enough for my dad, or Genny, or Isabel. I- I never wanted you to be important to me. You were so different you- you didn't judge me for what I did you just... you helped me. I didn't want to disappoint you. But I do. I... You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I don't want to hurt you. But I do. I thought drinking away my feelings would help but it really didn't." Tim admitted. Lucy stopped at a red light and looked him in the eyes.

"You have not hurt me, Tim. The only people who have hurt me you helped save me from. I can't explain how important you are to me. I-I came here tonight to pick you up because you're my best friend, not because I had to. You are one of the only people in my life who I trust, and I definitely trust you the most. You don't hurt me, Tim, you make me better." He put his hands on either side of her face, about to pull her in when a car behind them honked as the light turned green.

"I- sorry I didn't mean to."

"But what if I wanted you to." Tim looked back at her as she had her eyes on the road. His heart was burning with desire, and his eyes glanced down to her lips.

"Pull over please," Tim whispered.

"Are you gonna throw up? I'm sorry I should've gotten you some water-"

"I love you." Lucy slammed on her breaks and stared at the neighborhood street she just pulled into. She slowly turned to look at Tim who was staring at her, eyes wide and full of regret.

"Tim, you're drunk you don't mean it." She tried to keep the tears out of her eyes as she felt her heart sinking to the floor. Tim couldn't love me.

"I- well I didn't mean to tell you while I was drunk." He reasoned.

"Luce I... I'm sorry-"

She grabbed his face and gently pulled him to her, staring into his eyes as he leaned over the center console.

"Tell me you mean it." her eyes were wild with desire, flickering between his. She wanted to pull him into a kiss then and there, but she needed to know.

"I mean it."

She pulled him into her immediately, smiling into their kiss. the fire in her stomach burning as his hand came up to cup her face, and the other moving to her waist. He smiled into the kiss when he felt one hand move to his chest, exploring his body.

When the two pulled away to stare into each other's eyes, they only saw each other, and the rest of the world fell away.

"Are you gonna tell me now?" He questioned and she smiled.

"I love you too."

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