chapter 2: Family

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As he drove through Los Angeles, he is only thinking about one thing: smashing Chris Sanford's face in. No matter how much anyone told him that it wasn't worth it, or that it only caused trouble, he just wanted to flatten the guy down. Not only did he sleep with his girlfriend, he cheated on Lucy (which was more important than the first point in his eyes.)

Before he knew what was going on he was in the elevator at the DA's office, heading straight towards Delmonte's private office.

When the elevator door opened, the blood drained from his face.


"Tim?!" They asked in unison. Tim ran out of the elevator and pulled her into the break room just down the hall.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Tim asked the girl as her face of curiosity turned into a blush. "W-well i was here.. visiting Austin. I wanted to introduce you to him earlier but there just hasn't been a right time and you and mom haven't really been talking after that whole kiss thing so i-" She was shushed by Tim putting a hand over her mouth.

"Don't talk about that in here Tamara! Also i know me and Lucy haven't been talking as much lately but i have a feeling that's going to change since ashley is out of the picture." Tim rolled his eyes thinking of the woman. "Also what's with calling Lucy Mom?"

"I don't know that's what i call her to my friends, and i call you Dad. I panicked! But uhm, if it's ok can i call you Dad? Only if you're comfortable with it because like I just don't know my actual dad and everything so- I'm sorry can i just call you dad and give you a hug?" She asked with a smile creeping onto her face.

"Of course kid." He said while pulling Tamara into a bear hug. He felt her relax a little into his arms, then wrapping her arms around him and smiling. Tamara was his kid now, and nothing could stop him from loving her like his own.

"Alright Tamara, i'm here to talk to Chris but things might get kinda heated so i want you to leave. Now. Also it is late so you need to go get some sleep-"

"Ok! I'll be on my way- wait what are you gonna do to Chris? i've been dying to punch that little pipsqueak after he sang that song in front of Lucy." Tamara said while crossing her arms and popping a hip.

"What did he do?" Tim felt the anger in his heart spreading throughout the rest of his body, particularly his fists.

"Lucy didn't tell you... He- he sang y'know... the song. I thought Lucy would've told you since you guys tell each other everything." She explained, but Tim only heard that Chris deserved what was coming to him.

"Tamara, please go home now. I'll see you later." He said while giving her a hug. His daughter. I like the sound of that.

"Alright, bye Dad! Try not to get arrested for murder!" She teased but Tim might actually be needing that advice.

He walked around the DA's office for what felt like an eternity, looking for Sanford anywhere. As he was finally giving up, he saw Sanford and a large stack of papers near Delmonte's office. Gotcha.

Tim walked up to him and leaned against his cubicle's side, while Chris slowly turned around to look at him.

"What are you doing here, Sarge?" Chris asked, quite obviously riddled with fear and about to piss his pants. "Isn't it obvious why i'm here?"

"I- If you lay a hand on me I will have you arrested for assault!" Chris shouted as he stood up from his rolling chair.

As if it triggered something within Tim, he grabbed Chris's jacket and pinned him against the wall.

"You wanna try me? Go ahead. If you file charges against me, I will tell everyone about you cheating on one of the most perfect people in the world, and that you tried to separate her and the people who love her. The world will know you for the lying, manipulative snake you are." Tim yells as he gets close to Chris's face, and Chris just smiles.

"Look at you, Tim! You aren't exactly the pinnacle of greatness! How do you know Lucy loves you? hm?" Chris laughs in his face and Tim slams him onto the floor.

Tim bends down and smiles, "Because she would pick me over you in a heartbeat, but i'm not her boyfriend."


"Dad!" Tamara yells as she sees him walking out of the front doors.

"What are you doing out here still? it's dangerous to stand outside in the middle of LA like that Tamara." He warns and she giggles as she walks around to the passengers side of the car.

"I need a drive home," She smiles, "And i figured you would be 'dropping by' our apartment anyways."

The car is silent for a few moments after they start their trek home then Tim breaks.

"Tamara, do you think Lucy and i would have a chance?"

"Do you mean like... romantically? because yes. Have you seen the way you two are around each other? When you guys found me after one conversation i thought you were married. I think it's worth a shot to try, Dad" She smiles as she looks over at Tim, who is turning bright red and mouth siting wide open.

"You don't have to respond but just keep it down later while i'm trying to sleep, okay?" Tamara jokes and he starts laughing at her.

"Gross, kid! We aren't talking about THAT part of me and Lucy's relationship!" He laughs. The car ride to Lucy's apartment was filled with jokes and smiles as Tamara and Tim dreamt of her new family being all together, in one home. That was going to make their childhood struggles all the more worth it.

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