Chapter 4: Comfort

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As he walked back into her apartment, she could hear Tamara trying to muffle her sobs in a hug. Lucy jolted as the door opened, and she was still sitting in the same spot she had been in when she had fallen to the floor. Tim rushed over to her and sat in front of her, looking her in the eyes.

"Tim- I... I can't- I-" She was sobbing uncontrollably.

He pulled her into a hug, holding her the same way he had done when he pulled her out of the barrel. He whispered into her ear, "I've got you. It's ok Lucy. I'm here. I'm so sorry. I've got you. I've got you," he rocked back and forth on the floor," I'm so sorry, Lucy. I'm here."

Tamara watched as hot tears streamed down her face. Tim picked Lucy up into his arms and sat on the couch, placing her on his lap as he kept whispering in her ear. Tamara knew she was finally safe, and she could finally rest. She sat on the opposite side of the couch and rested her head against Lucy's favorite pillow, watching as her adopted father soothed her adopted mother.

"T-Tim? Stay with me. Please. I don't wanna be alone." Lucy whispered. Her hands rested on Tim's chest and his held her back and head, trying to hold her as close as he could.

"I won't leave you, Luce. I'm not leaving." He pulled her head into his chest and planted a kiss on her forehead. He rocked her back and forth until her breathing slowed and she fell asleep. He planted another kiss on her head and then swung his legs onto the couch, trying to get comfortable while dodging the girls. Tamara had also fallen asleep, the subtle snores being heard from her across the couch. It was a tight pack, but Tim was the most comfortable he had ever been in his life.

"Goodnight, Lucy." He whispered as he drifted off into his own slumber.


A knock at the door woke the three up, all of them lifting their heads and then racing to the door.

"Good morning, Officer Chen. May we speak to you about the assault that happened last night?" Wade asked from the door frame. He looked at the three at the door, then quirked his eyebrow," Unless, I'm disrupting something here?" He stared at Tim.

"OH- Uhm Sir I can- I was just- I was staying over just in case- Y'know," Tim explained, as his cheeks flushed with color. Smooth, Tim. Real smooth.

"Officer Chen, do you mind if we come in? We will also need to talk to you, too Tamara, and Bradford. You two are witnesses I believe." Angela asked, making herself known to the couple and child at the door. We're in deep shit. Tim and Lucy thought.

Lucy opened the door and everyone stepped back to let the officers in. Angela quickly grabbed Tim and led him back outside, told Sargent Grey she would question Tim, then shut the front door.

"What in the hell are you doing here?! Did you and Lucy- actually never mind I need to record all this down I don't wanna know." She spoke to herself.

"Lucy and I did nothing last night! She was having a panic attack I think she was so upset after Chris-so Tamara and I comforted her until she fell asleep. Actually, they both fell asleep. We all fell asleep. On the couch. Nothing. Happened." Tim warned the detective to not push him further on the topic while she had to record it as a statement.

"Ok, Bradford! I want you to tell me everything that happened last night though. Just, in your own words." She smiled. She was gonna enjoy this.


"Thank you all for letting us come in. Bradford and Chen, I'm giving you the day off, but next time you're late it better not be the both of you." Grey warned as he walked out the door.

"Have fun, you guys! Not too much fun though since you might have to sign some paperwork-"

"ANGELA!" They both screamed. They were not gonna have a fun time when they got back to work tomorrow. Angela waltzed out the door and shut it, leaving them all alone.

"So... is anyone up to grab some breakfast?" Tamara asked, trying to lighten the mood a little.

"Sure! let me go change. Tim, do you have any extra clothes?" Lucy questioned as she realized he was in the same clothes as yesterday.

"I... I brought clothes to sleep in but I didn't get the chance to change." Tim awkwardly answered as Lucy felt a blush creep onto her face. They stared at each other until Tamara clapped her hands together.

"Welp! I'm off to change. Hurry up M-Lucy!" She said as she walked into her room.

"M... Mom? did she almost call me Mom?" Lucy felt a smile forming on her face. She liked the sound of it. Mom.

"I told her she could call me Dad since she said I was the closest thing she had. She's the closest thing I have to a kid besides Kojo, so I figured it was okay." He smiled thinking about his dream of having kids of his own, and now he did.

"I- Okay! I'll talk to her about it later. I'm gonna go... yeah." Lucy said as she retreated into her room. It was going to be a long day of awkwardness if she and Tim couldn't just figure out how to talk to each other after waking up in each other's arms.

After the girls changed into cute outfits, they were on their way to get breakfast. Lucy and Tim sat in the front while Tamara sat in the back, talking about her favorite ClipTok trends and how she needed to take Kojo on a walk so they could make some videos. When walking into Nevins, everyone paused. They realized where they had decided to go as a family. The police donut joint.

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