🧿 Chapter 25: Devious Plans

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Ryder's Pov

"Fuck!" I cursed once again as I stepped on another small ass rock.

Ignoring the pain, I continued down the road. After escaping my poor excuse of bodyguards, I was able to find my way here and now I was just walking until I reached a building of any kind.

By now Anna probably figured out I was gone, though I wasn't worried. If she was smart she'd be getting on the first plane out of here instead of worrying about catching me. Though at the moment she was the least of my problems. I needed to see Olexei. I needed to make sure he was okay.

That was all that I cared about. Him.

Fifteen minutes later and my feet were bleeding but, I had finally managed to come upon a gas station. Smiling, I quickly headed inside.

"Good ev-" the cashier stared but, I quickly cut the old man off.

"Phone. I need a phone now, please" I stated. He looked confused but, walked over before coming back with a house phone. Taking it from his hand I quickly dialed the one of the only two numbers I memorized.

"I DONT WANNA HEAR YOU SAD ASS EXCUSES!!! YOU FUCKING WASTE OF OXYGEN, FIND MY DAMN SON!!!!" my mother screamed picking up. I glanced over at the old man who undoubtedly heard her.  I flashed him a smile but, that did nothing to reassure him.

"Mother" I breathed into the phone gaining her attention.

"Ryder?!?! Are you okay? Who took you? Where are you?" she asked speaking so fast I was unable to answer.

"Calm down. I'm okay. Can you have someone trace this call so you guys can get my location" I explained.

"Okay. Now who did this?" she questioned.

"Anna" I replied.

"That bitch. When I get my hands on her" my mother growled.

"Yeah, well get in line" I scoffed.

"Shit has hit the fan Ryder. They got Olexei locked up downtown. His trial is tomorrow and it isn't looking so good" she explained.

"He has the family's lawyer right?" I asked.

"No, he fired him. He's fired every lawyer. He didn't want the families help" my mom hummed.

"What?" I hissed.

"Yeah. He said he wanted the family to focus on finding you. That he'll handle the trial" she said.

"Fuck. Come and get me now. I need to be there. He can't do this alone" I said slightly irritated that Olexei was being stubborn.

"He isn't alone. His little cop friend has been helping him. Besides you think I wanted to just abandon him? He's like a second son and knowing his history that is the last thing I wanted to do Ryder! Olexei isn't a child anymore, I can't make decisions for him and I didn't have time to argue with you fucking missing, so sorry!!" she snapped,

"I know. Can you just come get me so, I can be there for him? I managed to get away but, I know that she is going to go after him now" I sighed.

"We've already pinged your location. They'll be there in 20 mins" she spoke.

"Thanks" I mumbled before hanging up.

Twenty minutes and then I'll be back home, back with my other half. As I waited I thought of nothing else but, him. I wanted to see his face more then anything. When the black vans pulled up I wasted no time with pleasantries and just hopped in the back.

"Ryder slow down!" my mom cursed when I ran upstairs as soon as I arrived at the house. I ignored her and quickly went to my shower. After I washed up and changed, I grabbed my keys.

"I'm going to see him" I spoke walking pass her.

"You were just kidnapped and the bitch is still out there plotting. You need to think this through" she hissed.

"I am. Mom you know better than anyone, it is him over everything. Even my own safety. If she wants me, she can fucking come and get me but, I'm not going to allow that bitch to keep Olexei and I separated any longer. I need to see him" I scoffed going out the door.

Hopping in my car, I headed for the courthouse. Weaving through traffic and probably breaking plenty of laws, I tried my hardest to get there as quick as possible. The trial would start soon and I'm sure he was more worried then he met on.

Once I was in front of the courthouse, I got and sprinted inside. It wasn't hard to find where they were located cause there was press everywhere. Glancing around, I caught sight of Xan he was posted by a door all dressed up in his uniform. He looked stressed.

"Where is he?" I asked. Looking shocked for a moment he quickly shook it off and opened the door.

"I told you...I'm not fucking ready!" Olexei snapped turning around with eyes full of fury.

"Honey, I'm home" I whispered.

"Ryder" he spoke before walking over and wrapping his arms around me.

"Fuck I've missed you" I breathed holding him close.

"I will kill the bitch" he hissed.

"Me first" I hummed pulling back a little but, only so, I could kiss him.

You would of thought we had been separated for years the way he clung to me. He rarely showed any emotion other than anger so, this I just enjoyed. It felt good to share this vulnerability with one another.

"I'm okay. It's going to be okay" I hummed rubbing his back to calm his nerves.

"I'm just glad your back. They wouldn't let me break out of here and find you" he spat rolling his eyes.

"This case is important Olexei. I'm more worried about you than myself and you know I would of been pissed if you risked anything by coming to save me" I explained.

"I know" Olexei whispered.

"Now, what is the plan?" I asked and this time he just smiled. I had saw this smile before, he had a plan.

Two more chapters left....

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