Stand Corrected

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The team sit around talking. Discussing, something. I walk in and go to the bar. "Sh." Steve tells the group as I become visible visible the group sat around.

I look at them, confused, I ask, "What we talking about?" As I pour a glass of rum and coke, Tony walks over. He stands next to me.

Tapping my shoulder, he makes me turn to the group. "Y/n." Steve says my name, in a sorrow tone. His face as straight as an arrow.


"You're relieved of you duties as an Avenger." He tells me. The whole group looking everywhere but at me.

I put my drink down, "What! Why?" I ask them desperate for a valid reason. They don't answer me. I sigh becoming angry, "Why." Shout at them.

Steve looks at me, "You're not helpful! You have no ability."

I look at them disgusted. "Fuck you." I tell him as I walk over to the door, flinging them open without touching them. I run up to my room, "assholes."

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