Pt. 2

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Ok let's get back to it

The last chapter was basically things we already knew with a few random things and points I made In between. But this episode, as we know, just gets more insane as we go through it. So do the inconsistencies 

So back to Sherlock and jim talking. Which I guarantee they did. I mean we left these two men alone in cells next to eachother and we didn't get a scene? So it was something we weren't supposed to see. 

Now when John comes to get Sherlock he doesn't seem shaken up. He doesn't seem scared at all. So nothing horrible happened. He also doesn't seem to regret getting sent away though. Wouldn't he have wanted to see the rest of the trial? Even if he knew how it would end?

Jim moriarty offers no witnesses. This is clearly a show of power. An advertisement of sorts. (However that makes no sense and I will explain it later)

Not guilty. No defense and he walked free. 

And the first thing he does is meet Sherlock. 

Sherlock plays Bach 

And jim unlocks the door. And he doesn't try to hide or surprise Sherlock. No he lands on the step that creaks. You can say whatever you want but we can safely assume he'd know. I mean he's been in the flat before. He hacked johns blog and posted about it. So he warned Sherlock that he was coming. Which is slightly interesting to say the least.   "Most people knock". But jim warned him nonetheless. 

Jim sits in Sherlock's chair, despite being offered johns. Which Sherlock is not pleased about. (Once again a show of power to throw Sherlock off)

Ok now let me have a long rant about the abominable bride. Honestly what a great episode. It shines a light on so many things. For example. Emilia was dying. That's why she sacrificed herself. And in his mind she was supposed to represent jim. When John says Emilia was dying Sherlock seems to have a moment of realization, because we know that Sherlock isn't really here. The idea of Emilia dying is completely made up. It's an assumption. And yet he realizes it must be true for someone. Now at the part of the episode we are currently at, jim makes a comparison. He compares himself to a dying man. Who couldn't leave something unfinished. 

And here's where we get introduced to the idea that is is a fairytale he is writing 

"Because we're just alike you and I, except you're boring. You're on the side of the angels."

Angels is an odd comparison, I mean if we are going with a fairytale theme he could have said something about knights in shining armor. But he chose angels.

Ok so someone is going to be very mad at me for this , but just hear me out. The fairytale he's comparing this to is the Bible. Jim is constantly called the devil. He gives Sherlock an apple. He makes Sherlock fall. Literally and figuratively. I'm just saying 

"What's the final problem, have you worked it out yet? I did tell you. But did you listen" 

He's bragging now. About how he can do anything. God he must be bored. Being in charge of everything. I mean there is nothing to accomplish now. He's got everything. 

I mean the only way to make it interesting now is to start over right? Build it from scratch?

"What is it all for"

"I want to solve the problem"

"Our problem"

"The final problem"

THE DIALOGUE MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE. WHAT THE HELL IS THE FINAL PROBLEM. ITS DEFINITELY NOT EURUS! SO WHAT WAS THEIR PROBLEM?! Saying their problem was living would be such a let down and honestly makes no sense. So what was their problem

"It's going to start very soon Sherlock"

"The fall" 





so either Sherlock and jim planned this and they knew they would meet on the roof or Jim meant a figurative fall. Now what would a figurative fall be. Well most likely a fall from grace. But then

"Falling is just like flying. Except there's a more permanent destination.



They stand up. And this is completely off topic but god damn has this man not bought new shirts since he was 18 because these buttons are fighting for their fucking lives here.

"Because I owe you a fall Sherlock" 

"I owe you"


This would imply that Sherlock has made him fall. I have no fucking idea what this means and I'm 99.999999% sure he does not mean this in a romantic way. 

So why would he owe Sherlock a fall when did Sherlock make him fall

And he leaves the apple. 


I know this may be a reach, but the apple might have been drawing attention away from the knife. I mean why would he leave the knife.

I'll do part 3 later

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