Scott x reader

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Truth be told I should have realized that there was something wrong with Scott but who could in their right mind guess that he was a werewolf?

The possibility never crossed my mind, no I thought he was a vampire which made less sense than the latter but could you fault me for making such outrageous theories?

Never one to back down from a challenge I thought that in time everything would work themselves out but I was right in that account and in almost everything else I suppose.

English class was slow and I couldn't focus for the life of me, my mind was working and focusing on how our talk went. Nothing prepares you for when your boyfriend says that he is a werewolf, and what do you say to that? Thanks for the information? Cool? Nothing just stared blankly at him, that might have been better than what I did.


"Scott this is totally not creepy at all," he had dragged me into the woods which would have been less creepy if it wasn't midnight " this couldn't wait till morning?"

He finally turned to look at me, and he seemed nervous and a little jittery. Grabbing his hand I gave him a soft squeeze trying to get him to relax.

"What I'm going to tell you is going to change everything, and I need you to stay calm" I could feel my mind working trying to figure out what could have made him this winded up. Worried, I tried to give him a reassuring smile.

"Whatever you need to tell me it won't change anything," still holding his hand I walked closer to him "unless you're planning on breaking up with me then, killing me so as no one else can have me. Then I suppose that thing would be awkward between us." He finally cracked as smile

"Well, no um what I want to say is that, um.. Shit, no" Laughing at him, I could understand why he was so nervous, nothing he could say that would make me stop loving him.

Flashing a shy smile, he took a big breathing in and slowly let it out and spoke more camly "Imawerewolf" he had said it in on breath, it had taken me a second to process what he said.

"Ok, that's fine. I don't judge if that's what you're into" it was a bit weird but if you love someone then you love everything about them. It wasn't the weirdest thing out there, was it like puppy play? Or more did he like too pretend to be a dog in a non sexual way?

I was too caught up in thought about how to process the information he just gave me, to see how red he had become. Did he want me to also pretend that I was also a dog? Did the size matter, could I be a Lab or maybe a chihuahua? I finally managed to pull myself together and look at him, he looked so embarrassed, had I taken too long to respond or was he expecting more? So many questions and not enough answers.

"NO, sorry, no that's not what I meant, I am a werewolf." Ok? Was this a thing he just did, maybe I should call him mom she was a nurse this could be like an illness. " I was turned by a bite, I'm an alpha, a true alpha. Derek hale he also a werewolf, and all our friends with the exception of Stiles." Too much information was given at once.

"Oh, why isn't Stiles one?" It seemed like a mean thing to do if you were going to be playing wolves then why not all be wolves? "Did he not want to be one, is this like a pick and choose situation, why are there true alphas? Do I have to play along, because I could handle the sex thing but with a group it would be a little to much for me to handle. Not that I don't support you, I just am not into role-playing at least that hands on." I hoped that this wouldn't make things awkward in our relationship.

"(Y/n), this is not a sex thing and Im not playing make belive, im a werewolf." he lookes so servous like he real was a werewolf...... LIKE WAS A WEREWOLF.

"What, you are a dog, like you transform into one and get on all fours?" My mind was spinning and the information was too much. A werewolf. What the hell was my life, what the hell was his."Like you're not joking and Stiles is not going to jump out and yell that this whole thing is a prank?" He looked small and scared and I could feel my heart practically beating out of my chest.

"I would understand if you can't handle this. If this is too much." handle this, handle what? That my boyfriend was a supernatural being? Or that almost all our mutual friends are werewolves? "I trust you, and if you want to leave and never talk to me that fine"

"I love you," he gave me a shocked look, that might have been because it was the first time I had said it. "I love you Scott Mccall, if you think being a werewolf is going to scare me off then you haven't been listening to me. You could tell me you wanted this to be a sex thing and i'd be willing to give it a try because you are the only person I want to be with, do you understand?"

He was laughing and the next thing I knew I was being pulled into a hug. So, what if I had a big ol' puppy for a boyfriend who already acted like one. There wasn't a big difference from an hour ago till now.

Teen wolf Oneshots X Reader 💖Where stories live. Discover now