Isaac lahey x reader

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It was past midnight, and you patrolled the Beacon Hills Reserve with Scott, Chris, Derek, and Isaac. Boyd and Cora were loose after being starved from the full moon for months. Somehow you had ended up paired with Isaac as you tried to track them down before any severe damage could be done.

"Are you getting anything?" you ask, shining your flashlight as Isaac sniffed the air.

"I'm picking up their scents but I can't tell from what direction."

"That's not very helpful," you remark.

"Well, I'm not very good at this-- it's all new to me," Isaac scoffs. He sounded almost defensive, and you immediately softened. You two didn't always get along, but you didn't want to make him feel bad. In fact, you've always had a crush on Isaac, thinking he was the cutest out of the pack.

"I'm new to werewolves so I think you're doing better than me," you say, a slight grin on your lips. He smiles slightly, shoving his hands deeper into his pockets.

You resume walking through the reserves again until suddenly Isaac stops. You turn off your flashlight, shrouding you both in complete darkness. Growling could be heard from a bush off to your left, and within seconds the dark form of Boyd comes out. His shirt is torn to shreds, and his eyes are glowing a hungry yellow. Isaac pushes you behind him as his claws come out, ready to attack Boyd. Your back hits a tree as Isaac dodges a swipe from Boyd, attempting to knock him down. Unfortunately, Boyd is built like a tank, and he only stumbles. He tosses Isaac aside, and you hear a sickening crunch as one of his bones breaks. Isaac gets back up, ready to fight Boyd again. Isaac manages to get a few hits in before Boyd gets on top of the fight, hitting Isaac down blow after blow. You watch in horror and recognize that Isaac is losing this battle. Fear grips your heart, and you know that you can't just let Isaac die.

Before you can really think through what you're doing, you find yourself throwing a rock at the back of Boyd's head. He drops Isaac, turning around and growling at you. It's a sound so low it reverberates through the Earth, and suddenly you're running as fast as you can. You're only human, though, and you can already feel Boyd catching up to you.

"Scott! Derek!" you yell, hoping that one of the wolves can come to your rescue as you dart zig-zag through the brush to distract Boyd. Finally, Boyd grabs your shoulder and yanks you back. Then, you fall flat and scramble on your elbows to look up at the towering werewolf. Boyd grabs you by the throat, yanking you up as his claws dig into your skin. You feel yourself losing air, gasping desperately, until suddenly the hand is gone and you're on the ground again. Coughing, you look up and see Scott chasing Boyd down to the high school where you'll lock them up.

Luckily, Boyd and Cora were captured and eventually defeated, with Derek controlling them until sunrise. You made it back home, already feeling the fight settle into your bones. Then, as you entered your room, you looked at a mirror and grimaced at sight. Deep bruises littered your neck, as well as precise cuts where Boyd's claws dug in. You would need a scarf to even attempt to cover this up for school.

Just then, a faint knock could be heard at your window. You went over cautiously, peering outside and immediately relaxing. You opened the window, and Isaac climbed inside.

"Oh good, you're okay. I was worried after the fight--" You start to say.

"You were worried? I was worried," he remarks, his tone sharp as he looks at you. "You could've gotten yourself killed."

"I was saving your life," you bite back, feeling defensive. "Sorry that I didn't want you to be turned into a werewolf kebab."

"You could've been seriously hurt, or killed. You can't defend yourself like I can."

"Well, I'm fine. I'm alive," you cross your arms, seething. "Why do you care anyway?"

"Excuse me?" Isaac says, eyes narrowing.

"You are either acting indifferent or you're being hostile, I can never figure it out with you," you scoff. "Sometimes I can't tell if you hate me or if you are just completely apathetic."

"That's not true."

"Then please tell me what the hell you're doing here," you say, poking your finger at Isaac's chest.

"I was scared for you!" he responds, grabbing your wrist. You shut up, looking him in the eyes. "I was scared for you."

You blink up at him, not sure what to say. Suddenly your mouth starts acting on its own accord.

"I like you," you confess. "I've always liked you. I like your smile and your sarcasm. I like that stupid scarf you insist on wearing. I like your eyes. I like how you talk in a baby voice to the dogs in the Animal Clinic when you think no one is watching. I like--"

Isaac kisses you, effectively shutting you up. His lips are softer than you imagined, and you almost melt into his arms. You tangle your fingers in his hair as you deepen the kiss, and his gold curls are so much softer than you imagined. He crushes you to his body, his hands touching you anywhere you can. He bites your lip, and you can't help but let out a small whimper. His lips trail down to your neck, where he leaves the softest kisses. You sigh out in contentment as he kisses every area you were hurt as if he's trying to heal the pain. Eventually, you pull him back to your lips, feeling high off the feeling.

When you do pull away, he nudges his nose against yours and plants soft kisses all over your face that leave you giggling.

"I like you too," Isaac says, one hand coming up to cup your face.

"You never let me finish what I was saying," you smile, entwining his other hand with yours.

"Sorry, I just wanted to kiss you," he said bashfully. "What were you going to say?"

"That I was scared for you too."

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