Chapter 3

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POV Xanxus:

After Mammon told us about the Wizarding World and the prince brat telling us that he too is part of that world, I spent the night thinking about a name that could fit the kid.

I tried to think about an Italian one that resembled or that was close to his original name, and I came with Alessandro, so now the kid will be named like that or Ale as a short version of it.

So, when I am informed by the sun trash that the kid is already awake, I go to tell him about his new name.

Alessandro: Boss, did you think about a name yet?

Xanxus: It would be Alessandro. Also, you will not have a code name until, at least, you complete one mission.

He seems way happier that I thought he would be.

I, then tell him that I am going to train him. His training will consist of basic flame usage, hand-to-hand combat and the manage of some weapons. I will only train him with guns though, if he wants to train with the sword or knives, it is better if he goes with the shark or the prince brat.

I also told him, that I would not be able to train him in his cloud flames and that he would have to train them alone, seeing that at being the Cloud Officer he would have to impose in the other clouds, so he will not be able to ask them for help unless he wants them to kill them.

We start to train every day, with the kid warming up to me more and more.

1 month after his arrival and of us training I had already start to see the kid as my own little brother, he had also reached a high level of hand-to-hand combat, knew how to use guns and also using them with his cloud flames, which was a bit mortal, a bit less that mine though, and he had mastered the basics of flame control.

1 week after his birthday I sent him to his first mission, seeing that he was already ready to have some experience and he did it successfully, earning his Varia code name, which was chosen by the shark and the sun trash.

They choose Azrael, as it seems it means angel of death, they choose it because of his cute, although I would not say it aloud, I also think he is cute, and inoffensive appearance, but he had become quite dangerous and deadly after training with me.

During the training I also noticed that the kid had bonded with me, so now I have an almost set of guardians, I still miss a lightning, I could never bond with that trash unless he changes of attitude and personality and stops kissing the ground where I go.

Ale has also, start spending time with the psychotic brat, probably he also wants to learn to fight with knives, seeing as he had killed Ottabio with one. And he has also put the clouds in place, killing those who went against him for killing Ottabio.

But, apart from all of that I must continue with my plan to overthrow Nono. Why would he lie to me? He knew that what I hate most are liars and he goes and lies almost all my life telling me that he was my father and making me think that I could take Vongola, but without any blood relationship I could never be the Boss of the Famiglia.

For that reason, I have decided to make a Coup, taking the officers with me. With Ale's arrival I decided that I would go without a cloud. It would be impossible for Ale to go against much more experienced guardians, while he is still recovering from his abuse and malnourishment, and he has only had one month of training.

POV Alessandro:

After Boss told me my name, we started training for a month. The training was very hard, but I suppose that it is what I have to pass for to be able to stay my ground against the other clouds.

While training with Boss, I started seeing him as an older brother, though I would never tell him, he would probably get mad or something.

I also went to seminal revisions to the medical, and that way I got to know Lussuria more, he told me to call him Luss and to use the feminine pronouns.

I did not see much of the Storm Officer nor Squalo, because one was doing missions and the other Boss' paperwork because he was training me, but I did see the Lightning Officer, Levi-a-than he seems a bit obsessed with Boss, the type to kiss the ground where he passes, I think I may have seen him do that one time when he thought that nobody was watching. I have not got the chance to talk with him yet, so I cannot judge him for now.

After my first mission, which was a week after my birthday, I finally received my code name and I really like it. I go either by Azrael or by Angel of Death, which is the meaning of the former, as I like the two, I do not really mind which they call me.

Luss said that the Storm Officer had two too, one was Belphegor, which was like his name in the end, and the other is Prince the Ripper. Maybe he is a prince and that is the reason of the name, I have been told that he is a little psychotic so that would make the Ripper part understood, but the prince part...

Two days or so after my mission the Storm Officer, Belphegor, returns from his missions. And he is also a kid like me, he may be one or two years older. So, I decide to approach him, seeing that he is the only one close to my age, I think that we might become friends, even if he is a little psychotic.

I mean, I think that a lot from Varia are not very mentally stable, being assassins and all that, so I will not judge, probably because I am not very much mentally stable myself, not so much for being called psycho, but maybe with more time here it could change.

Belphegor: Ushishishi, so you are the new Varia Officer? The prince demands you to play with him.

Well, it seems that the prince found me first. What would he mean with playing?

I agree to play with him, and it seems that for him playing is throwing knives at me and use it to improve my awareness, my dodge skills and my flexibility.

Some days playing with him, he decides that I am good and starts to teach me to throw knives saying something like that.

Belphegor: The prince would not like his new playmate to get hurt because of only knowing how to dodge, so as I'm a great prince I would let you have the honor of being taught by the prince.

He probably is not the type to express emotions, but neither am I, except that while he is the tsundere type, I'm the type that hides his feelings.

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