Chapter 4

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Two months later

It is now October, so I have been a Varia Officer for 3 months now.

For the last two months, I have been very close with Belphegor, who has given me permission to call him Bel. He also has taught me more skills with the knives, also I prefer to use guns as Boss, I would like to have more weapons skills for if I lose my guns. For that reason, I am thinking of asking Squalo to train me a bit with the sword.

As I have been getting close to Bel, the Boss and Squalo decided to put us in more missions together, the majority being exterminations of some Famiglias, what caused us to be doubled as the psychopathic duo by the rest of the Varia, especially the low ranks.

I do not mind actually and as Bel was already called a psycho before I arrived, I do not think that he minds too.

Also, even if our mission success rate is 100%, I am still not considered Varia Quality as I must at least know 7 languages, which I am working on. As, lately, Bel and I have a lot of missions, I was not able to get any time to study, neither normal studies, which they told me that I must know too, nor the language study.

The first language which I am learning is Italian, as I am in Italy, and I do not know the language it would be difficult.

Another reason why I must learn different languages soon is because of the reports that the clouds in my division do. Most of the reports have various languages in them. I could also have some of the mists integrate a language in my mind, by I heard by Bel that it was a headache inducer and that in the end it was better to just learn the language.

Leaving this thought apart, I think I should also think about what Xanxus told us the other day.

As it seems Xanxus has decided to do a coup against the Nono Vongola to overthrow him. I do not know why he wants to do it, I thought that he was fine with his brothers taking the leadership of the Vongola, but he now has decided to do this.

He told this in a meeting with the officers, he also declared that I was not to join. I demanded to know why and as it seems, he wants to keep a secret that Ottabio is dead for now, and because the guardians of the Nono have much more experience than me, so I would not have much of a chance, especially as I had only begun to train 3 months ago, unlike Bel who before entering the Varia already had experience fighting and killing in cold blood. Not as if I'm not capable of killing in cold blood, because I have done it in very one of our missions, probably the only person that I regretted killing moments after I had done it, was Ottabio, but it was probably because of him being my first kill.

I had heard from the older Varia members that it is always difficult for the new ones to deal with their first kills, even if they knew that who they killed was a horrible person or something like that, they still regretted. Some of the newbies still get traumatized even if they have killed already, maybe some of them should abandon already. If they do not get used to it soon, they will be scarred for life, and it would also mean that they do not have the qualities to be an assassin.

The day of the coup arrives and before they return to the HQ, I know that something has gone horribly wrong because I feel my bond with the Boss being severed. When they finally return, I immediately notice the absence of the Boss and they announce that the coup failed and that Xanxus has been frozen by the Nono for how long he sees fine.

I watch the officers and I see that, except Levi, they all seem to be going through the same fate as me, the severed bond to our Sky. Bel as I seemed the most affected. As I had been told, Bel bonded to Xanxus not long before me, that means that his bond like mine where the most recent ones, which would be more painful now that they were severed after having finally been put in place.

Some days after the coup, which was called the Cradle Affair, the Vongola begin to watch closely all movements from the Varia, as if now that we had lost our Boss and Sky, we were planning to overthrow the Vongola as Xanxus had planned before. We were more focused on getting the Varia members organized, the paperwork done and figuring how to continue without our Sky.

In the end, it was decided to have Squalo to act as the Varia Commander until Boss was back, which could take years, but all the officers were decided to wait for our Boss even if it takes a large amount of time.

As Xanxus, who was like a big brother to me and my Sky, has been frozen. I decide to focus all my time in studying more, training with both Bel and Squalo and doing more and more missions with the prince, which according to my clouds it had made me more mentally unstable, some of them calling me unhinged or that I was just as psychotic as Bel, do not know why they would think that.

As the years passed, I mastered 10 languages, these being: English, Italian, Spanish, French, German, Greek, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Currently, I have started to learn Polish and Russian, as a lot of my clouds have taken a liking to write the reports in those languages, knowing that I have not learned them yet.

Bel and I have also graduated from the mafia high school, as we are known as prodigies and we learnt fast, especially as Bel wanted to leave high school as soon as possible, still do not know why Squalo made us go, we could have just studied in the Varia HQ with Mammon or Squalo himself to teach us.

Now that I think it, that was probably not an option as Squalo must do his paperwork and the Boss' he has been very occupied, I do not think I have seen him go to any missions in the last 2 years. And Mammon would have demanded a larger fee for her teachings than the ones in the mafia academy.

It was tiring going to school, studying, training, learning languages, doing paperwork and going to missions, but at least we ended graduating in only 3 years, which I must admit that it is a great achievement.

I was also considered Varia Quality around 2 years ago, 1 year after Boss was frozen. But, even with me being now Varia Quality, I still get attacked by some of my clouds now and then, they are probably Ottabio's followers, because most of the clouds had tamed down after they saw that I was officially Varia Quality and how I overpowered them, which brings me to say that every cloud that attacks me ends up dead, do not know how they still think they can win against me, maybe because of them being Ottabio's followers? I had heard that Ottabio was a bit dumb and had a lot of ego, so maybe his followers took after him.

Today, after 4 years of being here and 1 after graduating, it is my 11th birthday, not like I celebrate them, normally the Officers wish me a Happy Birthday and sometimes Luss-nee, which I now call as requested by him/her, makes me a cake. Well, as I was saying, I was expecting a normal birthday, as normal it can be in the HQ of assassins, but instead in the breakfast time, an owl appears and poses himself in front of me, letting us now that he carries a letter with him.

My 11th birthday has started weirder than any other day in the Varia. I thought I was already used to some quirky things happening. Guess I was totally not prepared for the headache that the Wizarding World is.

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