Chapter 7

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POV Alessandro:

After Halloween, the only other thing that we encounter is a three-headed dog in a room in the prohibited third floor, who seems to be guarding something.

Now, it is Christmas and, as it seems, Ron and I must search in the library what is that there is guarded by the three-headed dog. Hermione and Ron had got from Hagrid that whatever that there was in the trap door was from Nicolas Flamel, which happens his wife happens to be a Potter making me one of their cousins, for that reason I already know that the only thing valuable enough to be protected from him will be the Sorcerer's stone. Hermione also couldn't help us because she returns to his parents during the Christmas break, something that I didn't understand on why Ron and his brothers had stayed, as they had a family that would very much have them home.

In the Christmas day, I receive a sweater with an H engraved, which I would like to throw out whenever nobody sees me, from the Weasleys' mother. I also receive an invisible cloak from an anonymous person, who says that it belonged to my father, and a tiara from Bel, which was like his but this one portrayed the Varia symbol, this one is my favorite gift. I am surprised that Bel even send anything, because he normally would not get me anything for my birthday or for the past Christmases.

About 3 days after Christmas day, I decide to take the cloak an explore the castle, while walking I come across a room which only has a mirror.

I decide to enter the room and come close to the mirror, where I see myself with Xanxus, Bel and the rest of the Varia officers, except Levi, I really hate him as he only goes behind Xanxus kissing the floor where he walks on, but the Lightning officer would only change if some lightning kills him, improbable because even if he is an idiot he is very careful to not get himself killed, or if he resigns, which I think he would do if Xanxus was no longer the Boss which is not an option.

I decide to look again in the mirror for this time to see myself with a red stone, which just so happens to be the Sorcerer's stone. The mirror me puts the stone in his pocket and I suddenly feel a weight in my pocket, I put my hand in the pocket to feel whatever there is there and surprise, now I have the stone. So, I decide to hide it in one of the compartments in my trunk, because only an idiot will give it to Dumbledore. Once I return to Italy, I will give it to Flamel.

The school year passes quickly after that. Hermione returns and she discovers that the three-headed dog is hiding the Sorcerer's stone.

There have been some Quidditch matches, the wizards sport, which I did not go to see. The Quidditch cup was won by the Slytherin House.

Ron and Hermione have decided, for some reason, that Snape, the potions' teacher, is the one going after the stone.

Personally, I think that the one going after it is Quirrell, the DADA teacher. I mean his stutter seems so fake and the fact that every time that I go near him, I feel dark magic is a giveaway.

And so, the school year was going well, until Dumbledore goes out of the school, and I am suddenly dragged to stop whoever wants to take the stone from taking it, even if that would be impossible because the stone is in one of the compartments in my trunk.

Hermione, Ron and I pass the dog, who is currently sleeping, until he wakes up, while we are jumping through the trap door.

After jumping through the door, we have to pass some tests that makes me believe that the headmaster wanted us to go through them, as the tests were passed by us, which are first years. How easy it could be for a grown-up adult? I should tell this uncle Flamel, about how the stone was not well-protected.

The tests were a plant, which was easily passed if you just relaxed, enchanted keys, to find the key was easy because it was the oldest one and it had a broken wing from already being used, then a chess board, Ron almost dies in that one wanting to show-off, there was also a troll, but it was already dead. The final tests were to find a potion to cross through the fire, while the other ones were wine or poison, this one was the hardest, meaning that Snape had some sense in him unlike the other teachers, even if he wanted to bully me for whatever reason.

After passing the fire, I come face to face with Quirrell, as I had already suspected, and the mirror from that room.

Then Quirrell starts to talk with himself until he finally shows the back of his head which have another face, as said by Quirrell this was Voldemort.

So, as it seems, Voldemort is currently possessing Quirrell and he wants to use me to take the stone, not that it would work.

Quirrellmort goes to take me, but as it seems he can touch me, as every time that he touches me, he gets burn, so I decide to use my cloud flames to increase whatever that is burning Quirrellmort, until he finally turns to ashes, it was like Storm flames or maybe something that my mother had done before she died to protect me from Voldemort. It could also be a mix of the two.

After Quirrell turns to ashes, the ghost or soul of Voldemort goes to pass through me, but I dodge it.

Before, I can return, I hear passes behind me, so I pretend to pass out, hearing and feeling that whoever it was, it was searching for the stone, looking if I had it with me.

After noticing that I do not have it the person takes me to the infirmary, and I decide to take a nap.

The next day I wake up with the headmaster sitting next to me. He asks me what happened, and I told him what happened, without saying anything about my use of flames.

After the story telling, I decide to ask him if the stone were safe, and he decides to lie to my face saying that he had destroyed, but if you looked in his eyes you could see that he is frustrated because of not finding the stone.

My 1st year ends with Gryffindor winning the House Cup, as Dumbledore had decided to cheat and give Ron, Hermione and I a ridiculous number of points because of what happened. If not for that, Slytherin would be the one who had won.

I, also, finished my exams at the top of the year, as I had full marks of any subject, the same as when I was in high school, nothing much had changed in that.

Before taking the train ride back, Hagrid, the house keeper of the castle, stops me to give me an album of my parents.

Even if I did not get to know them and I really did not feel bad for them, it was nice having something about them, even if they are only pictures.

In the train, Hermione and Ron, both, tell me that they will write letters to me every day, even if I do not want to, and to not to worry about my relatives, even if I'm pretty sure that if they hadn't abandoned me that would have continue to abuse me, as they had done the years that I was with them.

So, as it seems, Dumbledore wants me to stay with the Dursleys even if they abuse me, before the year ended, I had tried to ask him if I could stay with one of my "friends" for the summer even telling him about the abuse, but he had only told me that I must be exaggerating and that I should stay with my relatives.

All of this pointed that Dumbledore was the puppeteer behind Ron and Hermione.

After the train ride and saying goodbye to my "friends" and Neville who had become my only true friend in Hogwarts, I go to the Varia safehouse in London and send the stone to Flamel through one of the mooks. And Crimson, my lovely wolf pup, could finally get himself known, as he had hide himself since Ron appeared.

As it seems, Crimson does not like Ron nor Hermione, so he hided himself all the school year and he passed a lot of time in the Dark Forest.

It was okay, though, because even if Mammon had told me that it was okay to bring familiars in the school, I think that in Hogwarts it would be another history and that they would have killed him or thrown him away. And I would not let anyone do that to Crimson, if they did, I would immediately break my promise of behaving myself while Xanxus is frozen.

After sending the stone, I go to the airport and take the Varia's private jet, which was already waiting for me, and I return to Italy after 9 months.

Finally, as if I did not see Bel in another week, I would have already killed someone and it was difficult to stop myself in a school full of annoying kids, a lot of which are my "fans".

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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