Chapter 5

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31st July 1991

POV 3rd:

It was a normal day in the Varia, well, as normal as it can be in a castle full of eccentric assassins, which had peculiar quirks.

It was breakfast time, the Officials, except Levi who had gone that same morning in a mission, were eating together, as they did sometimes, when suddenly they hear a hoot and a brown owl lands in front of Alessandro, who was shocked to see it, and it shows him a letter.

Mammon immediately knew what is happening, Ale's Hogwarts letter has arrived. They had already told Ale who he was, about him being a wizard and a supposed Savior to the British Wizarding World, but Mammon is the only one that knows how the letter to Hogwarts would arrive.

Alessandro takes the letter from the owl and reads the front.

Alessandro: I think that this is my letter to Hogwarts.

He, then, shows the other Officers in the room the front of the letter, where it can be seen in a cursive letter Harry Potter.

The Officers including Ale all know that he must go unless they want the visit of some annoying wizards, including the headmaster. They knew that if it had been another wizard no one would have missed him, but as he was the Savior the British wizards would fight tooth and nail for him to return to Britain. At least if he goes to Hogwarts, the headmaster will not even know that Ale had not been living with his relatives since he was 6 almost 7.

Ale had also changed a lot in the 4 years that he had been in Varia, so they would have to wear a Glamour, so that Dumbledore will not know the truth, at least until Xanxus, Varia's boss would return.

Ale did not have to wear glasses, on the contrary of what the British wizards say, his hair was raven black and had some red highlights inherited by his birth mother, which some of the Varia thought that it is blood from Ale's victims, and his hair was cut undercut with a left side swept. His eyes had changed from emerald green to crimson red 3 years before, no one knew how except Mammon, she had used some of Xanxus' blood to blood-adopt Ale as Xanxus' brother, she knew that the two considered each other as brothers. In his left eye he had a scar that he had gained on a mission, he did see at least, but he did normally wear a black patch over it, not to hide it but because his vision was sometimes blurred in that eye and Lussuria did have warned him to not force the eye or he would really have that eye blind. All of this would be changed when having the glamour as he was expected to be a copy of his biological father, which he was not, with his mother's emerald eyes, which he no longer had, and with the lightning scar, which had already disappeared 3 years ago.

Ale, also, normally wears his Varia uniform, which he would not be able to wear in Hogwarts as it had its own uniform, when he does not, he wears black jeans, a black leather jacket and black military boots, wearing either black, red or white t-shirts. At least, he would be able to wear his everyday clothes in the school, for weekends and holidays.

After they see that it is indeed Ale's Hogwarts letter, Mammon decides to take it and accompany Ale to get his things, deciding to go to the magical alley of Italy. Ale preferred to not have to put a foot in Britain until it was time to go to the school.

Mammon and Ale buy everything that he needs, all of the best quality, because even if nobody said it all of the Varia considered Ale as the prince of the Varia, even Bel.

They were going to leave until Ale stops because of seeing something. Mammon turns to see what had stopped Ale to see a white flame puppy wolf with crimson eyes that seemed to have Cloud flames and at the wolf's side there was another flame puppy wolf which was black with icy blue eyes, this one seemed to have Storm flames. The two wolves seemed to be probably siblings.

Mammon then turns to see Ale to see him already looking at her doing puppy eyes.

Alessandro: Can we please buy them? The Cloud one can be mine and the Storm one Bel's.

As she sees the desperate look in Ale's eyes, she can tell that the wolf is his familiar, which would mean that he will be able to bring him at Hogwarts and at least, for the moment, the wolf can pass as a normal puppy. So, she agrees and now the Varia has two wolves.

Ale names his wolf Crimson, because of his eyes and probably because of his liking to blood and tells the other wolf that his friend will name him. Mammon did not know if Ale understands the wolf or if he was only telling him, not expecting anything.

The two return to the Varia HQ with the two wolves in Ale's arms and the things that they had bought being inside Ale's trunk, currently miniaturized in Ale's pocket.

They enter the HQ and Bel immediately stands in front of them, but before seeing the wolves or greeting them, Ale gives the black wolf to Bel.

Bel, then, sees the wolf on his arms and then to the wolf in Ale's arms and grins, probably feeling their flames, and then announces that his name would be Chisuke, which is a Japanese name. The Varia members of the Cloud and Storm division suddenly shivered, not knowing that now their officers had wolves with Cloud and Storm flames.

1st September 1991

It is finally the day where Ale must go to Britain to start Hogwarts. Ale did not exactly want to go as he should look and act as someone that he isn't, all because it is better if Dumbledore does not know that he has been living with the Varia and working as an official there, even if he probably does not know what the Varia is. At least the others told him that this was only until Xanxus returned then it would be a decision for him, if he wanted to return to the school, if he wanted to return but with his true appearance or if he just wanted to stay with the Varia and finish his studies alone.

Ale says goodbye to the other officers, hugging Bel, as he is his best friend, then leaves with Mammon, who takes him to the train station.

The rest of the Varia are sad because they will not see their prince until Christmas or Summer, but they are also happy that they won't be victims of the psychopathic duo, as only Bel remains here, and he would probably take more missions as Ale is not here.

Meanwhile, Ale, now wearing the glamour, enters the big red train after Mammon leaves and enters the first empty compartment with his puppy wolf, Crimson.

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