Part 4

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His arm is still pressed against mine for what feels like an eternity. Neither of us speak after the small encounter. My shy whisper of a hello was floating in the air as we both looked away, but it didn't feel awkward. It felt comforting. I was looking down at my drink and swirling the ice with my straw, and he was looking forward at the barman who was cleaning off a few glasses whilst rotating the drink in his hand so that the ice clinked against the sides of it. His white shirt felt smooth against my skin as I felt the warmth from his arm, his hip still positioned onto mine. It's not that I didn't want to speak, because I did. And I know he did too. But the overwhelming feeling of being in his presence after 5 years felt oddly overwhelming, and just simply standing here together, with the smallest of touches, felt like enough for now. 

I bought the straw to my mouth and took a sip, the movement of my body causing Austins head to shoot straight down to look at me. His face is soft. His eyes a little red from the copious amounts of alcohol he had been drinking throughout the day. Yet his hair was still perfectly styled. His shirt didn't have so much as a crease. He looked pristine and as handsome as he ever had done. His eyes bore into mine and his mouth parted slowly, like he was about to speak, when we were interrupted by the music going dim.

"Ladies and gentlemen, its time for the first dance" the DJ spoke softly and then the lights dimmed. The only light visible being in the centre of the dance floor, awaiting Danielle and Brads arrival. I leant forward so that I could see past Austin and watched as the hundreds of guest gathered around the dance floor. Some forming a circle around the edges, some taking spot on the closest tables so they could rest their feet and watch in awe. 

Austin turns to me, having twisted his head to watch the ordeal to, and he stands up straight, fixing the dickie bow around his neck. 

"Shall we?" he asks, gesturing his hand outwards and towards the dance floor and taking a step back so I could walk in front. I pick up my drink from the bar and reposition my bag onto my shoulder, before making my way to the dance floor. I weave my way through the crowd, saying quick 'hellos' and 'how are yous' to some of Danielle and Brads family I hadn't had chance to speak to yet, and stop as I get to the front just in time for the newly weds to emerge from beside the DJ booth. They take the centre of the dance floor and and wrap their arms around each other and I feel an immediate warmth through my body. My two best friends who I had known my whole life. It was magical and the entire moment felt so special.

It was cliche, really, that they would chose the song that they did for their first dance, and Danielle had warned me it would be but refused to tell me what it was. Within the first second I understood why. It was a remake of the one and only "cant help falling in love with you", but by Danielle and Brads favourite band, 'twenty one pilots'. I stifle back a chuckle as it begins and bow my head to look down at the floor so that no one else could see, taking a quick sip of my drink.

I look back up at the same time I feel his warmth behind me. My eyes transfixed straight to Danielle, her dress swishing perfectly with the music as Brad spun her around gracefully, a soft laugh playing on her lips. 

I can tell he doesn't know what to do. Can tell he's stood, maybe a little awkwardly. Not too close but close enough that I know he's there. His aftershave dominating the air around us. Its a fair few seconds before I feel his warm hand on the lower portion of my back as he swiftly takes a  step so that he's stood more to my side but still behind me. He lingers again, his hand slowly moving away so all I can feel are his finger tips, before I feel him pinch at my dress ever so slightly, giving it a small tug. My breathe hitches but I take a small step backwards at the same time as he takes a small step forward so my shoulder hits straight into his chest and I feel his hip connected with the back of mine. His hand that was on my lower back slowly taking its way to my opposite shoulder, his palm resting on it lightly. Neither of us speak, we can't, we're watching our best friends on the dance floor as the light washes over them, and I'm glad it's dark so that he can't see the way my cheeks have flushed. 

I promised you. | Austin ButlerWhere stories live. Discover now