Part 15

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We don't make it 30 seconds past his car before we hear the first roll of thunder, my free hand coming up to Austins bare arm as it startles me slightly, and its only 30 seconds after that before the downpour starts. Austin squeezes my hand tightly and quickens his pace as I follow him along the pathway. 

I hadn't noticed the pathways whilst sat in the car, dazed still with sleep. They edge out across the entire car park in different directions, lite up by lightbulb fairy lights illuminating their way above us, tied from tree to tree. It would have been beautiful hadn't the rain appeared making it almost impossible to see anything as we shielded ourselves as much as possible. I could feel my hair sticking to my face, the hood of Austins hoodie too big to use as protection as the wind kept blowing it off of my head, and I could see the drops of rain rolling down his arms and onto our entwined hands. I felt awful for having his hoodie but knew he would refuse to let me give it him back anyway. 

His pace turns into a run, and I'm looking down at the floor to shield myself as much as possible. I don't know what his intentions would be for tonight but all I could think about was a hot bath, a glass of champagne and a cosy night in front of the TV. I hope Austins remembers that that was usually always our rainy day ritual. 

The so called private cottage comes into view. Nothing but trees to be seen as it stands alone, a jet black door with an orange wreath hanging up, despite it not quite being Autumn time yet but even just tonights weather was proof it was making its transition. Theres only one window visible and although I can't figure out what room it looks into, theres a soft orange glow that makes it look like somebody is already inside. I look up at Austin as we walk closer to the doorway but he's preoccupied with pulling out the key from his back pocket, not once letting go of my hand even though it would make his current situation a million times easier if he had both his hands available. When he finally gets hold of the key, he rushes us forward again until we're at the door and the key is in the keyhole before I even have chance to speak, and it makes me laugh. 

"I'm fucking freezing" comes his voice, and I can't help but laugh even harder, because I am too and as much as I want to savour every single second of this weekend before its over, I also want to get inside and into the warmth that it will bring. 

He finally, after much fumbling, unlocks the door and he's pulling me inside within seconds. The warmth and the noise of a fire cracking somewhere close to us is the first thing we hear and I instantly feel relaxed. Instantly feeling like the rain was welcomed for this warmth I feel now. I hear Austin close to the door behind us, and I turn to him as I watch him lock it too, and then he turns and smiles. A smile I had seen so many times but felt so strange to see it now. So strange but so comforting. I can't help but laugh back at him, and he's at my side within a flash, our hands still grasped together since the carpark ordeal. 

"It's not much. But with the circumstances.." he begins, and I give him a warm smile because he doesn't need to carry on. He doesn't need to remind me that this shouldn't be happening, and it will be over before we know it. Because its the top thing on my mind since the second I got into his car on the way here. 

I turn around now, and feel as Austin lets go of my hand and makes his way to the left of me, and I let my eyes wonder around the cottage. 'Not much' is quite the lie. It's everything. It's a beautiful cottage that is clearly old but has been renovated ever so slightly for the odd modern features. The TV thats on the wall, the speakers on the wall, the radiators that black and stylish. But theres still the old beams on the ceilings and the oak floorboards that give it all the character. Its a pop of a champagne bottle that pulls me out of my trance and I look to the left of me to see Austin in the open plan kitchen, with its jet black kitchen worktops and cupboards, stood by the oak table in the centre. He's pouring champagne into a glass and I notice the bucket of ice on the table with a small note. I smile, and wipe my wet shoes on the mat I'm still stood on and make my way over, picking it up. 

I promised you. | Austin ButlerWhere stories live. Discover now