Part 28

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I felt dizzy by the time we parted, a sudden sense of overwhelming coming over me as the music seems to get louder, the chatter of people around us becoming so obvious. Like the moment his lips touched mine the only thing I could focus on was him. Austin Butler. My one and only true love I have ever felt in my life. 

His hand comes to my cheek now as if he notices my expression change, and when I look into his eyes there is an element of concern, like he's noticed my energy shift. But I gather myself and give him a smile, before leaning forward and placing one final small kiss on his lips. 

"That champagne?" I say now, teasing, and he chuckles as he gives me waist a squeeze.

"Coming, my lady." he utters, but he drags his finger down the middle of my chest, goosebumps immediately rising over my skin before he gets to his ring on the chain and gives it a little flick, a smirk coming over his face. I grasp his fingers and pull them away, and raise my eyes brows at him. I only get a chuckle in return. 

"Danielle, champagne?" he utters now to my best friend, who is seated beside her husband and my fellow best friend, a giddy look on her face and a smirk on Brads. 

"Might as well get the bottle, haven't we?" she says in return, and a giggle escapes my lips as I look back at Austin, a playful eye roll coming out. When he looks back at me he takes my hand in his.

"Care to join?" he asks, but he doesn't give me a moment to reply before he spins me round and pulls me out of our booth. 

The music hits even louder as we go across the dance floor, and I don't miss the eyes that stare at us in our trance across to the bar. Austins hands fit mine like a glove and there's no denying I am already intoxicated. The champagne, the nervous feeling on the way here, the giddy feeling at seeing him again, his lips locking to mine. I catch the smiles of a few people as we walk past and I try my hardest to not stumble over as I smile back, an overwhelming feeling coming over me that life would be like this for a long time coming. The eyes, the smiles, and eventually no doubt snares. 

When we reach the bar Austin pulls me to the front, my hips resting on the cold bar surface, and his body collides with me behind me, trapping me in so I can't move as his hands come to the bar either side of me. I run my index finger down his middle finger, and feel as his lips come close to my ear. 

"You look better in that blazer than I do" he whispers, and I only just make out his words above the music and the chatter of people. 

I don't get time to respond before the barmaid comes over, bubbly and free as she takes our order, Austins words vibrating off my back as his chest is so close. I dissociated for a couple of seconds whilst my eyes wonder to the people around us, a group of men staring us down like we are prey. I give them a smile, and one of them gives me a nod before they all turn back around and carry on their chatter, no doubt about us. 

When the barmaid moves over to make our drinks, I turn slightly from his grasps so my back rest on his bar, and his hands come to my hips. 

"We're getting stared at" I say now, and his eyes divert around the bar for a second before they come back to me.

"Is that an issue?" he asks. "We can go somewhere else". And I can tell he's sincere, I can see the slight panic in his eyes as he registers he's being recognised. I smile.

"It's not an issue." I say, and I lean forward to plant a kiss on his lips before turning back around in time to see my glass of champagne. I take it and gulp down in 3, wincing as the harsh taste hits the back of my throat. When I place it down the barmaid is looking at me with raised eyebrows before she looks to Austin.

I promised you. | Austin ButlerWhere stories live. Discover now