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Working at water seven was a pleasure you were in charge of keeping stocks and maintaining the distribution. You were walking around with the notebook in your hand. Taking records had become a force of habit to make sure everything was in place at your big brother's company. He had worked so hard after Tom had died and you also wanted to contribute and not be some sort of dead weight to the family you were just a baby when most things happened so you realised that this might help only even if it was a little.

You missed Franky a whole lot but maybe it was best for him to be doing his own thing for the time being. You were approaching Lucci to ask him some questions which he wouldn't verbally answer anyway when the Mr Iceberg called you to his office.

After the short walk you had closed the large doors behind you. Even Khalifa who you had grown close to was not allowed into the room at the time.

"Please have a seat." You complied and he got some photographs of some men and lets just say you were beyond confused.

"Are they going to be new suppliers or something? Honestly I don't get what I'm looking at."

"Well just point to one of them," They were all quite handsome to be fair but whatever. You pointed to one with brown hair and some enchanting green eyes.

"This one here."

"Okay good, go home early and get ready for the date later this evening."

" Wait but ice you know that I want to wait until.."

"Nope. I'm concerned for your future you should have already settled down and I should be an uncle by now. I can't protect you from everything."

"I can learn to fight."

" You need some form of protection."

Your brother didn't know of your natural ability to control things and read minds. You didn't read minds because it was a rude invasion of their privacy.


"No just go  on this one for me please."

"Okay fine."

I can't believe he guilt tripped once again into going for these dates. The last one was honestly a horrible experience but it had to be done to stop the insistent nagging.

I diligently continued with whatever tasks I had for the day and it was finally time to leave. As I was walking away Paulie stopped me .
"Hey Paulie what's up"
"Not much I'm about to go to the ol' place and was wondering if you wanted to come with."

"I'm going somewhere, raincheck?"

"Yeah. Have fun."

He walked away swinging his rope looking all giddy and you smiled as he walked away realising that you also had to go home and get ready for the so called date.

You wore something simple not trying to do too much and left.
You arrived at the restaurant your brother so cheerily informed you of . You walked in and saw a man well built calling you over. You walked towards the brunette and sat down . Looking him up and down you realised he was actually quite handsome maybe Iceberg was right and this could go well.

You thanked the waiter for the menu and you began to read over it .

"I'm Jake miss L/n you really are pretty even more beautiful than the photograph I was bestowed. "
He took your hand and placed a kiss on the outside ever so delicately.

"It's a pleasure to meet you"
You were so confused by the random chivalry and lost for words but only for a little while.
"Oh the pleasure is all mine."

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