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You had been staying at this place for a while now obviously against your will but still did so to prevent the others from getting hurt. You wondered how Wiper and the rest were doing. You were part of the Shandia who unlucky got caught. Wearing a pretty dress and feeding fruit to this bastard was not how you pictured you'd been spending your days. You wanted to continue training your haki but you could only do so little by little especially with the blondie whose ears were dragging on the floor bossing everyone around. Everybody was scared even those so called soldiers of 'god'. The ladies were scared shitless and you just wanted to leave. This would be your third attempt at escaping and the they always say third times a charm. While the priests were away and Enel was busy you took this chance to get out. You walked outside to the cloudy area and there were a gew guards most working out of necessity and few out of loyalty. You did the best to your ability to hide any presence that you were even in the area. You were tiptoeing holding on to your dress in case of missing a step and tripping over. You were just about to jump off the clouds and pray that you landed in the white sea when lightning struck right in your field of vision. Well shit.

"And where do you think you're going?" Enel was standing questioning my motives.

"Well to serve you all great one I require fresh air to be at the top of my game. Shall we return to the not so humble abode?" He raised his eyebrow at that. The accent was enough to prove that whatever spoken was oh so far from the truth.

"You were trying to escape. No?"
"Yes I was ahh let's just get whatever punishment you have over with." He was shocked people didn't speak to him with such blatant disrespect and disregard. He was gonna make you work extra hard.

"Come." You tailed behind him looking around making a mental note of everything in order to plan the next escape route with precision.

"I know this isn't the first time......
Y/n. The other times some guards and a priest caught you." How did this Eminem wannabe even know my name? Well that doesn't matter but I'll just have to see what kind of punishment I'll get.

You guys were back in the main room and be sat while you stood awaiting judgement. "You will help in building the Ark Maxim that is to reach the endless vearth. Men usually do the work but I believe in gender equality so I'm sending you there."

You couldn't help but slightly giggle. Is he really gonna send you to build stuff this is a gift you  could easily grow stronger this way leading to a more successful escape. While you were imagining all you would do there. Enel cleared his throat to get your attention cause clearly you weren't listening.

"One more thing if you aren't working there you will constantly be where I am." This motherfu-

"It's to ensure you don't run away."

"Sir. It's boring work couldn't you just give it to some random guard or something."

"I know you will easily escape so no complaining. Okay you can go
help on construction now but come back immediately."

You went to the room where the building was happening and then you were led to the manager of the project. "So you'll help carry the heavy stuff I've heard this is punishment so we won't go easy. And you cant wear that here change into these." He threw some overalls at you. "Oh and beware of perverts seeing as you're the only lady here and a pretty one at that. I'm leaving the room so you can change."

You thought how you actually might like that manager. You began to carry stuff coating your hand in armament haki lest you get a splinter. Observation to hear what's happening outside here and some conquerors when someone tried to flirt. The all body strength improvement was great. Soon the day was over and you had to head back.

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