Chapter 2

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Barry stirred slightly to the light filtering in from the sunlight. Instinctively, he reached around the bed, groping for the two alphas who had so kindly helped him through this horrid heat. His movements began to become more frantic as he felt nothing but cold spots. He sat up sharply, eyes darting wildly around the room. All he found was his clothes, huddled up in a neat pile near the bathroom door, a note sitting on top of the pile.

Standing up slowly, he stretched sore muscles and groaned at the feeling of dry cum that coated his stomach and thighs.

Silently, he went over to the pile and picked up the note, his eyes scanning over the contents carefully.

Had to run. Thanks for the fun. Until next time - Mick Rory

Sighing, he grabbed his clothes and went into the bathroom, passing the long bathroom mirror as he checked out his body. He stopped short though when he noticed an odd scar on his neck. He leaned in, his breath hitching as he stared at the bite-shaped scar embedded deep within the skin.

"They gave me a fucking mate bite?" he practically shrieked as he stared closely at the mark, his fingers coming up to touch it. As soon as he pressed against it, feelings filtered into his body, anger, disappointment, dread, fear, none of which were his own.

"Must be the asshole who bit me," he grunted as he touched it again, shoving his own emotions bitterly through the new bond and to whoever it was who had left the permanent mark on his body.

Turning away briskly, he stepped into the shower and allowed the warm water to wash away his anger as well as the evidence of what had taken place.

After he was clean, he dried himself off and quickly pulled on his clothes, flashing out of the abandoned safety house and down the street, heading back to Star Labs.

His comm crackled to life as he ran, Cisco's frantic voice calling his name over and over again.

"Guys, I'm fine," he assured them through the comm. "I promise. I just had a private matter to attend to."

"With Captain Cold and Heatwave?" came Cisco's sarcastic tone and Barry snorted.

"Heck no, guys. I couldn't handle them at the moment. I had to leave them behind and go home," he lied as he rounded the corner of the driveway leading up to the Star Labs building.

He flashed inside and flashed out of the suit and into a shirt, sweatpants, and a sweatshirt before finding his way to the cortex, Cisco and Caitlin waiting for him.

"Sooo, you gonna tell us what this private matter was?" Cisco asked, his eyebrow raised in an attempt to look like he truly didn't care.

"I went through a heat, if you really must know," Barry responded sharply, his chin jutting up in an attempt to keep from looking upset.

"And it only lasted a day? Don't heats usually last longer? I may not be an expert on omegas but, I thought they were longer."

"They are if you don't have the speed force running in your veins. Can we please not talk about this right now?" Barry snapped as he began to rub his temple in annoyance.

"Yeah, sorry. I'm gonna go over there and mind my own business," Cisco murmured as he walked away. Caitlin came up to Barry and gently looked over his face, her eyes trailing down his neck slowly before landing on the slightly exposed bite mark on his shoulder.

"I need to run some tests real quick, Barry. Care to join me?" she asked carefully and the omega sighed, knowing he really had no other option than to follow her. She led him out of the room and down the halls to a more private lab space, her hand never leaving his as she guided him in and to a bed.

"How long ago?" she asked, pointing to the mark on his neck.

"Last night," he admitted, brushing his hands through his hair in an attempt to soothe his unraveling nerves.

"Barry, did you have sex with Snart or Rory?" she asked gently and he looked everywhere but her face in an attempt to not see her disappointment when he answered.

"Um, both."


"Yeah. I couldn't help it. I took one step into the bank and boom, I couldn't control myself anymore."

"Were you safe?"

Finally, he looked back at her face and only found concern and kindness.

"Y-yeah. They both wore condoms."

She nodded and leaned back.

"Do you know who bit you?"

With this, he shook his head "no" and felt the tears pricking at his eyes again.

"They were gone when I woke up so I didn't really get the chance to ask."

A hand enveloped his hand and he looked back up at Caitlin, unaware that he had dropped his head in the first place, and she smiled at him gently.

"Don't worry, Barry. Everything will be fine, I promise."

He smiled back at her and they embraced gently, worries over the situation slowly dissipating.

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