Chapter 6

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Barry sat nervously in the chair . He watched as Caitlin tugged over the ultrasound equipment, multiple wands already gloved and ready to be used. He hated this part, hated how he had to prop up his knees so that she could push the wand into his "mangina", a term Len had started to use whenever they had one of these appointments.

He began to wring his hands nervously, his eyes following Caitlin's hands. To his surprise, she grabbed up a wand sitting off to the side as she smiled gently at him.

"Don't worry Barry. You're far enough along now that we can use this wand instead. I'll have you pull up your shirt, please. Then I'll squirt some gel on your stomach and, using this wand, we'll be able to see your little bean."

Barry nodded slowly, hiking his shirt up, and licked his lips as he watched Caitlin grab out a tube of gel.

"It'll be just a little cold," she warned before squirting it onto his slowly growing bump, eliciting a squeal from the omega. "Sorry," she murmured apologetically and he smiled at her, shaking his head.

"You warned me."

"That I did."

She pressed the wand into his stomach, not enough to actually hurt but enough to be mildly uncomfortable. She moved the wand around a bit before nodding with a soft "gotcha".

She flipped a couple of switches on the ultrasound and then Barry heard his most favorite sound in the world, his baby's heartbeat. It was strong and soothing to him, telling him that he could relax because his baby was perfectly fine.

Caitlin clicked her mouse a couple of times, her face fully focused on what she was doing, and Barry waited impatiently to see his baby.

"I'm late! I'm sorry!" a voice started from the door and the speedster looked over to see Len walking in, a sack in his hands.

"No, no. You're right on time," Caitlin responded softly. "I was just finishing up getting what I needed. Then you guys can see your baby."

"That include me too?" a second voice piped in and Barry smiled, holding a hand out to motion Mick over.

"Of course. You're part of this too, whether you like it or not."

The two gathered around Barry, their eyes watching the screen intently as Caitlin patiently pointed out the body and head of their little one. As she printed off the ultrasound pictures, Barry talked with his two mates, discussing small details like nursery placement and when a good time to go baby shopping would be.

"Hey Caitlin, when can we find out the gender?" Barry suddenly asked and the young woman turned back towards him, a gentle smile on her face as she took in the trio's eagerness for the answer.

"You'll be able to find out at the next ultrasound. Are you sure you want to find out, though? I think Iris was saying something the other day about a gender reveal. That'd be a fun way for you guys to find out."

Barry thought for a moment, his head turning back to Len and Mick as if asking their opinions.

"It's up to you, doll," the hot head grumbled, causing Barry to grin at the two of them.

"We can wait. A gender reveal sounds kind of fun."

"Well, alright then. Baby Flash is growing perfectly. We're done here if you want to get cleaned off."

"Baby Flash?" Barry questioned, his eyebrow raising in a smirk. Caitlin shrugged, her cheeks turning red with embarrassment.

"That's what everyone's been calling your baby. Baby Flash. It's kind of caught on."

Barry snorted, a half grin pulling at his lips, and cleaned his belly off with the offered towel as Caitlin handed the ultrasound pictures to Len.

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