Chapter 7

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Barry stirred to the faint feeling of fingers brushing against his stomach, rubbing at the ticklish skin under his shirt. Turning over, he smiled as his gaze landed on Len's gaze, a sleepy haze fogging his mind up a bit.

"Whatcha feeling for? You do know it's too early for kicks, right?" he murmured and his alpha smirked, rubbing his belly once again.

"It doesn't hurt to try and feel it. I want to be the first one to know," the alpha responded back and the speedster smirked, turning fully around so that his back was to Mick's, and gently cupped Len's cheek.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'll probably be the first one to feel this little one kick," he whispered and his alpha simply rolled his eyes, knowing that Barry was right with this particular subject.

"Still, I want to be the first person who isn't you to feel our baby kick and move."

"That's a deal. What time is it? I should probably get up and start getting around for work."

Len stretched, turning his head so that he could read the time on the alarm clock.

"It's still early. How about you just cuddle with Mick and relax and I'll go fix you some breakfast. Deal?"

"Deal," the omega answered with a quick nod, and Len climbed out of bed, locating some boxers and pajama bottoms on the floor, having been discarded the night before during their little love session.

That was one perk to Barry being pregnant; he was very horny. If Len wasn't shoved inside of him, Mick was and vice versa. It was kind of nice, getting to have so much sex with the scarlet speedster. It almost made it easy to forget that they had been archenemies almost five months prior. Almost.

Len shot another glance at the four month pregnant omega, already starting to cuddle closer to Mick's warm body, before heading out of the room and down the staircase to the small kitchenette. He located the eggs, pulling out two whole cartons, as well as two loaves of bread and a box of pancake batter.

While fixing enough breakfast for the pregnant speedster as well as himself and Mick, the man's thoughts strayed to the events leading up to Barry's pregnancy, 'what if's' scenarios playing over and over in his mind. What would life look like if Len hadn't ever mate bit or impregnated the scarlet speedster? Would Len and Mick be in prison at this time, thinking of more ways to escape and cause havoc? Or would they have escaped the bank heist? If Barry had known before arriving on the scene that he was in heat, would he have shown up? What would he have done to work past his heat on his own?

Shaking his head, Len reminded himself of all the good things that had come out of this whole situation. Barry had practically allowed them to join the family, treating them as well as he could, being their omega. He had even managed to wipe both of their criminal histories from the police database, allowing them to stay free so that they could stay with him. They were lucky that this whole thing had happened.

Still, Len's mind flashed back to the moment he had decided to abandon the omega, the bitterness and guilt still laying heavily on his consciousness. What had he been thinking about that made him leave behind his newly pregnant mate? His father. He had been thinking of his father. Fear and anger had been so fresh in him, so controlling of his actions and thoughts. He had been terrified that if he had remained with the speedster, he would turn into his father. He still was.

Fear held him in its tight, cold claws, forcing him to be cautious and careful around the pregnant omega. At times, it even forced him to remain cold and icy towards Barry, hurting the omega in certain instances. And yet, the young man still loved him as if he was the only thing in the world for him.

Finishing the breakfast, he loaded it onto the table, spreading everything out before setting plates, silverware, and cups at their spots. He was just placing the last jug of orange juice on the table when Mick came down the stairs, Barry in his arms.

"Hey Lenny, breakfast ready yet?" the man asked and Len nodded, waving an arm at all the food.

"Of course it is. Come on over and dig in."

Mick sat Barry down in his seat before climbing into his own and Len sat down, pulling himself close to the table.

"Try to save some for us this time, Scarlett," Len teased and the young man across from him blushed, puckering his lip in a pout.

"I can't help it, Lenny," he whined as he began to set pancakes on his plate. "I'm carrying your child. I'm more hungry than I used to be."

Len chuckled and they all dug into the large breakfast, eating their fill. By the time they were finishing their first helping, Barry was slowing down on his fifth, a look of complete satisfaction washing over his face.

"You've got work today, right?" Len asked and the brunette CSI looked back at him, nodding slowly.

"Yeah. I don't think it'll be a very busy day, though. I got all caught up yesterday on my paperwork. Unless someone brings in something, I don't think I'll be staying late."

"Good. I was thinking of having lunch with you today and then, after you get off, we could go pick out colors for our baby's nursery."

Barry perked up, a smile brightening his features, and Len felt his heart flutter, a weird feeling taking over his guilt and worry. An urge burned in the back of his mind, an urge to always keep that smile on his omega's face. He never wanted to live another day without seeing that perfect lopsided grin that made him melt.


The work day went by in a dull blur for Barry, the only fun being when Len stopped by for lunch, as he had promised. He was wearing one of Barry's sweatshirts, a pair of black sunglasses covering his eyes and a mask pulled up over his chin, mouth, and nose, disguising his features. He had brought in two large bags full of Big Belly Burger food, most of which Barry had consumed on the spot.

After his shift ended, Len was there to pick him up, immediately taking him to the nearest store with paint samples.

"Lenny, shouldn't we wait to find out the gender before we pick colors out?" Barry asked, clinging gently to his side as alphas and betas walked passed, and Len opened their bond, allowing the emotions of his omega to wash over him. He smirked and turned towards the young man, pulling him close and kissing him gently.

"Barr, you need to relax. No one is going to steal you. I've already claimed you. You know that alphas don't go after mated omegas."

Barry hummed, his gaze seeking out Len's, and the alpha smirked, tugging him closer to the paint samples.

"Now, why don't you pick out different ones for both genders?" he asked and the young omega nodded, looking up and down the rows of colors, his eyes searching closely as his hand moved down unconsciously to rest against his bump.

"I like these," he murmured, tugging out a coral pink and a soft bluish teal. He held them up together, inspecting them, and nodded, turning back to his mate. "Instead of waiting to find out, could we just make the baby's nursery beach themed?"

Len took in the way his blue eyes seemed to widen, taking in a begging puppy-like look, and broke down, chuckling.

"Yes, Scarlett. We can do that. You're pregnant so you shouldn't do any of the painting or be in there when the paint is wet but Mick and I can do that. You just tell us how you want it to be."

Barry nodded and grinned, pleased with his decision on what to paint the room. They spent the rest of the day checking out items they would need as well as decorations that they could add to the baby's room that would match the omega's theme.

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