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"You can't ignore him forever." Hermione chuckled, as we took our seats in professor Snape's class. 

"I can try my best." I chuckled. 

I now kept Hermione updated on Draco, and where we stood. 

She knew I was upset with him. 

It was nice that Hermione didn't mind Draco.  I was glad he grew on her.  

She let me vent to her often, which was nice.  

Draco walked into the classroom. 

He smiled devilishly, as he sat in the chair next to me. 

Draco was doing everything in his power, to get under my skin. 

He wanted to me in my eye sight at all times.

He wanted to occupy every thought that crossed my mind. 

Draco wanted his name to rattle in every one of my bones. 

"He's not gonna let you win." Hermione whispered to me. 

I huffed, as I opened my text book loudly.

Draco knew I was annoyed, which caused his grin to grow, as he opened his text book and his note book.

We were supposed to read over a chapter this class, and take notes on it.

After a few minutes of reading and taking notes, a small note floated over and landed on my text book. 

You can't ignore me, darling.  You know it too. - Mr Malfoy

I flipped the page over, causing the note to get buried in the pages of my text book. 

I pretended I didn't see it, as I continued to read. 

Another note floated onto my book.

Do you like my bracelet, love? - Mr Malfoy


I looked over at Draco, with a confused look on my face. 

Draco pulled his sleeve up slowly, revealing a small piece of black lace tied around his wrist. 

I flipped the note over, and wrote on the back of it. 

It looks like you tied a piece of string on your arm.  Why would you do that?

I blew a soft breath on the note. 

It floated over to Draco, softly landing on the desk in front of him. 

He read it, before sticking it in the pocket of his robe. 

Draco quickly scribbled another note down, before sending it my way. 

It's black lace from your panties, the night I ripped them off.  I wear it as a prize. 

It reminds me of how good you feel. - Mr Malfoy

My eyes got wide, and my cheeks grew hot, as I read the note. 

Draco was wearing a piece of my torn underwear around his wrist. 

My heart began to beat below my stomach. 

"Passing notes I see!" Snape announced, quickly grabbing the paper. 

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