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I opened the cabinet, and pulled out a house elf. 

I held him up by his clothes. 

"Dobby.... you're a lot scarier than I remember." I said holding him at arms length. 

"Put me down, you filthy mudblood!" The thing spat at me. 

"That's not Dobby, that's Kreacher." Harry took the elf from me.  

"It was the Black's house elf." Hermione chimed in. 

"You've been spying on us, have you?" I asked him. 

"Kreacher has been watching." The house elf said. 

"Maybe he knows where the real locket is." Hermione mentioned. 

Harry reached into his pocket, and pulled out the locket. 

"Have you ever seen this before? Kreacher?" Harry dangled the locket in front of Kreacher's face. 

"Mhmmm..." Kreacher paused for a moment, "it's master Regulus's locket."

"There's two of them, isn't there? Where's the other one?"

"Kreacher doesn't know where the other one is." The house elf groaned. 

"It was in this house, wasn't it?" I asked Kreacher. 

"Filthy mudblood!" Kreacher screamed at me. 

"Why you little-" I reached out for the house elf, but Ron pulled me back. 

Harry glared at Kreacher. 

"Yes, a most evil object." Kreacher replied. 

"How do you mean?" Harry asked him. 

"Before master Regulus died, he ordered me to destroy it.... no matter how hard Kreacher tried, it wouldn't break." Kreacher let his head drop down a little as he talked. 

"Did someone take it?" Hermione asked the house elf. 

"Someone came last night, didn't they? They took the locket?" Harry said.  

"Yes, and other things."


"Mudungus Fletcher." Kreacher spat. 

Harry let Kreacher down. 

He dusted himself off as he stood there. 

"Find him." Harry ordered Kreacher. 

Kreacher snapped his fingers, and disappeared. 

"He's a little rat, that one." I spat as I walked back over to where we were laying.  

"A vile little thing." Hermione joined in. 

"Don't take it personally." Harry reassured us. 

"Tell the little weasel not to make it personal then." I laid down on the floor.  


We had been awakened by Kreacher, and Dobby lugging in Mudungus Fletcher. 

Mudungus had admitted that he had given the locket to the one and only... Umbridge. 

With a little bit of polyjuice potion, we were able to retrieve the locket... it was a lot harder than I sounds.  

Hermione had to flash us out of there. 

In the mix of flashing us out, Ron got spliced. 

Luckily, Hermione had a few tricks in her bag. 

She was able to heal Ron's arm, some what, and she even had a tent. 

We charmed the area in the woods we were in, anyone outside of the small area couldn't see us. 


In the early hours of the morning, I was woken up suddenly. 

I felt something rub my lower leg. 

I opened my eyes slowly. 

A shadow sat at the foot of my bed. 

I slowly pushed myself up into a sitting position. 

As my eyes adjusted to the darkness of the tent, I could barely make out a face.  

The face of Draco Malfoy. 

"Ahhh!" I screamed, closing my eyes tightly. 

Everyone woke up in a panic. 

Ron lit up the room. 

"What's wrong?!" Hermione yelled. 

I opened my eyes slowly. 

Draco was gone.  

"He- he was there!" I yelled between my heavy breaths. 

My heart felt like it was going to explode.  

My skin was boiling hot. 

"You look like you've seen a ghost." Harry looked over at me.  

I could feel the color was drained from my face.   

"Who, and where?" Hermione asked me seriously. 

"Draco, at the end of my bed." I pointed to the food of my bed. 

"No one's there." Hermione gave me a confused look. 

"Hermione, I swear he was there.   I saw him sitting by my feet." I replied as I caught my breath. 

"Are you sure it wasn't a dream?" Ron asked me sarcastically. 

"Shut up, Ronald!" Hermione yelled at him. 

"He touched my leg." I bit my finger nails. 

Harry got up from his bed.  He walked over to mine, and sat next to me. 

"He can't get us, no one can.   We charmed the place.    No one can get in. " Harry spoke quietly. 

A concerned look spread across Hermione's face, as I looked up at her.  

She knows I'm not lying. 

She knows I saw something. 

Ron looked at me annoyed, as he flopped back down in his bed. 

"I need some fresh air." I huffed. 

I grabbed my wand, and a cigarette.  

I walked out of the tent, and sat by a tree inside the perimeter of the charms.  

I lit my cigarette and took long drags from it.  

The night air was cold, it felt good. 

Hermione quietly walked out of the tent, and sat next to me.  

"I know what I saw Hermione, I know what I felt." I looked at the ground as I talked.  

"I know...." She whispered, "I just don't know how he would have gotten in."

"I don't know, but we've gotta move spots.   He knows where we are.  Who knows if he would tell... you know who." I replied. 

"We will move in the morning, by foot." Hermione smiled. 

"They think I'm crazy, don't they." I forced a laugh. 

"We're all crazy." Hermione nudged me with her elbow. 

"I just down understand why he would come here, Hermione.   He knows it's not safe.   Draco knows I don't want to see him." I quickly finished my cigarette. 

"It's not the fact that you don't want to see him, it's the fact that you know you shouldn't, there's a difference." Hermione words stabbed at my chest, and made my throat tight.  

"Either way, it's not easy." I shook my head. 

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