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That next morning, I was woken up by Hermione shaking me.  

"I heard talking, outside." She told me. 

We both went outside, to find Ron and Harry. 

They were both soaking wet, and shivering cold. 

Ron stood there smiling, with the sword of gryffindor and the destroyed Horcrux in hand. 

"Hi." Ron gave Hermione a small wave. 

Hermione looked at me, then back at them.  

She ran up to him. 

"Complete ass, Ronald Weasley!" Hermione yelled, hitting him on the shoulder.  

"Ouch!" He yelled. 

"You don't show up after weeks, and all you can say is 'hi'?" Hermione questioned. 

"You guys aren't easy to find. I wanted to come back as soon as I left, but I didn't know where to look." Ron replied. 

"I want my wand, Harry." Hermione quickly said.  

Harry shoved it in his back pocket, and stepped away from her. 

"What happened to Harry's wand?" Ron asked.  

"Never mind that!" Hermione yelled at him.  

"How did you find us?" Harry asked Ron.  

Ron pulled out his illuminator. 

"With this, it doesn't just find light.   I opened it, after I out ran some snatchers.   I heard a voice.  Your voice, Hermione.  It lead me here!" Ron and Hermione smiled at each other as he talked.  

"So you casted the petronus that lead to the sword?" Harry asked Ron. 

"Wasn't me, mate. I thought it was you, Harry. Let's go inside, I'm freezing." Ron spoke, and we all began walking in.  

"It wasn't me, mines a stag." Harry replied. 

They both looked at me, as we entered the tent.  

"Mines a rabbit, and I was sleeping." I said quietly.  

I sat down on one of the couches, as the boys changed.  Hermione went and sat in a different room, probably to think.  

That's what she always does, think.

The boys quickly came back, and sat at both of my sides. 

"I'm sorry, about all that stuff I said." Ron told me.  

"It's whatever." I scuffed and shook my head.  

"Oh Harry, you said you don't have a wand?" Ron asked, as he dug though his pockets. 

He pulled out a random wand, and handed it to Harry. 

"Where did you get this?" Harry asked him.  

"Took it from a snatcher that attacked me, come of them aren't very bright." Ron chuckled. 

After we all settled in, we made a group decision. 
We decided to go see Luna's dad.  They said he had some sort of symbol around his neck.  This symbol Hermione keeps seeing. 

He explained it was the symbol of the deathly hallows. 

After he was finished explaining, we were attacked by deatheaters. 

Luna's father had called them over. 

Only because they took Luna, and he thought that selling us out would get her back.  

The four of us were able to get out of there, just in time.  

"Can we trust anyone?!" Ron yelled as we got back to the forest of Dean. 

"He was desperate." Harry replied.  

I looked up, and saw multiple men had surrounded us.  

"Oh, fuck!" I said.

Shit, shit, shit!

"Snatchers." Ron said, as we all stood there. 

"Well, come on! Snatch them!" One of the snatchers yelled. 

With quick thinking, I grabbed the jar from my necklace, and threw it at the ground.  

The glass exploded as it hit the ground, and the Peruvian Instant Darkness Power threw dark clouds of smoke into the air.  

The four of us went running. 

We ran through the trees and jumped over rocks, as the snatchers chased after us closely.  

They casted at us, as we ran though the rough terrain. 

One of their spells hit me, binding my hands and feet together in chains.  

"Shit!" I screamed, as I smacked the hard ground. 

The right side of my face hit a rock. 

The skin on my forehead and cheek split open, and blood began to pour. 

One of the snatchers picked me up by the arms, and dragged me along with him.  

He dragged me until he met up with his other snatchers.  

They had captured Ron, Hermione, and Harry.  

Harry's face was all puffy and distorted. 

The snatchers took our wands, and everything we had in out pockets.  

They took Hermione's bag. 

"Who are you guys?" The main snatcher asked us. 

"Dudley Vernon." Harry quickly said.

We all gave the snatchers fake names. 

One of them looked through their list. 

"I don't see any of those names on here." One of them announced. 

"You got the wrong people." Harry told them.  

The head snatcher walked up to Harry, and lifted his hair up with his wand, which revealed his scar. 

The snatchers eyes lit up.  

"Second thought, we aren't going to take these ones to the ministry." The snatcher smirked.  

They quickly flashed us out of the forest.  

We appeared at a large dark house, with a long driveway.  

They undid the chains on my hands and legs.  

Each of us were held by a snatcher, as they escorted us down the driveway.  

As we reached the tall metal gate, there stood Bellatrix.  

The head snatcher lifted Harry's hair again, to reveal his scar.  

Bellatrix smiled, and opened the gate. 

"Where are we?" I whispered to Hermione, as we reached the front door of the house.  

"No talking!" The snatcher that held me yelled, and smacked the back of my head. 

"Malfoy Manor." She whispered back.  

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