Chapter 1:Kyran

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-Each chapter changes perspectives so be sure to check the title!
I darted through the halls as screams pierced the rigid air, echoing off of the porcelain hallway as if it were their last dying efforts to attempt to haunt me in the night. The moon's light casted shadows as it shone through the window, however much the windows would let in anyways. It lit up the checkered tiles on the ground and complemented the polished statues lined neatly against the walls.
"Dion!" I yelled, "I've come to protect..." I kicked open his door and stopped immediately, "you."
I sighed and looked at Nehemiah questioningly. My teammate was standing above Dion, the crown prince of the Angel kingdom, and was currently holding him down with his body weight. The man was large, his intellect the only thing that could surpass his mass, Dion didn't stand a chance.
Nehemiah looked at me and smiled awkwardly.
"So uh, I can explain.."
I crossed my arms and tapped them against my forearms expectantly.
"Dion tried to leave, me and Laranora stepped in to stop him. The others have the palace on lockdown, no one is getting in or out, just like you planned, sir."
"Good work guys,'' I added and looked at Laranora who was perched on the windowsill. Her blonde hair hung loosely beside her face and complimented her olive green eyes. She looked at me brightly and smiled from underneath her mask.
"Hi," she chimed.
I nodded back and looked at Dion who was thrashing around underneath Nehemiah with eyes that tried to stare through my soul.
"Remove the wings, it's unnecessary weight. Then drag him to the foyer. The princess and King are in there as of right now. The king is unconscious and the princess already secured."
"Understood." Nehemiah removed a knife from his hand and grabbed Dion's arm.
Dion screamed into the sock in his mouth in protest but Laranora jumped to the ground and helped Nehemiah flip him over and hold down his wings.
His shrieking tickled my ears as blood began to seep through the back of his white blouse. Nehemiah impatiently cut through the bone with his knife that had a special edge made specifically for this reason. He'd designed it himself, as he does with most of our weapons. He really is quite good at it.
"Let's get going then," I ordered once it was all over.
Nehemiah and Laranora both dragged the silent prince behind me and we quickly walked through the hallway.
Dead bodies decorated the large hallways, our footsteps were the only things that filled the silence as we stared at the recognizable soldiers. Many who we killed. I recognized more than half of them. All soldiers that I had trained and grew up with. Some almost like brothers to me...almost. Although I felt a bit of regret, they would understand if they knew our cause. We are working towards something so much greater than ourselves. A new world.
The foyer wasn't too far away. Just five doors down. Once we arrived, I opened the large doors and welcomed Laranora, Nehemiah, and Dion in. I then shut the doors and walked over towards the middle of it, where the three remaining royals were now sitting.
Dion looked at his unconscious father and sobbing sister and looked as if he was going to cry himself. Fear was evident on his face, as it should have been, I would be in shock if I were in his shoes too.
I cracked my knuckles and walked over to them.
"Welcome to the family reunion guys."
After gesturing to Laranora, she removed the gag from princess Naomi-my current fiancée- and Dion's mouth.
Dion spat at me as soon as she did so.
"You traitor! What have you done! My Wings and my family!??"
I rolled my eyes and waved it off.
"I've done what was necessary."
"You've killed the guards and tied up the royal family, do you know the consequen-"
"Yeah i do," I interrupted, "too bad there won't be a royal family by the end of this."
His mouth hung agape. His body shook before me. His sister, who gave me a hateful glare, was struggling in her binds beside him. The royal family was now a wreck, at last, things were going the right way.
My lips curved up into a smile.
Dion instinctively clenched his jaw. His eyes and chest began to glow red and powerful tension stood in the air.
Calmly, I tossed Laranora an enchanted mask walked over to the sleeping king.
"Subdue our crown prince please."
"Will do, sir." Laranora caught the mask and assisted Nehemiah in stopping the crown prince from shooting my head off with rays of intense power.
Once the mask was on, his power faded and all that was left were the shards of trust he had in me and the curses that spewed from his mouth and into my eardrums. Part of me nudged me to stop, to question what I was doing, to remember who I was hurting, but I reminded myself of the guilt that the royal family has. No one is above justice.
I ignored him and returned to my task at hand. The king was lying on his stomach, his sharp and youthful face pressed against the cold ground. I had to flip the man over in order to reach his chest, his core. That was what I needed.
The princess' voice quaked as she yelled the words, 'please dont!' I parted the king's cloak and stared at the turquoise colored core that had the power to harness the air. Its sleek edges reflected the moonlight that was cascading into the room beautifully.
A cool sensation spreads through my sleeve as crystals formed on my arm. The first power I got when I stole a core to test out my theory, a man's ability to manipulate crystals. The icy blue crystals formed a claw around my hand with sharp tips able to rip nearly anything apart.
I thrust my hand into the King's chest and ripped the core from his flesh. The core flashed and returned back to its turquoise color. The king's body however, didn't have the same reaction.
His flesh turned grey, and soon did his whole body, it hardened and became like stone. With just a tap of my icy finger, his body turned to ashes, the tyrannical king was now gone.
" could you. You- you killed my father!!" Naomi screamed at me.
Her periwinkle hair made her look like she'd been mauled. The bob was frizzy and all over the place. Her fair skin was pale and her eyes sunken into her skull. Her face was swollen from crying and her voice hoarse from screaming.
Dion screamed along with her, until Laranora punched him in the diaphragm that is. It certainly shut him up. She packs quite the punch. I've fought her in our training here at the palace before, she is one of their-was- one of their best in combat.
"Finally peace and quiet, thank you Lara."
I walked over to the princess and knelt down before her. My eyes drifted down to her glowing fingers and the cuffs that glowed in return. Her wrists were clearly bruised and swollen from her struggle.
"Best not to fight you know, the cuffs are specially designed to stop you." I tilted her chin up so that I could stare right into her eyes as I killed her.
"I will," she seethed through a tight jaw, "never stop trying, you monster."
I shrugged, "suit yourself."
My icy claw brushed her hair behind her ear as her eyes desperately tried to avoid staring straight at mine, looking anywhere but my own face. Annoyance flashed in my eyes, I could list a book full of things I disliked about her. Truth be told, I didn't want to be engaged to her in the first place.
"You know, I'm sorry this all came down to this." I smiled, my eyes betraying my words.
"I'll fucking kill you!!" she screamed.
I scowled in disgust, "goodbye, princess."
I ripped her core out just as I ripped the king's out. Her body went slack and slumped to the ground, a gasp barely managing to escape from her mouth before her death. Her lips parted slightly and her eyes gazed endlessly at the chandelier above us. The back of her head slightly indented from hitting the ground, her gown now misshapen from the broken stone inside of it. Her porcelain fair skin was marred with tears, directly opposed to the dark skin that her brother had, marred with his own blood.
"Easier than I thought." I looked at the core I'd just collected.
Naomi had a cream colored core that resembled quarts. Veins of electricity ran through it and appeared on the surface like tendrils. Much like the power in her fingers, they were dying to get out and create a storm.
"What did you do to her??!!" Dion elbowed Laranora and tried to get up.
"Dion! Big mistake," She slammed his face into the ground.
I interrupted her and gestured for her to move away.
"No need to fight now you two. Naomi has joined her father."
"Princess to you!"
"Not anymore. Dion."
I stood up and went before Dion. His body tensed in my presence. I stuffed the two cores in my pocket and removed a small needle with a red liquid in its vial.
"Get away from me!"
"How about, no." I stuck the needle in his left arm and watched his body have a seizure on the ground.
Dark red veins spread for the area the liquid was injected. He had a coughing fit and began to cough a mixture of blood and the rid liquid which came oozing down from underneath his mask, the red veins spread through the rest of his body and was apparent on his arms and legs.
Once he stopped coughing and simply lied in silence, I spoke up.
"You can take off your mask now."
I removed it for him and picked him up by his collar that was soaked in what I called, 'miracle rejection' aka the red liquid.
His fairly good looking face went through a myriad of emotions before his eyes finally focused on mine.
"What was that?" His legs dangled a few inches above the ground below him.
"A new concoction I made, specifically for rendering powers useless. I used both my own powers and powdered demon core. Useful stuff you know."
Dion side eyed his stone sister and his crumbling father and then returned his gaze back to me.
"Just...kill me already. I have nothing left." His voice was stale, his once admirable composure broken into something of a poor man with nothing but debt to his name.
"Giving up so soon? I have a use for you, but don't worry, you won't be in control anyways."
The red crystal in my pocket hummed in response to my statement and Dion closed his eyes in acceptance of his fate. At least he knew when the fight was over.
I took out the red crystal and rubbed its surface. It was hot but had a dim light to it.
"Why did you do it," he questioned, "you..are an angel too. I though- i thought we were friends."
"Dion, we aren't the same. You're some kid who was born with everything to his name! I struggled to help my family, to get this job, to be powerful enough to take even the king down!" I reverted my attention back to him. "You think I could be friends with you? You were fucking useless, Dion. I'm bringing order back, I'm helping the people who you guys shunned!"
"By destroying a whole civilization? You know the kingdom will go to ruin!"
"There's a new one down below waiting for us."
"Wait, you are-"
"I'm the leader of the rebellion. And guess what," I kneel down to his eye level, "I'm the very thing you sought to burn and throw in hell."
As satisfying as his reaction was, eyes open in shock, hundreds of inexpressible emotions keeping him from speaking, I cut it short and pressed the red core hard against his chest.
This time i didnt rip itout, I wasn't trying to kill him, I just needed to switch his core with the other one. The demon core.
His body hung in the air where I had held him and allowed me to let him go. His core removed itself from his chest and spun around the red one, preparing to merge itself with the demon's core which would result in a large explosion that could possibly obliterate everything within a 20 mile radius. But I needed that core and him alive.
I halted the process and snatched his golden core from the air. The red one replaced the golden core in his chest and his body fell to the ground with a thump. The 'reset' would now begin.
"Goodbye, Prince Dion."
The other two people in the room came and stood before me, mixed emotions hung in the air. No one could address the mourning in the room that we could all, at least somewhat sympathize with.
I tossed Nehemiah and Laranora the turquoise and quarts cores respectively.
"The king's core?" Nehemiah looked at me doubtfully, afraid to hold the powerful object. He'd always been afraid of power, despite having so much of it. His olive skin and brown hair attracted people often, but he was too reserved to ever engage with them. Even then, he was still my most loyal associate.
"Yes, when merged with your own core, it will add power and strengthen your core the same way it would to others, status has no place within the world of magic."
He nodded reluctantly and we all held our cores in our fists. I held Dion's tight, eager to feel the power spread through my body and gather in my chest once again.
"What once was yours.."
"Now is mine..."
"And through this spell, our powers shall bind."
All three of us chanted together. The cores sizzled in our hands and melted into our skin.
"It- it hurts!?" Laranora hissed.
"I know! It will be gone soon!" I replied and stood my ground.
Golden veins spread up my arm and I could feel the power fill my body, causing me to shudder. My body knew exactly what to do with this new power and how to use it once the core merged with mine. The ancient spell being used is simply amazing. What once was merely a way to pass down memories and keep a piece of dead loved ones in our heart would now be the driver of a great cause. The destruction of the Angels and revival of the rightful heirs of eternity, the demons.
The spell shot us all back with a powerful force. My head knocked into an edge on the wall and everything went black.

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