Siris- Chapter 11

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Its finally summer! Hooray. I am dying in this heat, and also dreading my new college schedule. However I am trying to get these chapters done soon so that I can have my book finished by the end of the year. Look forward to future updates.

    - Kota

    Against Myrah's will, I laid her in a cold water bath tub. She tried to get up immediately, shivering as the water soaked her wings and clothing.
    "You need the swelling on your side to go down, just stay there." I had made her remove her shirt to take a look at the bruises that accompanied her broken ribs. They didn't look too out of place -thank the gods- but it certainly didn't look pleasant to deal with.
    "Siris, I don't need to be mothered-"
    "Too bad." I smiled and folded her shirt, setting it on the edge of the sink.
    "Fuck you." She quipped. Myrah winced as she shifted in the tub and laid back. The water began to turn a shade of pink, her blood creeping out of her scratches.
    The fight from earlier scared me, but it was necessary to pull me back into reality. Im not in heaven where all of the rules were regulated and any violations were reported..this is hell. And I'm not safe here. I was most scared for Myrah, though, who could have died. But perhaps she was too busy worrying about me to be in top shape for a fight. Besides, she seemed to know how to handle a near death experience just fine. Her behavior didn't change in the slightest after the event occurred. This new power is really starting to become handy. It would be better if I knew how to do more than just push around people.
    I glanced at her wings that seemed to awkwardly fold behind her. Unlike my wings and the wings of other angels I had seen, her wings and those of the demons down here don't seem to move with them. Rather, they stay stiff as though they were dead parts of the demons' bodies.
    "Are insults and profanity your love language?"
    "I'm going to take that as a 'yes' then." I stood up and adjusted my cloak, walking out of the bathroom and over to the bag Myrah let me borrow. Taking a knife out of it, I slid the knife into my pocket…just in case.
    "Where are you going?!"
    "To get us some food. We've been walking for hours and we need energy to heal. Plus I'm craving some food from one of the stands down the street. Their chicharones smelled amazing. They also had fried chicken and naan."
    "Fine-dont get caught okay? Make sure you take a knife. Dont talk to any strangers. And if you're being followed, do not go somewhere outside of the public eye."
    "Will do, boss." Grabbing my cloak and the room keys, I walked out of the room, locked the door, and then walked out of the inn.
    I was glad she didn't protest against me going out on my own. She trusts me more. I couldn't help but feel proud. Proud and a little sad. It would have been nice for my parents and brother to find out that I wasn't powerless after all. I can be just as strong as Kyran.
    The streets were less crowded now, though it was still more busy than the streets back in Kiah. The air was crisp, warm yet it had a cool and constant breeze. Instead of having strained smiles like earlier, the vendors stood tiredly against the walls of their stands, staring down any potential customers that passed by.
    I shrugged off the uneasy feeling I got from a crusty looking woman who stared me down from her herb stall. I noticed her eyes focus on the money pouch clinking in my hand and covered it with my cloak. They wouldn't rob me in broad daylight-would they?
    The food vendor I wanted to buy from had no line, and thank the gods for that. The earlier drama left me feeling though every brush from another person passing me by would be followed by a punch to the face.
    A man not looking a year over thirty looked at me. He had dull grey eyes and salt and pepper short-hair with stubbled, pale skin.
    "Shalom aleikhem, abba. May I purchase two bowls of naan, chicharones, and steamed rice?"
    The man grumbled and grabbed two wooden bowls, scooping in some rice and meat and then placing two discs of the puffy bread on top of them. He poured some type of sweet smelling purple sauce over the bowls.
    I glanced at the metal pans and the lack of fire below them. Usually a food vendor would have some way to warm the food, especially since this vendor in particular had food hot enough for steam to be coming from it. My curiosity was satisfied when the man grumbled and his eyes glowed, he placed glowing hands to the rice pan and I watched as the rice seemed to sizzle a bit and the steam above it grew thicker.
    He handed me the bowls and pointed to the wax paper sign atop his stand. It was sloppily written in Hebrew, but I was able to read the price.
    "Uh- 20 shekels a bowl?"
    The man nodded and pointed to another sign that asked for the bowl to be returned or for twenty shekels more.
    I took out my pouch, counting out 80 shekels and handing them to him. He looked at the coins for a moment before stuffing them in his pocket.
    "Thank you." He signed with his hands.
    I signed my thanks and turned, walking back down the street with the fresh food in hand. Generally I'd consider it rude for someone not to return a greeting, however it seemed that the man was mute, so it was understandable. My sister had a learning disability that caused her to be non-vocal for years. During the past two years, me and Kyran have been working to establish her vocabulary and help her be confident. Though we still use sign language with her from time to time.
    The inn was exceptionally more noisy than before, there was a band playing in the supper hall. A lot of people from the sound of the cheering too. Grinning, I hurried upstairs and into the room, then into the bathroom, in the hopes that Myrah would let me go downstairs to listen to the music for a bit.
    Myrah looked at me and sighed, her face relaxing.
    "I got pork and rice. I thought you'd like the naan bread too." I handed the bowl to her and set mine on the counter.
    She stared at the bowl and then looked back at me, popping a piece of chicken into her mouth.
    "I need something to eat with."
    "Oh right! Ill go to the supper hall real quick and grab some utensils."
    She nodded and waved as I set my bowl on the sink counter and ran out of the room and down the stairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17 ⏰

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