Chapter 3: Myrah

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*Present time aka after the royal family's destruction*

The crimson star that lit up our world burned my eyes as I squinted, trying to analyze my surroundings. My body felt terrible, I was dizzy, and this close to throwing up whatever contents had messed my stomach up so much.
I stood up slowly and tried to regain my senses. My boot tracks were all over the ash colored sand that made up the small region we called the 'Pits of Aven.' The Pits of Aven were essentially a bunch of pits that had been used for burials that overflowed. It was frowned upon to wander here, but that made it better for me as I could enjoy the silence. Especially with the ruckus going on in the kingdom. A solar flare set all of its contents on fire and now it was just dunes of ashes. At least it was clean. The wind blew some sand into my eyes and I cursed it in shock. How dare the wind do this to me. Rolling my eyes, I grabbed the corner of my cloak and sniffed it. It absolutely reeked of alcohol..along with the rest of my body. I'd have to somehow find some clean water to clean myself up. Just my luck.
Oh right. I drank a ton yesterday after I got hired for a new job and ended up dancing around here in boredom. My stupid, drunk brain. I took a few steps forward and a glass bottle from last night crunched under my boot. Oops. I shrugged and walked away. No one was going to care if I littered in a grave. I wouldn't care either way.
My headache from my hangover progressively got worse because of the heat and movement of the day. It was probably just hot because it's summer. Actually I take that back, it's always hot, but it was much hotter than usual. The crimson star appeared as if it was going to explode soon, and its heat made it feel like I was being cooked over an open fire. Just more of a reason to get out of here.
My hand removed a small pill from my inner coat pocket and I tossed it into my mouth. These dry pills were supposed to help with headaches. Supposed to anyways, not that they work very well. These were all I could afford though.
    Oh the woes of the poor orphan. Just kidding. One day, I'll be rich. Hopefully, I think, probably not. There are hardly any rich demons aside from those who were born into money and royalty. Trying to make a living was hard, and many demons just ended up slaves to more powerful demons just to get food at the end of the day. Although, I heard rumors of some trying to escape into the angel's realm.
   Just my luck that the kingdom had to be torn down.
I could see the nearest town on the horizon and estimated the walk to be around 3 hours. Why did you do this to yourself? I dragged my palm down my face in annoyance. I really couldn't understand how drunk me managed to get this far. The useless wings on my back taunted me, making me much more aware of the fact that had I simply been born elsewhere, this wouldn't be much of an issue.
Cursing my useless wings that only got in the way, I contemplated just cutting them off entirely. There were stories of people going crazy afterward, but it cant be that be can it? But, I didn't know, I didn't want to bleed out in ash dunes today.
A sigh silently escaped from me as I reconsidered my choices. The job I accepted was the only thing that made me really want to get home soon. All my supplies were there and I needed to grab it for the trip. I knew that if I left them, I'd probably be robbed, something I really don't need.
My new job was fairly simple. I grab a parcel from the location I was sent and bring it to someone, then I get paid. Hopefully well. My employer, Ash, told me that the person receiving it determines the pay. I just hoped they weren't one of those greedy demons. Which they probably are.
I didn't know much about the parcel except that it had some rare items. Word has gotten around that the angel kingdom fell apart, literally. Their floating land fell into a few of our oceans. The angels fell with them. Many were enslaved and captured, others were killed and ripped apart for the hunters to make profit. The most desirable part of them would most likely be their core, which has their powers in it. Any demon with that core can absorb its powers. Not that it was of any importance to me. Demons have their own cores, but they are considered corrupted. I thought angels were just too egoistic to realize that they make it sound like we're born evil, even though half of our laws were forced on us by the former angel king. They think we're crazy. Which we are....but still. Still rude. Since our cores are "corrupted," our powers aren't very strong. Our genetics were just unlucky. This is why the angels were being killed, and the only reason I now have a job.
I was afraid that the contents in 5e parcel might be angel parts. My pride ached at that thought. I did not want to have to rely on other people's misfortune to make a living. At this point I should just give up on making money entirely and become a crazy nomad.
Regardless of whether or not the parcel contains cores, I didnt care much at all. Frankly, power won't give me money or food on the table. I don't feel like having to deal with people trying to draft me into the army against my will. I am lucky to have fairly insignificant powers. I can deceive quite easily, and manipulate people's vision to make them think they see something else. Except I can do it maybe once or twice a day before I get burnt out. Changing surroundings as they are perceived in the mind is hard. So I never used the power much.
While trekking through the dunes, my eyes struggled to keep themselves open. I slapped my cheek to wake myself up and gently rubbed my eyes.
"No rest for the evil." My subconscious made me mumble. My body ached in response to my stubbornness and unwillingness to rest but eventually had to give in as I kept on going.
The sky around me was its usual bloody tinted color. With tinges of blue viewable way beyond the division of the two worlds. You could actually still see some islands falling if you paid enough attention. Since there was so much land, all the islands flying through the sky appeared to be like meteorites whizzing through the air.
I saw some the other day, and it was beautiful. It was merely a small amount for the first few 'meteorite showers' then all hell broke loose and we assume that pretty much all of the kingdom fell apart. Sad for the angels, but it provided some more jobs for us lower class demons so oh well. As long as I don't have to deal with a pesky and arrogant angel, then they will certainly be welcomed into hell. Their hell at least.

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