Kyran- Chapter 10

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Greetings everyone! I apologize for the delay in this update. Life has been a bit stressful because of highschool, but I'm still determined to finish this novel. This update is extremely long, around 10,000 words again. I hope you guys enjoy a glimpse into Kyran's current state of mind, and the current state of his troops. I understand that the personality changes Kyran is experiencing at the moment seem weird but all will be explained. Thanks again for reading my book, you can always leave a suggestion in the comments, maybe even your opinion on how Kyran is dealing with the stress (Or not dealing with it.) Also, if any of you would like to see my design of Kyran, just put it in the comments and if I have enough, I'll post the actual design to my instagram page:)---(@Twigsrcool or @.Twig.)

I paced back and forth as I awaited for my potion to take effect. The wooden floorboards of my new and polished room creaked, making my feeling of anxiety higher than it already was.
    "If this doesn't work, I'll just have to break in won't I?" I looked at Nehemiah and then back at my notebook with the medicine recipe I was using.
    "Kyran, you know that's against the King's orders, besides, your family is being taken care of inside of the cells. I made sure to assign the right guards to the task of keeping our families comfortable."
    "And you know that they really will do their job?" I vigorously erased an ingredient from my recipe and wrote down a new one to modify the failed potion.
    "Yes, I do as a matter of fact!" he swallowed. "Kyran, are you alright? You seem so tense, anything you'd like to get off of your chest?"
    I slammed my hands onto the table in sheer annoyance and glared at him.
    "Does it look like I want to talk right now, Nehemiah? I've been stressed out all week, from leading you guys to being worried about my family being sick."
    Nehemiah sighed and stood up from the ivory chair he reclined on. With a disappointed look he walked over to the door and stopped.
    "Fine, I'm sorry for disturbing you, call me if you need anything. I'll most likely be working around the cells. The virus is almost finished running its course." He left my room and shut the bronze door. I completely forgot the reason I invited him in, we needed to discuss the plans I had for reconstructing society.
    Dang it. I rubbed my forehead in frustration and walked over to my desk, beside my recipe journal were a few drawers filled with various ingredients I use. Whatever, I just need to fix this potion and go talk to my family.
    The spell is a virus repellent, the virus spreading around the angels was highly contagious and was most likely a result of not being used to the living conditions down here. Although I've gotten it before and have gotten used to it enough that my symptoms would be very mild, the King has still ordered us to stay away from the cells unless it was absolutely necessary to go there. However, even if my potion didn't work, I'd go there anyway.
    Yanking open the middle drawer, I scanned over the labeled vials as I put the lotus leaf vial back and grabbed a fig tree root. I grinded it in a bowl and poured the potion's base onto it. The medicine already existed, it just wasn't perfect. With my blood and my core's power, I could enhance it to make it strong enough to protect me from the virus.
    I slit my finger with the blade that laid in front of the journal and pressed onto my cut, waiting for a few drops of blood to spill into the bowl. The medicine glowed with each drop and settled into a bright green color.
    I cupped the bowl with my hands and sipped the medicine. A small sip would be enough with my enhancements. Should it work even with me around all of the sick angels, I might be able to replicate enough of it to cure all of the families, and any caught angels who are of importance.
    My skin turned frigid for a moment and  a layer of mist settled over my skin. The medicine was successful. I smiled and put the bowl back onto the table, shut the middle drawer closed, and ran out of my room to go see my family.
    My excitement could not be contained as I rushed down the hallways towards the dormitories, which had access to the nearest entrance to the cells. The dormitory hallways were empty, I guessed that many of the soldiers were out either training, meeting up with troops in various cities, or going out into the main city to buy whatever they needed. The door to the cells was heavy, the iron was nearly a foot thick. I'll never understand why they decided to put this here.
    Using all my body weight, I shoved open the door and cringed at the unholy smell of excrements. The cell hallways did not appear to be dirty but they sure smelled that way. A guard near the door bowed as he saw me and apologized for the smell.
    "We are currently trying to solve a few issues regarding hygiene, for now you'll have to excuse the mess."
    "I want it solved as soon as possible..have the angels fully healed from their ailments yet?"
    "No sir. However, they have gotten much better, contact shouldnt spread the illness around."
    I nodded and peered down the long hallway.
    "By the way, where is my family located?"
     "Which family?"
     "The Elmore's."
     "That would be the farthest cell down the hallway."
    I walked down the hallway, past dozens of cells that contained the families of the soldiers who joined the cause. These angels were the first to be caught, and will hopefully be the first to be released. A few yelled at me but many of them remained silent.
    I brushed my hair back with my hands and tried to fix my clothing. I want to appear presentable to my family as I greeted them for the first time in a long while. To be frank, I was feeling homesick.
    Quickly turning the corner, I plastered the most genuine smile I could muster onto my face and looked at the family huddled into the corner of the cell. The cell was small, far too small for a family of their size. Not to mention the dirt inside of it, it was as if the cells were never clean at all.
    Sure enough, a solemn looking woman sat down beside her gentle presenting husband. She braided her daughters hair and looked up at me. In the opposite corner was a boy with a blanket covering his body and cloaking his head.
    "Ma, Pa!"
    "Oh Kyran!" My mother stood up as I opened the cell and we embraced. "We were so worried-"
    "I missed you too-"
    "You need to get out of here- it's not safe, the kingdom, the military has betrayed us."
    "Mother, mother, relax. Everything is fine. Ill explain it all later." She looked at me with knit eyebrows while I hugged by younger sister who buried her face into my leg. My father joined in on the hug and patted me on the back.
    "How is it that you are free, my son?"
    "Just a moment-" I looked at the kid who appeared like my brother, he sat in the corner. "Siris?"
    The boy looked up at me and lowered his blanket so that I could see his face. He wasn't Siris, he wasn't even close. The blanket covered his ginger brown hair and meadow green eyes. I can't believe I mistook him for my brother! Wait, where is Siris then??
    The kid's name was Luis, our neightbours son. He often came over my family's house to help my father with extra chores while his parents were away. I looked over at my mother with a tight feeling in my chest.
    "Kyran..." my mother swallowed and put her hand on my shoulder, "we hoped that he was with you." Tears ran down her cheeks as she stared at the ground.
    "He- He should have been with you!" I took a step back, anger building up inside of me. "He should have been with all of you! You guys knew the reports- You cant even take care of your own child??!!" I clenched my burning hands to try to suppress the power that was so close from to flowing out of me.
    My mother began to sob and my father rubbed her back gently. He looked at me, irritated that I had made my mother cry.
    "Kyran, you do not speak to your mother that way! We were kidnapped. This wasnt in our control. Apologize, now!"
"I have no time for this, Father. I must now do your job and find Siris to protect him!"
    He took a threatening step towards me. I could tell he was enraged by the glowing mark on his wrist. One that could conjure up a weapon at will.
    "Apologize, now. I wont ask again."
    Lily began to cry and she hugged me tighter.
    "Please dont yell Pa, the guards will get angry!"
    "Don't worry Lily," I patted her head gently, "They take orders from me."
    "What?" My father glared at me. My mother wasn't able to comprehend the situation as she was deliriously muttering under her breath. The gray haired woman appeared to be losing the wits of her youth by the second.
    "What?" I glared back at him. "These are my soldiers, they wont hurt you as long as Im here."
    "You mean you did this?" He looked at my mother and then back at me. "How could you betray us- no all of the kingdom like this?"
    "I had my reasons Father-"
    "Reasons to destroy a whole kingdom? There are rumors that the royal family is killed. Not to mention that fact that we were abducted and do not know where we are?"
    "You're in Demon territory. You'll understand with time-"
    My father instantly began to pry Lily from my legs.
    "Youre a traitor."
    I rolled my eyes.
    "You dont know the truth yet. Youll soon be enlightened."
    "Let go of me!" Lily screamed.
    My ears rung, a sharp pain caused me to stumble back. The cells began to shake and a few stones cracked.
    "What the he-"
    "Get off of me, I want to go with Kyran, Pa!"
    "Stop it Lily, he is dangerous!"
    "Everyone. Shut. Up!" I yanked Lily's arm and covered her mouth with my hand. The pain and the shaking stopped but I knew that there was little time before the guards would find out what the source of the rumbling was, and come  to end it.
    "Get away from her this instant!"
    "Shut up before someone comes and finds her!" She beat my arm with her small fists while I quickly exited the cell and locked it back up. I took a needle out of my pocket and stuck it in her arm. She collapsed almost immediately as I picked her up.
    "What have you done, Kyran! Kyran come back here!" My father yelled as I walked away.
    A guard ran up to me in a panic.
    "Lord Kyran, did you feel that just now?"
    "Yes I did."
    "We tracked the source near you, did you see what it was-" He looked at Lily who was asleep in my arms.
    "Uh-yes, the cell to the left of my parents. It seems that one of them has acquired some type of power."
    "Permission to eradicate the source?"
    "Granted." I took a few steps past him and looked back, "oh and one more thing, ensure that all the families have their powers registered. I will create a way to suppress any dangerous powers should the need arise. And get my family a better living space please."
    "Yes sir." The guard whistled to call a few other guards and ran off in the opposite direction that I walked. They did not question why I had Lily. Good.
    A few families stared at us through the bars and a few that I recognized called out my name. Many of them seemed terrified, not that I would blame them, terrified of not knowing what would come next. The exit had a guard with a sword in front of it. Probably because of the potential risk of escape that had just occurred.
    "Lord Kyran, greetings."
    "Yes, hello, I need to pass-"
    "Sir," He looked at Lily and then back at me. "We are not authorized to release prisoners."
    "She isnt a prisoner, she is my little sister. I will do as I see fit."
    "The king has strict orders, I'll have to report this."
    I glared at him and he stared at me. His will was unwavering. I shot magma into his face and kicked him aside. Residue of the magma cooled on my hand and flaked off. I was beginning to like the new powers I had. I kicked open the door and bolted through the guard hall. If I'm lucky enough, no one will see her.
    I felt a tinge of guilt from having to give her an anesthetic. She may not remember what had happened before she went to sleep but it was still something I didnt particularly want to do. It took me a few minutes but I made it to my room. This time,  navigating the hallways was easier as I memorized the militia building and a few of its surroundings. It was only about a fifth of this palace. And for some reason it was bigger than Dion's castle.
     Oh right, Dion. I laid Lily down on my bed and searched through my medicine cabinet for a few ingredients for a potion I needed. I almost forgot about him. Well, his body. He wont wake up until I wake him up. Wait. I almost forgot about Siris too!
     While stirring up a few ingredients, I thought of a way to find Siris. I can always assign Laranora and Nehemiah to the task. They'll find him quickly If I use a spell to give Dion a power to help them.
    The plants in the bowl turned into a paste quickly and I mixed in some water and a flavoring powder that would make it taste a bit like juice. Hopefully this works well enough.  I walked over to the bedside and sat down next to her. I noticed that her hair was messy and her skin quite dirty. Her wrists were also red and slightly bruised, as if someone had grabbed her wrist too hard. I took a deep breath before I got angry and administered an anti anesthetic that would wake her up immediately.
    She opened her eyes and looked at me.
    "Kyran? Kyran youre home!" She sat up and hugged me.
    "Not quite home but Im here, yes. Now drink this, you must be tired."
    I handed her the bowl and she sniffed it.
    "Ew, it smells like eucalyptus leaves."
    "Take it, its good for you."
    "Ugh fine." Lily sipped it and I smiled.
    Her eyes grew wide and she began to cough, her body shook as she looked at me in desperation.
    "Oh shoot- This isnt supposed to happen." I panicked and ran over to my drawers to find a reversal potion. Just as I found it, her coughing subsided and she brushed her hair back.
    Looking at her, I put the potion on my desk and walked over.
    "Hey. Are you okay?"
    Lily opened her mouth to speak but no sound came out. She rubbed her neck and tried to speak again.
    She pointed to the bowl and then at me with an angry expression. She may be young but she is smart.
    "You got sick when you traveled here." I lied quickly. "The medicine was supposed to help but I guess your sickness is making it hard for you to talk. I'll keep giving you medicine to help cure it."
    Her brows knit closely together and she nodded slowly.
    "Good thing is, you know sign language at least. I suppose that helping mother out with the clinic has helped."
    She nodded again.
    I looked at her wrist and glanced back at her face.
    "Who did this?" I pointed to her wrist.
    "A soldier," she signed with her hands. "Where are father and mother, they were taken by soldiers too, we were together in prison?"
    "Theyre safe, dont worry. Ill take you to see them soon, I just need to get a few things sorted out. What soldier did this? I can make sure he never does it to anyone again."
    "I dont know his name," she responded. "But he was tall, with black hair and red eyes. His wings were black but had a few red stripes. Oh and he has a scar on the right side of his face, right under his eye."
    "Got it." I smiled softly and hugged her again. Im glad to have my family back-part of it.
    "Hey Lily, do you know where we are?"
    "We are at our new home." I looked around my room. "It might be scary at first but youll get used to it, and when youre older youll understand why we moved. I got a new job. Ill get father and mother a new job, Siris too. But right now Siris isnt here, he went out into the city and I need to go find him. I have a friend you can stay with."
    "A stranger?"
    "She's nice, don't worry. She won't hurt you."
    "Okay." Lily rubbed her face.
    "Ill make sure you get cleaned up and get new clothes too." I picked her up and walked out of the room.
    "You are never to speak about your new powers."
    "How did you know about that?"
    "Father and mother told me when I found out that you were sick. Its very cool but very dangerous. A lot of people here dont like it when people use their powers."
    Laranora's room was down the hallway, as well as Nehemiahs. I knocked on her door and received no answer.
    "Hmm she isnt in her room. She might be training with the soldiers." I walked in the direction of the soldier's lounge. My watch said that it was about time for them to have a break.
    "More soldiers?"
    "Yes but these arent the same as the guy who hurt you."
    "But the soldier was an angel."
    "Some people are bad."
    "Why did he say your name then?"
    "I didnt know he was bad until now. Now I can deal with him."
    "Kyran, why did Dad try to take me from you? I only remember part of what happened."
    "They don't understand somethings, now relax, you need rest so you can get better."
    We both entered the large lounge room and I spotted Laranora and Nehemiah almost instantly. All soldiers wore green aside from those in command of them, which was Me, Laranora, Nehemiah, and a few others who looked over smaller groups of angels. We wore brown and gold.
    "Nehemiah, Laranora!" I grinned and tapped Nehemiahs shoulder.
    "Oh Kyran," Laranora looked at the soldier they were talking to, "please excuse us, the list of supplies needed should be hung up on the wall in the back."
    "Yes Ma'am, greetings Lord Kyran."
    I nodded at the man and he left.
    "Hey, Kyran." Nehemiah looked at Lily and furrowed his brows, he looked at me and crossed his arms. "Any particular reason you came here?"
    "Yes actually." I looked at Lily.
    "Lily, this is Laranora and Nehemiah."
    Laranora grinned at Lily,
    "Awww shes so cute. Wait- aren't families confined to the cells-"
    "Stuff came up but I dealt with it already. Anyways I have a few important things i need from you guys."
    "Kyran! I cant disobey the-" he started.
    "Im not asking you to do that." I glared at Nehemiah and rolled my eyes. Considerable lack of loyalty.
I looked at Laranorah.
    "Youre the only one I trust to look after Lily."
    "Oh you need a babysitter?"
    "Yes, and of course you'll just have to assign someone to do whatever work you are unable to do while watching Lily."
    "Sure." She smiled again and I put Lily down. Laranorah bent down to pat Lily on the head.
    "Why is she in such bad shape?"
    "Oh right, apparently someone has been mishandling our families," I crossed my arms. "I need a list of those who were in charge of the detaining of our families by the end of the day."
    "Ill get that as soon as possible." Lily frowned.
    "Thank you."
    Nehemiah sighed and looked at Lily and then back at me,
    "Anything else you need?"
    "Yes." I rubbed my forehead and looked around. "Siris is missing."
    "Siris?....your brother Siris?"
    His face switched between confusion and worry.
    "I need you two on the case of finding him. Whatever you can do. I was told that someone by the name of Lukas has our information on each of our families. Look through that and make sure to inform everyone in charge of the Angel collection groups. I want every single soldier out in the field to have my brother's face engraved in their mind."
    "Kyran.." Nehemiah put a hand on my shoulder, "our soldiers have been extremely busy, some of the Demons arent cooperating and I dont think that they can look for just one guy. I understand how you are feeling but youll just have to wait to find him. When we have them all grouped up in their new homes, theyll be sorted, dont worry okay?"
    "Its not a choice Nehemiah." I pushed his hand off of my arm and took a step towards him, "find my brother."
    "I can try but i cant make any promises-"
    "Find him."
    "You know I have other jobs too." He crossed his arms. "The king wants me to train a few of his soldiers as well."
    "I dont care what he wants!"
    Laranora looked at the two of us and pushed me away from Nehemiah.
    "Shut up you two! The rest of the soldiers are trying to relax okay? This is no time to fight." She looked at me and sighed. "Kyran I understand how you feel and we will try okay? But we can't defy the King's orders."
    I rolled my eyes and glared at Nehemiah. Lily tugged at my hand, her face almost in tears.
    "Kyran, is Siris okay? You said we were all safe right? When are we going to go back home?" She signed.
    I looked at her and smiled.
    "Youll see Siris soon, dont worry. And yes we are safe, like I said, this is our new home, we just have to get a home to be comfortable in."
    "Okay." Lily beamed and hugged Laranora. "You're pretty."
    "Is she using sign language? Does she not speak?"
    "Dont worry about it. She was sick and it is going to affect her voice temporarily. Make sure you give her some of this every morning. As for the sign, just learn it. Nehemiah, you know how to sign right?" I handed a vial of the extra liquid from the bowl that made Lily mute.
    "Yes I do. Ill teach her." He nodded.
    "Good, thanks."
    "Lily said youre pretty by the way." I turned to Laranora.
    "AWW thank you!" Laranora smiled just as brightly as Lily and picked her up. "We are going to have so much fun, I'm going to make you a strong mini soldier!"
    "Uh no. I dont want her fighting at all."
    "Im sure she'll have a strong power that can be cultivated-"
    "No, she is like my brother, they have no powers."
    "Oh, thats unfortunate. Okay. Well she can learn self defense at least."
    "My parents dont want her to learn how to fight."
    "Hmm okay." She looked at Lily and then back at me.
    "Oh right that list of people in charge of Angel collection, hey Astrid!"
    A girl with long dreads walked over to us with a folder.
    "Whats up Laranora- Oh Lord Kyran, hey."
    Laranora adjusted Lily in her arms,
    "I need a list of people in charge of angel collection. I also need a file with the name Siris Elmoore, all soldiers are to report his presence and send him immediately to the castle."
    "Okay give me one second." Astrid rapidly flipped through the folders. I remember her by her badge. She was able to retain information by just glancing at it. Thats why we made her in charge of organization, she's basically she secretary of the whole kingdom militia.
    "Here we go, Siris Michael Elmoore?" She showed us a paper with Siris' information.
Lara looked at me and I nodded.
    "Okay and that list of guards. Its Ryker, Aiden, Layla, Lukas, and a few others. Is there someone you are looking for?"
    "Uh yes, the description is tall, black hair, red eyes, black and red wings."
    "Oh youre looking for Lukas? He's currently out in the farthest off cities, he's been doing well in numbers in terms of collecting Angels-"
    "I need him summoned to the castle immediately."
    "He'll be returning in five weels."
    Astrid signed and put Siris' file back.
    "Fine, and Ill have Siris' information sent to the soldiers immediately."
    "Thank you, keep me posted."
    "Yes sir. Now I have to attend to some other things."
    "You are dismissed then."
    Astrid saluted me and hurried off to another group of people.
    Laranora looked at me,
    "You think they'll find him soon?"
    "They better. I know how uh," I looked at Lily and then at Lara, "complicated..things are out there."
    "Okay well I have to go now, the King wants a meeting with me in an hour and I need to prepare." Nehemiah side hugged Laranora and patted Lily.
    "Okay, fine." I watched him as he walked off and glanced at Laranora.
    "You two are still just friends?"
    Laranora blushed and looked away.
    "Come on, I see the way he looks at you. He likes you."
    "No way." She shook her head while Lily giggled.
    "Yes way. Now you need to go ask him out."
    "But I like someone else-"
    "Does that person like you?"   
    "Well.. I don't know." She blushed.
    "Look he's your friend, you guys get along well, he likes you, might as well date him. He'll treat you nicely."
    "Okay you make a fair point.."
    "Yes I do, consider it and then agree because im obviously the best matchmaker here."
    "Yeah yeah." Laranora rolled her eyes.
    I heard a voice shout my name from across the room and turned around.
    "Oh shoot its the King." Lara bowed and I did the same. Everyone else followed.
    "Yes yes its me. Kyran, youre just the man I need. I have someone for you to meet."
    "Your highness, i have a few urgent matters-"
    "Where does your loyalty lie?"
    I clenched my jaw and nodded.
    "Yes your highness." Is he threatening me?
    "Great!" His tone went from serious to cheerful as if it took no effort. "Lets go then, son."
    I waved to Lara and patted Lily on the head as I left the lounge with the King.
    "So your majesty," I held a door open for him, "who is it that i need to meet?"
    "Well we were discussing arrangements a few months ago. And as you should remember, I have but one heir, and she is not yet wed. Furthermore, my daughter has expressed curiosity in the newest noble."
    I blinked and tried to hide my disgust. I didnt feel like getting into an arranged marriage. However, I knew how important it was to growing my political status and gaining more power. I could always divorce her after all. Besides, she couldn't be too bad, probably the stereotypical kind princess you'd read about in books.
    "It would be my pleasure to meet her then. I'm honored by the fact that you would consider me to be a suitor for the princess."
    "Dont mention it, youre already like a son to me. Besides, we share the same blood, or at least half of it. A very distant portion of it." The king chuckled.
    "Right. Where will I be meeting her?"
    "The main chamber. The one right next to the dining hall."
The King gave me an icy glare that reminded me of the strength his power possessed. The King wasn't powerful in the way of brute strength, but he was able to sway crowds. He could force you to agree with him, even if you consciously wouldn't. His power has given him the title of the greatest commander of all times. As much as I find the power to be quite extreme, I'm curious to see it in action.
"By the way, you havent entered the family cells yet, right? I heard there was quite a commotion earlier. A prisoner somehow set off their powers and a soldier was killed." The King slightly implied that I was involved somehow, I could tell by the tone in his voice.
"No, I heard of the commotion but have yet to investigate it. I planned on checking the cells tomorrow since the infection should be cleared off by then."
He glanced at me again and sighed.
    "Very well then." The King stopped at the dining hall doors and patted me on the back.
    "Good luck, my son. My daughter can be...interesting, at times."
    "Im sure she is a lovely character." I smiled and walked into the dining hall. The King closed the doors behind me, apparently not seeing any need to observe my first interaction with the princess.
    I had seen the princess a couple of times before. My visits down here were frequent in the beginning of my training. Truth be told, I never expected to be in this situation, however life had other plans.
            My fathers first husband was a demon. My dad accidentally let it slip that his husband was..different. I took a few blood tests to see just how different. I was shocked. Upon realizing that I was indeed half demon, I stumbled across another mixed soldier who I had seen reading scrolls and questioned him. He brought me to the king because I was a 'threat'. And now I am to marry a demon Princess.
             The princess was easy to spot. Her scarlet hair made her pop out like a flower in a pile of ash.
    The dining hall was big and polished. A large table in the middle that was long enough to sit around fifty people sat empty, as if it was brand new. The walls and floors were made of porcelain tiles and wooden planks. Out of the whole castle, this room had to be the best looking one.
    A girl with hair tied up in a scarf and silver eyes cleared her throat to catch my attention. She reclined on her father's throne and judged me with an icy stare that nearly resembled her father's.
    I approached her and bowed. She stood and walked over to me, her body movements showed that she wasnt quite enjoying the experience either. Nevertheless, I took her hand and kissed the back of it. Well, the back of a satin glove. She hardly had any skin showing, aside from her shoulders. Her dress was long, a deeper red than her hair but a lighter red than blood. It appeared to all be silk and satin material, and it all clung fairly tightly to her body.
    "Your highness-"
    "It's a pleasure, Lord Kyran."
    She offered no fake smile but crossed her arms as I stood up.
    "So you have heard of me."
    "All of the nobles and most of the citizens have, aside from the outskirts of the kingdom." Princess Delilah tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and stared at my wings.
    Her wings were a dark grey. They contrasted her hair quite well. They appeared to be fragile, but were quite large.
    "I suppose ive been doing my job correctly then."
    "Hmm, yes I suppose so." The woman walked behind me and glanced at the door before she turned back to me. "But this is just a cover up for your ulterior motive, isnt it?"
    "I-" She stared straight into my eyes, her silver eyes glowed a gentle red, I knew at once that she had a power similar to her Dad's.
    "So im right," She smirked.
    "I dont know what youre talking about."
    "Cut the crap. I want in. The royal family isn't oblivious you know. As father's heir, I chose to take on the responsibility of observing and securing the castle. I have spies everywhere. Even in your little army. My spies have reported you going around with your little troops and planting seeds of discourse amongst our people, pitting them against my father. Plus your assimilation of our troops into yours has not gone unnoticed. It's clear you're planning a revolt. And if you want this stupid throne my father adores so greatly, I'll help you."
    I stood there for a second in shock. The princess didnt even seem to be surprised. Neither did she seem to be angry. I couldn't read her at all. It made me feel like I need to be defensive, I can't be too lax around someone I can't stop easily.
    I plastered on a smile and nodded.
    "Fine, youre right. But I know you wouldnt give up a whole throne for nothing. What are the conditions?" I took a step towards her and this time I stared into her eyes. I need to let her know that I'm the one in control, not her. Although I might be able to use this to my advantage.
    "Oh I want half of the kingdom. We will annul our marriage once my father is dethroned and maintain good foreign relations. They may not have to be separated formally, but I should have more power over my half than you do."
    "And if I refuse?" Asking for half of a kingdom is a lot and I wouldnt give away that I would just let her have it her way, even if we struck a deal.
    "Then my father will hear of a couple of secrets, and I know you don't want that."
    "Youre right."
    "Smart, compliant, I like you already." The princess flipped her hair back and waltzed past me towards the door on the opposite end of the entrance. "See you at dinner tonight. I should expect to hear more of your plans weekly. I hate having to use spies all day."
    Princess Delilah exited quietly and I exhaled in relief. She seemed smart, and was clearly resourceful. Ill have to find out how I can get rid of those resources. I can't let her stand in my way.
    Ugh I'm starting to sound like that one demon I killed. What was his name? Aaron, right. That bounty hunter. Always going on about stopping this and stopping that and how every little thing was in his way. So annoying. But that is where I get my ice powers from, so I guess I can't complain much.
    The king entered the room almost as quickly as the princess had left. He wore a giant smile and his gaze softened at the sight of me.
    "The princess was very pleased, Kyran!"
    "Im glad to hear that, your majesty. Your daughter is quite lovely."
    "Im even more glad that you think so." He walked over to his throne, the one Princess Delilah had been sitting in, and sat down.
    "Besides that, how goes the plan to search and retrieve all of your people?"
    "Ah." I walked over to the King and brushed my hair back.
    "Very well I believe. I currently have a group of angels going around and informing people on where to report the sight of any angel. Youre troops have been quite useful in the search. According to my calculations, we have secured about five percent of the population already. Reports say that another five percent have been captured and are being brought to the capital. My calculations may be off, however. As Ive heard of a few sightings of angel corpses that appeared to be damaged from the fall."
    "I see, it is good that the land from the Angel kingdom burned up quickly in the atmosphere before the big chunks of it damaged anything important. How goes the plans of their placement?"
    "I am giving my troops a few days of rest before we clear the forests to begin constructing settlement areas. They haven't all gotten acquainted with the weather down here. I predict that we will be able to start next week."
    "Anything else I should know?"
    "Nothing that I know of, your majesty."
    "I have a request then."
    "Of course." I gazed at him expectantly.
    "Youre right hand men, Lorah and Mayah was it? I require their services."
    "Laranorah Mai and Nehemiah Lakes, however they are on an extremely important mission-"
    "I need two guards who are good enough to protect my daughter."
    "Your majesty, I have many other suitable guards for that task, Im sure we can find splendid replacements-"
    "Is your mission more important that my daughter's safety?" His voice seemed to boom around the room, it made me feel as if an immense amount of pressure was on me. This must be his power.
    "...No, your majesty. I looked down and scowled."
    "Good, then I expect to meet them an hour before dinner."
    "Very well then." The pressure seemed to lift and his tone shifted.
    "Youre dismissed."
    I nodded and bowed quickly before I left. I angrily stormed through the halls in search of something to drink while I cooled off. I needed Laranorah and Nehemiah specifically for the task of finding my brother and taking care of Lily. But now I have to deal with them both being reassigned to different tasks. Its as if he is testing my loyalty. He could have simply kept the guards he had with the princess prior to my arrival!

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