Chapter 7 - Letter from the Queen

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(My stupid ass forgot to add the chapter title ;-;)

Espresso wakes up from a room he recognized very so clearly. He rubbed his eyes and sat up.

"How could I let this happen." He whispered to himself and rubbed the temple of his nose. He stood up and once he opened the door a guard stopped him to even step an inch further.

"Notify his majesty immediately." The guard said to another. Espresso sighed and went back in slamming the door. Considering that he escaped the other night, they aren't taking chances anymore. Madeleine was informed on Espresso's condition and basically sprinted to the room and swung the door open. He saw Espresso, his Espresso alive and well. He was breathing and moving yet the only thing that's stopping Madeleine from kissing the other is the respect he has to Espresso with his memory wiped out.

"Call the doctor, please." Madeleine requested from one of the guards and went in the room after. He sat far from the brunette and let out a heavy sigh.

"How are you?" Madeleine asked.

"What do you think? I was told that I'm a prince, I basically don't know who I am and I got punched in the face." Espresso replied angrily as he placed his chin to his knees. He heaved an inhale.

"I'm so very sorry for punching you. It was the only way I could think of." Madeleine apologized. "Don't worry, the doctor will help the soreness go away." He added. They stayed silent until the doctor finishes with treating the bruise that was caused by Madeleine and left.

"Do you really not remember anything from the past? Even just a little?" Madeleine finally asked.

"I still remember the things I've studied but other than that, there's nothing." Espresso explained bitterly.

"And you didn't bother using those to know who you are?" Madeleine asked and Espresso stiffened.

"I could do that but there's a lack of equipment and besides, I like who I am. I don't even care who I was back then." Espresso replied still refusing to make eye contact.

"But I do. I want my  Espresso back and I just want us to be happy again. I don't care how long it will take for me to find something to bring back your memories but I will do it." Madeleine stated. He added more but Espresso couldn't care less to listen. After that, Madeleine left and started to think of ways. Magic, science, he doesn't care. As long as it works, he'll take it. And while Madeleine is doing whatever he was doing, Espresso was confused. He wants to run but yet again wants to stay. In truth, he has his memories.

Four years ago, his carriage was almost struck by lightning and the horse became so startled it went running on different directions. He tried to calm it down but it won't listen. Unfortunately, he fell on a slope and his head was hit by multiple rocks which jumbled his brain. He did lose his memories but only for only 48 hours. After he got his memories back, he decided to keep it a secret. As much as he wants to go to Madeleine, he's far too afraid for him to suffer as he did. Not only that, he's the only son of the queen and is required to make heirs. Those are only some things he can list off and for the remaining years, he plans to stay hidden from any royals. If he grows old in that village, he's more than happy to do so. If it's to make everyone, especially Madeleine safe. He's willing to risk it all.

"Stupid." Espresso whispers. "Stupid, stupid, stupid. So fucking stupid." He said repeatedly to himself. He didn't wish for any of this to happen. He's happy to see his Madeleine but he isn't ready for what's to come. He wants to kiss him and hold him forever but he's so scared.

"If I was a woman, loving you wouldn't be a sin." He said before breaking into tears. He stayed inside of the room for the rest of the day.

Espresso woke up the next day with the smell of freshly made breakfast to his bedside. He sat up and put on his glasses. Looking at the food, it looks like it's been made by a child. He smirked at the image of Madeleine asking the servants how to make perfect eggs or how to tell if the bacon is cooked.

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