Chapter 20

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Don't Call Me Sunshine

"No, of course not. There are thousands of Hillary in the world and that family is gone for good," I told myself, trying to calm down. He couldn't be him. I looked at the ringing cellphone for the longest time. Maybe she is his girlfriend? I mean, some relationshits have a call sign like "mommy" and "daddy" when they are truly in love. They call themselves that when they are ready to go and marry.

Yep, maybe that's it. That thought made me relax a bit.

The knock on the bathroom door startled me. I opened it quickly to find Tyler behind the door.

"I was gonna give this to you but thanks for not letting me waste my energy coming down the stairs." I handed him his phone.

Tyler looked down to read whoever was calling as he grabbed the phone from my grasp.

"Is she your mother?" I asked, nervously rubbing my arm. I saw him nod as he answered his phone.

"I need to take this. Oh, and breakfast is ready," he rushed and picked up his phone. "Hey, Mom."

I stared blankly at the closed door. I felt like I was starting to get pale. Quickly, I made my way towards my room and dialed Gwen's number.

Much to my luck, she didn't answer.

I started to try to fill in the puzzle. Dad did say Hillary and Wayne got a divorced when Loui was young. Tyler's parents are also separated, and Tyler had a sister. Ashlene was Loui's sister. Dad didn't know who had who but both siblings also got separated. Tyler's been living with his mom, as he had bought up before New York.

Oh my god.

Minutes passed and I found myself staring at nothing. Then I realized if I would call him Loui, I would just get disappointed if it really wasn't him. I wasn't planning on wanting Tyler to be Loui because there were two different people.

Tyler was surely an ass the first and the rest days we met but he wasn't a jerk to me somehow. I mean, he is a jerk still, but like the kind of jerk crossing the line. How he was so dedicated to school, how we would cook for me early in the morning, how he would try to fit in with the three of us in lunch, and how he would tolerate my bitchiness sometimes.

Loui on the other hand was the complete opposite. He was such a gentleman and a sweetie when you first meet him but then leave you hanging for the rest of your childhood and teenage years.

Loui was good at cutting people off his life.

I carefully stood right up and brought myself downstairs. As I landed on the last step, I heard a 'Yes mom. Take care.' much to my dismay. I was kind of hoping it will sound like 'yeah mom I'm doing a great job fooling Kristel. After she gets inside my trap, I will leave her again! Wuahahahaha.'

"Like the view?" Tyler asked as he took his seat. He motioned me to do the same and I quietly complied.

I couldn't take this any longer.

"You," I pointed at his face. "Tell me the truth. I know you're my childhood best friend."

Tyler's expression looked so surprised. I am ready. I am ready to accept that the Tyler who gives me mixed feelings was actually the jerk that cut me off suddenly ten years ago.

"What are you talking about?" he asked, completely puzzled. "I don't do childhood friends, smart mouth. Especially with girls," he pointed out.

"Are you okay? It looks like you're ready to kill me..." he trailed.

"Are you from Los Angeles?" I asked, completely in interview mode. I had thousands of questions until he would spit everything.

"Uh, no? I grew up in La Push because we have a hotel there. Los Angeles is pretty far. I wouldn't even meet you if I was from there, sunshine." he pouted, sounding sincere.

I wasn't giving up.

"Okay, don't call me sunshine because I hate the sun's guts. Second, why is your mother's name Hillary?" I demanded. He looked very puzzled and awkward.

"Should I answer that question or should I ask my grandparents-"

"Okay then, what's the name of your sister?" I asked. If he answers "Ashley" then I was done for. Tyler felt quiet, and the only thing you can hear in the room was me panting. He looked at me with an unreadable expression on his face, before sighing.

"Her name's Brittany," he murmured.

"What?" was all I can say before sitting right back in my seat. It isn't Ashley, but a Brittany. Who the heck is Brittany? I grabbed a spoon and stared at nothing in particular.

To say the least, I was very embarrassed. Tyler and Loui didn't actually look the same. And their attitude differs so much. Just because his mother's name was Hillary doesn't mean he's Loui.

But who could ignore the similarities? It couldn't be a coincidence. It couldn't be. God, why did I want that boy back so badly?

Tyler leaned in on his elbows. He hummed. "It looks like you're very disappointed that I'm not your childhood BFF. I can be your friend if you want."

I glared at him. "Tyler, if you're nickname is really Loui, can you just tell me? I wouldn't get mad."

Tyler grabbed his spoon and ate. He looked at me and swallowed his food. "I'm sorry Kris. I don't know who you're referring to."

"Right," I responded and proceeded to eat my breakfast as quickly as possible.

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