Chapter 14

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Please Don't Be In Love With Someone Else

I woke up directly to the sound of my alarm ringing. I stretched my arm to grab my phone from the table next to my bed and read the time "6:00 a.m." Just in time to have a quick shower before my brother gets here.

As I opened my eyes, I was suddenly welcomed by the heavy rain still pounding on my roof. Thunders can still be heard and the vibe outside was just so dim and cloudy.

What a lovely morning to continue sleeping.

My eyes shifted to the boy who was sleeping soundly next to me when I heard a small snore. A thick blanket wrapped around him like a caterpillar and his body was facing me. My memory flashed back to what almost happened last night. And here I was catching myself blushing first thing in the morning. I shook my thoughts away and smiled at how peaceful he looked.

After sometime looking at this gorgeous man, the smile quickly faded from my face.

Oh no, what if Adrian finds out that Tyler and I had slept in the same room?! It was only for last night but I know he'd get the wrong idea! Maybe he'll get rid of Tyler with just a snap of his fingers! And I'd admit, I was still looking forward to his babysitting when I'll be home from New York.

With that thought, I quickly shook Tyler from his sleep, not thinking of the consequences he might give me for ruining his beautiful sleep. All I can think about right now was Adrian's consequences if he sees us sleeping together, on the same bed!

"Wake up you weirdo! Adrian might see us in the same room together and both of us will get crushed for sure!" I yelled whilst shaking him. Finally, his eyes fluttered instantly, and then looked at me in horror for a second before jumping out of bed and dragging Bella to the next room, in time for a loud horn beeping outside the house.

Tyler and I looked at each other and sighed in relief. He walked towards the bed and welcomed himself, rolling around the blanket to cuddle himself up.

Running down the stairs, I quickly opened the door to the house, in time before my brother could ring the doorbell impatiently. He looked at me, head to toe, then walked in before he would be soaking wet.

I was taken aback when he walked past me, smelling like fresh strawberry soap and coconut shampoo. Plus, that very strong manly scent of cologne sillage through the hallway and into the house.

"You already took a bath?" I asked in disbelief while rubbing my eyes. "I just woke up."

"I told you to get ready first thing in the morning," he said, looking around. "Where's Tyler?"

"I think he's still asleep?" I lied, shrugging my shoulders to let him know I really didn't know what he's doing in his room right now.

"Okay, I'll cook breakfast for the three of us while you go take a shower," he said. I nodded and quickly went up the elevator. When I was going to a corner to enter my room, I saw Tyler walking my way.

"Good morning, smart-mouth," he whispered as he walked passed me, heading down the staircase. I didn't even get a chance to bark a snarky remark because I was starting to get worried that my heart will jump out of my chest.


When I entered my room, I quickly grabbed my towel and took a bath. It only took me 15 minutes to take a shower. Usually I finish after 40 minutes but I know how sassy my brother could be when I don't follow his orders.

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