Chapter 12

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Bang Bang!

Monday came and surprisingly, the day by flew very fast. I couldn't meet with Gwen to walk together for literature class because she said she was busy preparing something.

So Tyler and I walked together to literature class. In fact, we still got a lot of glances. Everyone by now had the idea that Gwen, Angelo, Tyler, and I are friends. But when Tyler and I are alone together, I still couldn't get used to their stares. I was guessing that some people are giving malice when I was alone with Tyler.

I mean...

When we arrived in lit class, Mr. Williams was at the door checking our attendance using our signatures. I also noticed that the teacher's table was fixated right beside the door to the classroom.

"Today, I will put Gwen in charge until the day of the play. I'll be here observing your practices. If anyone needs me, I'll be here in the back observing.

Once Tyler and I signed up for the attendance, we both sneaked our way into the chairs arranged in the corner where students that weren't given any roles yet were seated.

Once I sat on a chair, the first thing that caught my attention was the set of drums that lay on the center stage. Next to it were the bongo drums, acoustic guitar, a banjo, and a piano.

Wow, Gwen really is something. I can tell that all of my classmates' ideas of her are changing just by looking at today's set.

Since all of the people who had no role were gathered in one corner, I see Gwen coming our way.

"To anyone who knows how to play instruments, please go to the center stage and pick one. For the rest, please find a partner and do a list of your suggested pop music. Then forward it to our music directors." She pointed at the crew that was sitting on the other side of the room. Each crew role had its own table, and you'll get to know their role because their specific roles are laminated. They looked so cool and powerful.

We nodded at her and did what she asked us to do. I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen.

Now, all I need is a partner-

I was suddenly cut off my thoughts when the paper and pen got ripped off from my hand. I glared at Tyler and crossed my arms.

"What?" he asked innocently. Seeing my face, he returned my paper and pen after writing both our names on them. I raised a brow at him.

He just rolled his eyes. "I don't like you but I'm too tired to get up and find a partner."

"It's okay if you're in-love with me, Kinston. I don't mind," I chuckled and laughed at his disgusted reaction.

For the past fifteen minutes, Tyler and I were brainstorming on our favorite pop music. We had a lot of suggestions, seeing that I have already listed half of Taylor Swift's songs. We were already on our second paper. Now the music director would have a lot of music to choose from.

As it was my turn to write my pop songs, I heard the bongo drums being played, followed by another instrument. I just bopped my head to the beat as I listed more pop songs on the paper.

"She shot me, she shot me. Bang, bang she shot me."

"Woah, who is that?" I looked up from my paper to see the boys on stage playing out of boredom. Jay was in the center, singing.

"Ah, there she goes again. The girl is Ethiopian,"

"In other words, she came through explodin'"

Wow, Jay's voice fit the song and verse so well. It sounded like I was just listening to a live show of K'naan. To show my appreciation, I cheered for him as well as the other students that were in the room. I bopped my head to the beat of the song. Tyler snatched the paper from my desk.

"Hey!" I protested.

"It's my turn!" Tyler exclaimed since we can't hear each other because of the loud instruments. I searched over the classroom to see Gwen sitting on a chair, watching the boys perform.

"Cut the convo short cuz she had to wake up early."

"But continuing the story, don't worry she gave me digits for her blackberry."

As I was watching the hair-standing-unbelievable performance of my classmates, a song that was similar popped up in my head. I looked over to Tyler and snatched the paper from him. This time, it was his turn to protest.

"Wait, I remember something!" I quickly said and turned away from him so that I could focus on writing on the desk. My back was facing him so I really don't know what his reaction is. Meh, I don't care.

"You do not know me very well but I would never hurt a fly."

I quickly wrote the last five songs that came to my mind. "Tada!" I said and faced Tyler.

"It's your turn and we can finally pass the paper-" I suddenly stopped talking when I noticed that Tyler was not seated in his seat anymore.

His seat was now empty.

"Then she aimed at my chest with love in her eye."

I looked around and faced Abby who was sitting behind me.

"Said she aimed at my chest,"

"Abby, have you seen Tyler?" I asked. Abby didn't take her eyes off of her paper for a second and then turned her attention to me, raising her brows. I repeated the same question to her, only louder because the instruments were so loud.

When my voice was clear, she pointed her pencil towards the stage.

"She was walking around with a loaded shotgun."

Everyone gasped at how a guy that attended our school can reach Adam Levigne's high note. This time, the voice definitely did not belong to Jay.

"Ready to fire me a hot one."

When I looked behind, Tyler was on stage, the mic in his hand and everybody stopped what they were doing just to watch him.

"It went bang, bang, bang," Tyler sang whilst faking taking a bullet on his chest, which was very attractive by the way.

He searched the crowd and his eyes landed on me. "Straight through my heart."

His eyes never left mine, and boy was I sweating at how good-looking he looked from afar. He ran a hand through his hair, and he was making it very hard for me every moment. It felt like the lyrics were for me. I wanted to look away but I was too scared to do it because he might have an idea that he was making me nervous.

"Although I could have walked away. I stood my ground and let her spray."

"She shot me, she shot me," Jay sang and stopped.

"Perfect!" I heard Gwen exclaim. "Tyler, I know you wouldn't let me down!" she said excitedly and announced to the whole class that Tyler will have the leading man spot.

"How about the leading lady?" Angela asked. She was one of the scriptwriters for the play.

Gwen faced our direction and her eyes landed on me. She smirked.

"Kris will be the leading lady."

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