Chapter 21

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Pretty Little Liar

I shove my notebooks and books inside my bag hurriedly. I was getting late and one of the reasons was thinking about Mom Hillary in the shower.

Tyler was ready and was just waiting patiently for me downstairs. After eating breakfast, I had my head down low for the following minutes. I had completely embarrassed myself.

I glanced at my wristwatch and cursed. I wake up late, maybe 6:30 am and my classes start in 7:10 but I shower quickly on school days, eat breakfast quickly and get to school quickly. But today was very different. I feel like I'm in a bubble that's slowing me down and always thinking if Tyler and Loui are the same person.

"Okay, slowpoke. Times up, let's go," Tyler barged into my room and grabbed my hand. Luckily, I have prepared all my things and I was ready to leave the house.

He dragged me all the way to his car before locking the house. I put my bag inside and sat quietly.

The whole car ride was silent and I hung my head down low. I can see him once in a while glancing in my way.

I will never look at him again. I'm so embarrassed.

"Is there a hippo in your throat or you just couldn't speak?" he asked, breaking the awkward silence.

This time, I didn't manage to stop glancing at him. "Does it bug you that I'm not making any move to have a friendly conversation with you?"

"No," he said after a while. With that, I didn't even make a move to respond and just leaned on the window.

He parked the car at the parking lot. He pushed up the breaks and locked the doors before I could even open them. I was about to protest when he grabbed my arm and made me turn to him, our faces inches apart.

My eyes widened and all I can hear was my heart hammering against my ribcage. It was so loud that I think Tyler can also hear it.

"I don't like you, but I don't like this," he said quietly. I blinked and stared at his eyes as he bore into mine. Even though I know Tyler was attractive, I didn't know he was this attractive. I can see why the girls are swooning over him when he walks past them in the hallway. Maybe I was too locked up in my bubble of hating him because of our first encounter in the furniture store that I hadn't realize he wasn't so mean to me anymore when we were living under the same roof.

"Just a lot going on right now," I said honestly as I swallowed whatever was making me not move from our position. He could pull me closer and we could have made out in his car. And I didn't want to end up in that direction.

Slowly, he let go of my arm and pulled back. I grabbed my bag and opened the car door. "Thanks for the ride."

I didn't even wait for him as I quickly strolled in the school building.

"Boo," I heard a whisper as I set all my things in my locker. I looked over my shoulder to see Gwen smiling at me. I looked around suspiciously, looking for Angelo.

"Where's your BFF?" I asked.

"Where's yours?" she snickered. I glared at her in amusement.

Gwen knew my history and how broken I was when Loui left. She was there for me up until the present and she was the only person who can joke around with it.

"That's why I called you earlier this morning, honey," I said, rolling my eyes. I looked around again and shut my locker. I motioned her to follow me.

We walked down the hallway and into the parking lot. I spotted her grey car and pointed it to her. "It's safe to talk in your car."

She nodded and complied. Not long we were already seated in her car. "Spill."

"I think it's weird but I have a feeling that Tyler is..." I trailed looking around. "Loui."

I heard Gwen gasp. "How can you say so?"

"Because I saw his mom calling him earlier and I saw his mom's name. Hillary," I whispered, horrified. "I know, just because his mom's name is Hillary doesn't mean he's Loui, right? But Gwen," I whined.

"What if he really is? I can't seem to focus ever since that phone call. Heck, I even put soap in my hair because I thought it was shampoo!" I stopped right there, feeling my eyes burning hot. Gwen shifted her weight and pulled me into a hug.

"Awee, baby don't cry. How about we sneak into his phone tonight?" she suggested. I pulled out of the hug and rubbed my eyes. I shook my head.

"That would be impossible because he carries his phone around with him," I said and sighed. "I mean, who doesn't?" If he was truly Loui, he could've told me right away, right?

Gwen also sighed and thought deeply. Minutes later, I heard her phone vibrated. I looked over and I saw her grin widely.

"Well, princess. He can't carry his phone inside a pool, right?" she asked, giggling. She put her phone up to my face and grinned widely.

Yow, get your bikinis ready cuz I'm having a pool party the day after tomorrow! Starts at 8 pm. Everybody is invited!

Not long I also received the same message.

This might be a fun evening, I thought to myself. Not until Gwen gave me instructions about what will happen tomorrow.

"Okay, mission #67; Know if Tyler is really Loui," she started.

Yes, throughout our friendship, Gwen and I set out missions. It's not like breaking to a bank or something. Just purely stalking someone if it involves Gwen's love life. And the day after tomorrow will be our 67th mission. I know, it's not a lot because Gwen was being an ass and got sent to an all-girls school for 3 years!

Gwen is a bad-ass and there are times I let her drag me along with her. But most of the time, I thwack her head and won't comply with her stupid missions.

"Here's the plan: It's Angelo's place and I know every inch of his house. So, tonight, you go and convince Tyler to come with you. Then you go and swim with him at the pool party. Don't worry, Angelo's pool is pretty big and no one will notice the both of you hanging out," she instructed.

I was about to protest but she continued.

"Before you go and swim, you will ask me where to drop your belongings. I'll take you to a room where you can change into your swimwear and where you can leave your bags behind. Make sure that Tyler leaves his phone behind. You go and distract Tyler in the swimming pool. Maybe flirt with him? And I'll go and lock myself in the room you dropped your belongings and go through his phone. Got it?" she said and looked at me. I squinted my eyes, thinking about this.

"I mean, why should I be the one to distract him? Why should I be the one to flirt with him? We both know you're good at that!" I whined. Gwen gave me a pointed look.

"Because I sense a form of relationship between you two and I do not take a man that is approved to be the future boyfriend for my best bitch," she said.

"What future boyfriend are you talking about?" I sighed. "Gwen? I don't like the dude even as friends!"

But I'm very curious. Should I?

"Fine. Let's do this," I finally said after a couple of minutes of her begging me to do so. I just know she wanted to do this out of her imaginary relationship she has between Tyler and I. Gwen shouted in joy and enveloped me in a hug.

I know this was invading his privacy but I really wanted to know. Tyler was totally being dishonest with me. There's a tiny feeling that he really was. And I'm gonna expose the pretty little liar he was.

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