Chapter Four - Curiosity Killed the Frog

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It was the sunny morning after Sprig departed from the Plantar Farm. Hop Pop was relaxing on the porch looking at the scenery of Wartwood as he was sitting in his rocking chair with his eyes closed while it rocked back and forth much to his satisfaction. 

While he was peacefully doing absolutely nothing, Hop Pop felt a slight change of breeze in the air. He also felt a slight rumble under his feet. Hop Pop eventually opened his eyes to see his surroundings, but nothing was interesting for his eyes to land on, except his avocado farm, which he cares for deeply.

However, as he looked right in front of him, he saw what looked like a tiny dot from afar. The said dot started to grow larger and larger by the second. Hop Pop looked a little closer, but is still unable to determine the mysterious object getting closer to him.

As the dot started to get nearer, he heard what seemed to be a tiny voice that became clearer by the second.

"Slow down!" Polly yelled as she held onto her robot friend, Frobo, who was uncontrollably speeding towards the farm. Her worry became more intense as she saw Hop Pop standing on the porch.

Meanwhile, Hop Pop quickly realized what the closing in object was. He immediately dived below the stairs leading onto the porch to avoid being hit by the speeding pink-painted Frobot in panic. As Frobo neared the front door, Polly released her grip on him and landed on the dirt path, before the robot finally hit the house's entrance.

The impact resulted in the front door busted open, the walls surrounding it being slightly ripped with it. Frobo stopped his acceleration when he hit through a wall, leaving a giant hole with his shape on it. He eventually found himself landing in the kitchen, completely making a mess in the entire room.

After diving his entire body on the dirt roughly, Hop Pop got back up on his feet while trying to suppress his backache.

"Hop Pop!" Polly called out to her grandfather.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"I hope so." Hop Pop groaned while holding his back.

The two looked at the giant opening that was made by Frobo. Polly was shocked, but Hop Pop, however, was angered.

He sternly walked to the doorway, with his granddaughter following him. They both peeked their heads inside the house, and saw where Frobo was from another wall opening.

"What in the frog did you do this time?!" Hop Pop asked madly to Polly.

"It was an accident, okay?! I was testing out this new upgrade I've been thinking about all night and-" Polly tried to explain the long way, but Hop Pop held out his hand, commanding her to stop talking.

"The short version, Polly!" He said.

"I accidentally increased his propulsion rocket's power..." Polly said, her eyes looking down in guilt while Hop Pop only sighed, not understanding her sciency words.

"Look, whatever it is this time, go clean it up. It's your mess." Hop Pop said calmly.

"Fine..." Polly whined with her head down, heading to the robot sitting on the broken dinner table. 

"Bet Sprig is having more fun than I am right now." Polly said in her thoughts as she grumbled audibly.


"This is NOT FUN!" Sprig shouted as he ran away in retreat from a buff newt goon, bigger than he is.

"NOT FUN AT ALL!" He said again and launched his tongue at a tree branch hanging above him.

With his tongue stuck on the branch, Sprig was lifted from the ground and avoided being grabbed by the thug. The young frog then performed a three hundred and sixty degree flip around the branch, going behind the newt chasing him and landing a kick on the back of the newt's head, knocking him out.

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