Chapter Nine - Final Curtain

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Author's note: Sorry this chapter was a little delayed! I was so caught up by writing another upcoming fic I forgot to publish the finale for Sprivy and The City of Fortune.

Yep, yet again, you read that right. This is the final chapter for this fic, hence the chapter's title. I have no plans for a sequel to this fic yet though. My next fic will probably be a lot sooner to come out. Anyways, hope you enjoy and I'll see ya in the next universe!


In the underground rotting city of Eden, Renee and her men continued to scavenge through the buildings one by one to collect all of the valuables they could find.

After giving a certain offer to Sprig and Ivy that they for sure can't refuse, Renee led some of her men to the biggest building with a pointy roof. After ascending a flight of stairs that led to a big entrance, Renee kicked it open.

The doors opened inwards revealing an old, giant room that had the same size as a courtroom, with a continuing hallway right ahead. Dust flew everywhere after Renee kicked the door open with force. There was a giant hole in the ceiling that gave the sunlight a way to shine into the room itself.

What gave Renee a significantly disturbed feeling is the scattered remains of frogs, newts and toads everywhere across the floor in the building. She and her men were completely anxious by the atmosphere, they only figured out maybe a fight or something violent happened.

Going further towards the hallway, they spotted what looks to be a vault at the end of the hallway. The big, metal vault was slightly left open, leaving cobwebs and dust to be sticking on it.

The group was immediately excited by the sight, but they carefully approached the mysterious vault. Renee calmly led her goons through the hallway, and after a while, the vault was standing before them.

Renee gestured to the group towards the vault, two of her men stepped forwards to give her assistance on creaking open the vault. With no countdown, they pulled the vault door open with as much strength as they could take out. They found the door to be a lot heavier than expected.

Eventually, the vault door creaked open, revealing a sight that made Renee and her men's eyes wider and their jaws dropped. A large pile of eye-blinding, shining bits of gold being stacked on top of each other was right before them in the vault, with other shiny gems being put in the middle of the pile.

Renee and the others were expecting a treasure behind the vault's door, and their feelings didn't disappoint. Renee chuckled in amazement.

"We did it." She said lowly.

"WE DID IT!" Renee said again, this time with an enthusiastic tone.

Her excitement also made all of her henchmen cheer in victory together. Each of them high fived each other, Renee also gave some of her nearby goons a high five while roaring in exhilaration.

"All right, boys: Pack all of them up! Leave not a single dime behind!" Renee said, gesturing to the piles of valuables in front of her.

Her men immediately obeyed, pulling out dozens of bags to put the treasure in. Renee's men started to pick up and loot the entire vault, some of them climbing on top of the pile just to collect it first.

"Ah, what a journey. Am I right, kids?" Renee said to Sprig and Ivy who was behind her.

She turned around to see them but much to her surprise, they were not. Renee had a look of confusion in her face, thinking that they were following her that entire time, but she figured the excitement of getting the treasure had her attention to them being blinded.

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