CHAPTER ONE, sophie's pov

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I was having a rough day, and that's before I nearly got electrocuted.

I go to Foxfire high, it's one of those fancy schools rich people send their kids to for a so called 'better' education than standard public school. Foxfire isn't exactly your normal school though, it's known for their unusual teaching methods, that might be my favourite thing about it, but right now school was a pretty big nuisance.

Edaline had just woken me up because my phone died at some point in the night so my alarm didn't go off like normal. 

I looked like an absolute mess, I was wearing jeans and a basic white t-shirt, not in like a cute 'messy bun and no makeup type look' but 'in a oh my god what is that little demon looking girl doing here, I'm scared mom come pick me up,' type way.

Edaline parked the car, "We're here, now run, don't be late for school!"

I smiled and nodded, "Will do, thanks for driving me!" I said before I shut the car door and rushed into the building. 

I checked my phone, 7:59, oh crap I had one minute.

I hurried up the stairs, my backpack weighed my down greatly, not to mention I was carrying some of my books rather than holding them. I just had one more flight of stairs to go to get to the third floor, I wasn't paying attention and whacked directly into someone.

"Shoot, I'm so sorry," I rambled out, "I totally don't see you there." I bent down to pick up all my stuff, I was definitely going to be late now.

"It's okay," The boy replied, helping scoop some up and put them in my arms, he had blonde hair and very blue eyes, he's kinda cute, I thought, shame I couldn't talk to him more without Ms. Galvin getting me in big trouble, she hated it when students were late.

"Thanks for helping me, gotta go," I said before continuing up the stairs, bursting into the classroom and smoothly sliding into my seat at the back of the class with Biana. I must say the fact that I was able to do that without tripping is pretty impressive.

The bell sounded only a couple of seconds after I slid into my chair. Ms. Galvin pursed her lips, looking angry that she couldn't get me in trouble for being late, she hated kids, I really don't know why she decided to be a teacher. She hated me especially, after the time I accidentally set her pants on fire and she found up flashing the entire class her hot pink cat underwear.

"Now that everyone is here," she started spitefully, "it's time to go over chapter nine of your textbooks." 

I plopped my books down on the desk which was louder than I'd anticipated and I cringed a little bit when a few students turned back to look at what the sound was.

"Sorry," I whispered, even though no one heard it.

I turned around to put the rest of my books in my backpack, I seriously don't know why lady Galvin insisted on text books, they're heavy and take up so much space, digital ones would be so much easier.

I then flipped to chapter nine, but after only a couple of minutes passed before Biana poked me in the arm with her pencil. "Ow, what do you want?" I whispered.

"Why were you late?" She asked in a hushed tone as well.

"My phone is a hunk of junk so my alarm didn't go off."

"Oh, well, want to sleep over after school?"

Lady Galvin was glaring like a hawk, so I waited until her gaze was rested upon someone else before replying to my friend. "Sure, I'll need to text my mom though."

"Cool, Fitz is so annoying I swear, it's almost like his entire goal in life is to annoy me."

My heart sank at the mention of his name, "Please don't say he's gonna be there?"

"'Course not, he's out doing something stupid with fellow stupid friends I think, I dunno, I don't really pay much attention to him, to be honest."

I chuckled a little and Lady Galvin's eyes shot directly over to me.

"Something funny? Ms. Foster?" Venom coated her tone.

"No, sorry," I replied, casting my eyes downwards, Biana on the other hand was staring directly at her.

The raised her brow, "Then why the laughter?" She said while approaching me.

"Your cat underwear!" Someone said from behind her. 

She spun around and faced the rest of the class. "Who said that?!"

No one fessed up but everyone was laughing, Lady Galvin's cheeks were flushed in anger and embarrassment. "Once I found out who said that they're getting extra homework!" She snapped.

The rest of the class passed by slowly as we waited through 45 minutes of complete boredom.


"Oh god that was so embarrassing," I said to Biana as we walked out of science class and down the hall to our next class. She and I weren't able to talk due to Ms. Galvin threatening to give detention to the next person that spoke.

As we walked down the hall we planned out our sleepover. I'd drive home and get my stuff, Biana would pick me up then we'd get back to her place, do some baking and then binge movies all night, it was going to be awesome.


I cannot believe this is at almost 20k reads in just 6 months, and I have more stories coming so if you want to be tagged when they are released comment on this line ->

Note; I know that a lot of you are coming from Trust Fall, you are probably a little more used to more dirty jokes and swearing, but since I've kinda realized a lot of the people who are going to be reading this are younger, I'm toning down on the swearing—not the dirty jokes tho, chances are they probably won't understand them anyway.

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