Chapter 10

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Where is our mate? the Lakin asks me, pushing into my now pounding head. *I dont know, im worried* my wolf chuckles. Of course your worried, we need him, he could be dead, hurt. We need to find him. She says back. We had made it up the stairs now and where at an elevator in the main lobby of the Assembly's office building. The door opens and the man shoves me into the elevator, again pressing the twenty-fifth floor. The door dings and I'm lead into the hallway, the women at the front desk standing and greeting me with a quick,"Luna" and a nod of her head. I start walking straighter, wanted the onlookers to know I am strong. I take a left and follow the scent of Joe, my guard not bothering to follow anymore, but stopping in a small office. I stop at the last office door and open it, coming face to face with the devil himself, shuffling papers on his desk.

I slam the door shut and charge at him, grabbing him by his neck and slamming him into the all glass wall behind his desk, glass cracking when it came in contact with his body. "Where is he?" I growl, barely audible with how pissed I am. Joe smirks, "My dear, you need to loosen your hold on me." He said, laying on hand onto mine grasping his neck. Tingles come from his touch, small ones, barely noticeable, but still there. "Where is he?" I ask once more, tightening my grip. Joes hand drops and he sighs deeply, "It breaks my heart to tell you this Melrose." He says, attempting to shake his head, only receiving a shove into the window again. "Last time Joe, where is my mate?" I ask, my voice cutting through the air like a steak knife through butter. "He left you Mel. He didn't want the all powerful Lakin as his mate. He was given the chance to run after injuring my beta and he took it. To my knowledge he's back in Miami at his fathers side." He says, casting his gaze down dramatically. "The punk has no idea how to deal with the shock of having such an amazing wolf as his mate my dear. He rejected you, out of fear for himself." Joes voice echoes in my head, causing my heart to crack. My hand loosens slightly at the shock of the touch and Joe takes his opportunity. Grabbing my hand he jerks it from his neck and flips out from in front of me to shoving me against the cracking glass my face pressed against it. "Now dear, that isn't a the way to teach your new mate is it?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask, spitting onto the floor in disdain. "Darling, do not disrespect your alpha." Joe says sweetly, pressing my face into the glass even more, glass cutting into my skin. "Melrose I am doing this to help you." "Then why would you mark me Joe? You know I'm not your!" I scream, punching another hole through the glass. "To keep you safe Melrose do you not listen?" Joe says back, more calmly then me. "Let me go Joe, he's my mate!" I shout one last time before punching the third and final hole into the glass, cause the whole window to shatter. With the pressure Joe was putting onto me gravity had no choice but to intervene. I felt myself flip from Joes grip but another hand grabbed my wrist before I could go further.

Alright, I'll admit, that was a stupid escape plan. Lets look at it this way, I would have landed and healed within an hour, so really I would have been fine! You idiot they would have found us in an hour, then what would happen to Carter? The Lakin is upset to say the least. I bare my teeth as I'm pulled up from the edge of the building. "Luna, don't worry, I got you." Says one of the enforcers, pulling me up while the smaller one that dragged me up here shoots daggers at me. Damn if looks could kill. I'm set onto the floor and Joe rushes over to me, examining my body for injuries. "She's fine Alpha, she didn't drop far." Says my saving enforcer. I growl when his hand touches his mark on my neck, sizzling pain coming from the touch. "Leave us." Joe commands as he helps me up and into his desk chair. "And call someone to fix that god damn window!" I yell at their retreating figures. "What where you thinking?" Joe asks, sitting on his desk in front of me. "I need to find him Joe, I don't care what you do, I will find him." I said, removing the tissue that covered my now healed cut on my face. "Seems this is going to be more work that I initially thought, oh well, whatever to keep my Lakin safe." He says in a hushed tone, so ears droppers couldn't hear.

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