Chapter 7

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I wake up to the attendants rushing throughout the plane, I look up to see Carter snoring in his seat, arm still slung around me. I smile and shake him slightly,"babe, we are landing." I whisper into his ear. His eyes shot open and relax when they land on me. I smile and kiss him, "good morning" he says, caressing my cheek. We touch down and deplane, making our way to the rental cars.

Driving out of the parking lot I leave a tiny blonde that I think should stop breathing, she flirted with my mate. She needs to die. Carter grabs my hand and kisses the back of it, "calm down baby, I only have eyes for you." He says smirking at my reaction. He was driving us to the new location of the assembly, an office building in the city. I think I was going to shoot myself when we pulled up. This is the first thing gone. The building was about 25 stories high, shooting high over the other buildings in the area. One wall was covered with tinted glass while the others where black stone.

I walk in proudly, my black heels clicking on the floor and my mate holding my hand. My red dress I had changed into screamed 'power' and it clung to me just right. Carter looked down at me and I met his gaze at the elevator, him in black slacks and a blue button up shirt. After reading the directory we found what we where looking for, and pressed the top floor. Rising up there we are greeted by the secretary, same one from so long ago. The only thing that has stayed the same. She looks at me and her eyes pop. She remembered me,but she had no chance to speak. "Where are they?" I ask, she points a shaky finger to the conference room and I march foreword, pushing open the glass doors that lead to the room. I am ready for this, ready to take this over without blood shed. I walk in and everyone's eyes are on me, more importantly, my neck, where the Alpha necklace hung. I step onto the platform in front of everyone, having the speaker step down quickly. I look down the table, to the man who's headed this whole thing, the man responsible for all of my pain. For killing off my family. For killing off my alphas, my race. I stare into the familiar brown eyes. Joe stood in the head chair.

My mouth hung open, he was dead, I was sure of it. I left him for dead. The rouges took him out, but there he is, sitting in the alpha chair, directing the assembly. This cannot be happening. Carter shook my arm, waking me from from my dazed state, staring at Joe. Joe was staring back at me, surprise on his face. What did he know? This is making me question everything I know. Why have I been heading for so long when he's heading this nasty revolution? He wouldn't let the things I've seen happen, he must not know, he can't know.

"Melrose, babe, are you okay?" Carter said, shaking me arm harshly. I finally look back into his eyes, and he read them like a book. He started shaking, ready to shift and go after Joe, but I can't let that happen. "No." That one word stopped him and he just stood in front of me protectively. "What is the meaning of this?" Yells the number two man, sitting on Joe's right. "Who do you think you are?" He asks, jumping onto the platform with me and Carter. "Step down Mark." Joes voice rang through the meeting hall, strong. "What is she doing here Sir? She's not one of us. Guards! Get them out of here!" Growling, Carter shakes more violently, I start to shake as well. They wouldn't dare touch me. I looked from behind Carters frame and locked eyes with Joe once again. He's plotting. That son of a bitch has a plan for me, and it's starting now. "No, leave her." Joe gets up from his chair and jumps onto the now crowded platform gracefully. "She's mine."

I feel a growl escape my lips, "I am no where near yours." I spit out, venom laced with the words, just the way I like it. Joe looks to my protective mate still standing in front of me, locking eyes with him. "Remove yourself pup." Carter steps forward, "she's my mate, you remove yourself Alpha." The observers that have stayed in their seats watching the show shiver internally, disrespecting the alpha, your life will end if you do that. Time to take action, I move swiftly from behind Carter and put my hand on Joe's chest, a slight tingle emerges but I ignore it.

"Step down Joe, this is my throne, not yours." By now the second command, Mark, is shaking more than Carter behind me. "Call off your man Joe, do it now and you may leave with your life." Joe smirks, eyes racking down my body and back up. "I sure have missed you Melrose." He says, taking a step closer to me. "Step away Joe." I warn for the final time, barring my teeth. He shifts his weight, now more comfortable, he's teasing me. The sick bastard was teasing his alpha, waiting for my wolf to come out. No, don't do it, he's playing you. You choose where it goes from here. I breathe deeply repeating the words over and over to the Lakin. She's getting itchy. "Enough of this! You've over stepped your boundaries bitch!" Mark leaps into the air, shifting, and landing on top of me in a solid grey wolf, small, trying to intimidate me. His paws dig into my shoulders as I keep calm, not showing how scared I was, he won't do anything to me, he won't do anything to me. Mark was instantly ripped from my body by my mates bigger, stronger, black wolf.

Snapping and growling filled the halls of the office building as two huge wolves bounded after another through the building and out to the woods. Knowing my mate is in danger, I shoot up from my place on the ground and charge for Joe. "Call off your man Joe or I swear to God I will ripped your pathetic excuse for a wolf apart!" I shake as my Lakin voice courses through the room, some wolves move from their seat, bowing before me. Joe just stood there, admiring me from the looks of it. "Call him off." I say more sternly and in control this time. "Oh fine, it would be a waste of wolf to have him killed anyway." Joe said, shaking his head and coming toward me, moving his hand to caress my cheek. I jerk my face away and just glare at him. "Bring Carter back to me." I demand, continuing my glare. "Oh darling you don't need to string along that silly little pup anymore, we are together again." Joe says, his smile turning sickly sweet.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask, cautious. "My dear, your my mate." Just then Joe steps forward and kisses my forehead, "Now, let me introduce you to everyone" he gestures to the table below us, at all the men staring up at me, his arm wrapped around my back as he goes through each man, them bowing their heads to me saying nothing more than 'Luna'. My heart sunk to my feet, he's not my mate, he can't be. Right now nothing makes sense. There is nothing we can do now, We need to take the revolution down from the inside, go with it." The Lakin says, I swallow some of the bail that rises up to my throat and smile at the men. I am now Luna of the thing that tore apart my family, killed my pack, and gave me a dormant wolf, this day did not go as planned.

Joe sat me down in the head chair and stood behind me. "Well, now that my mate has returned to me i believe you men deserve an explanation." My muscles tenses, here i was, sitting in a room full of my enemies who all want my head, and Joe is going to put me to death because I'm the Lakin. No he couldnt, he just said i was his mate. This makes no sense. "This beautiful young lady beside me was the late Twin Alpha's descendant." People around the room gasped, some even standing to take me apart limb from limb. I put both arms onto the arms of the office chair, ready to throw it toward the attackers. Surprisingly Joe stood in front of me.

"Peace my brothers. She is not a threat." He says, raising his hand and using a strong voice. The men started back to their chairs but continued to stand. "I helped her escape from the fire because i knew she was my mate. The Alpha was still breathing when i dropped her down the well and there was a small chance he would have made it, but Mark killed him on the spot after little Melrose was gone. I kept her hidden for her safety. Now it is time to welcome your Luna!"

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