❝𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬. 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰-𝐈𝐭-𝐀𝐥𝐥❞

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This is a South Park reader insert based mostly, but not only, on ❛The Fractured But Whole❜ game, meaning this story will contain tons and tons of swears, sexual content, violence and an unhealthy dose of Eric Cartman. This is South Park, so it should be expected, but if this isn't your kind of content, please feel free to click off this story! Heads-up: main characters have been aged up to be 17/18 years old. Now, this being said... 


➤【𝒀𝑬𝑺】 『𝐍𝐎』

South Park was the strangest town in the entirety of Colorado, if not in the entire United States of America

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South Park was the strangest town in the entirety of Colorado, if not in the entire United States of America. It would not be an understatement to consider it the strangest town in the whole world. If you asked some of its residents, especially the younger ones, they'd be able to tell you all about the infinite number of strange things that had happened and continue happening in the small town.

Some people would tell you about aliens abducting citizens to give them anal probes, others would tell you about that time a mecha, Godzilla-like version of Barbra Streisand tried to destroy the town. There would even be people telling you all about that one time Jesus had a boxing match with Satan; it'd be more than understandable if you started thinking the town was full of psychos and people that are probably a bit too passionate about doing drugs.

Thing is, strangely enough not a single one of these stories would be false, and there was one person in town that knew better than anyone, even better than those who had witnessed all of these things with their own eyes, any and everything that had happened and is happening in the happy, little mountain town.

Known as Miss. Know-It-All, Y/N L/N was one of the most mysterious and scary people that attended South Park High School, even some of the teachers and most adults feared her - they didn't want their darkest secrets being revealed to everyone.

Her nickname was quite fitting and in no way ironic, for she quite literally knew everything, exception made for the few things she considered unimportant, that transpired in the cold town.

She had a 'small' habit of picking fights with certain people and she came out of said fights always basically unscathed, which contributed to the fear people felt towards her.

Most people were wrong about her, though. She wasn't as scary as most made her out to be. She was cunning and physically strong, and like all South Park residents a bit messed up in the head, but she wasn't, as some would put it, a 'crazy bitch that punched anyone she didn't like.'

Her closest friends, which weren't many, they were actually three people, knew her as she truly was. A funny, mischievous and affectionate person, who didn't mind scheming and causing trouble every once in a while and that would fight only if threatened or if one of the people she cared about was about to get hurt by someone else. The former being the reason she fought people a good 95% of the time.

𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬. 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰-𝐈𝐭-𝐀𝐥𝐥 | South Park x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now