❝𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐠𝐮𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐠𝐫𝐮𝐝𝐠𝐞❞

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Engaging in combat against a bunch of superpowered teenagers armed with nothing but a bo staff already presents its challenges. However, the difficulty level skyrockets when the one some believe to be the strongest in their team, decides to fixate on you and you alone. As if you were his number one enemy in the entire world.

No matter how many times you aim precise strikes directly at his head, he doesn't seem to particularly care, shrugging off the blows as if they were nothing. That's what makes this whole fight so annoying.

Amidst the flurry of blows exchanged between you and Mysterion, a nagging curiosity gnaws at the back of your mind. If only you weren't so busy with dodging and diverting his hits with your bo, you might've been asking yourself the motivations behind his vendetta against you. His strikes against you are clearly stronger (and fuelled with hate, may you add) than those directed at your comrades who dare to get too close to you two. Well, it's not like he'd answer you amidst all that chaos even if you asked, so you just kept on fighting.

The clash of your hits reverberated through the air, each strike a testament to your skill and determination to end this battle already. Him, because it is no secret, he would enjoy defeating you and laugh in your face later. You... because you were getting progressively more annoyed. You spun your bo staff with fluid grace, deflecting Mysterion's blows with precision, despite how fast his attacks were. His movements were swift and unpredictable, especially with how he sometimes used his cloak to hide the direction his punches or kicks would come from.

A sudden feint from him caught you off guard, and you felt a sharp pain as his fist connected with your side, knocking the breath from your lungs. Gritting your teeth against the pain, you retaliated with a swift kick, catching him off balance for a moment, which you made the most of by swiping the bo underneath his feet, successfully making him stumble. The brief respite allowed you to assess your surrounding.

You could hear the sounds of your allies clashing with the rest of the Freedom Pals, their shouts and battle cries mingling with the distant laughter of children. Actually, it was mostly Cartman shouting. Every time he got hurt. Whiny baby.

Talking about babies, why did they even decide to fight your group near a playground, anyway? What if a child barged in and got hit by a fireball to the face?

The short moment was quickly interrupted by Mysterion reacquiring his balance and rushing back into trying to beat you into a pulp.

It was a constant trade of blows, and regrettably — not that you'd tell anyone anyway — you couldn't help but admire Mysterion's agility and resilience. Even as you mentally cursed his stubbornness in wanting to fight you and you alone, when there were plenty of people he could beat up.

Each strike left its mark, bruises blossoming beneath your costume, but it's not like you would yield anytime soon. They were superficial bruises anyway, and you were sure had as many, if not a bit more, than you did. It was actually quite fun to face someone you considered almost your par in strength for once.

In the heat of battle, just as you were bracing for another attack from Mysterion, who had teleported behind you with his Demonic Rush and was about to hit you with a hard punch. A sudden force yanks you away, simultaneously healing your wounds, whisking you to safety just in the nick of time.

"Never fear, Kite's here!" Human Kite declared. Support classes were truly a blessing.

Offering a swift nod of gratitude over your shoulder, you returned your focus to the task at hand, and went straight back into fighting with the angry blonde.

As he steps towards you to throw yet another punch, you tighten the grip both of your hands have on your staff. As quickly as possible, you take a step backwards, bring your arms close to your body and perform a front thrust with your bo, aiming for Mysterion's stomach and hitting it successfully.

𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬. 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰-𝐈𝐭-𝐀𝐥𝐥 | South Park x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now