❝𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐧 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐰 𝐚 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐞❞

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The school day ended rather boringly, with little happening during classes. That 'little' obviously didn't include a black-haired guy talking to you.

You'd think he would have changed his ways after that talk but no. No talking, only staring. It made you feel as if you had a stalker.

Not even the girls' not subtle at all making fun of his behaviour stopped him from keeping it up.

You could be friendly and patient, sure, but things like these annoyed you quite a bit. It took all the calmness you had to refrain from glaring at him and shouting to hurry up and talk to you already.

In the end, you were home, minding your own business in your room, having almost given up. You were lying on your bed, scrolling through Raccoongram* on your phone trying to figure out how it worked and who had it.

All of the girls had it, considering that they instantly liked and commented under a selfie Dovah posted of the two of you.

He decided to go straight to your house after school instead of going to his. He hadn't even asked you if you wanted him over, but you didn't really mind his company and you were used to him inviting himself over to your house. Your parents were used to it too, so nobody really seemed to mind.

Once you were home, knowing you would be bothered by Cartman at some point during the day, he decided to do his weird 'spinning so fast that I, for some reason, end up in my hero get-up' thing.

You, on the other hand, just went to change in the bathroom like normal people who aren't beyblades do.

It was the first time you tried your new hero costume Bebe made. For a second you thought she had some superpower related to sewing because the costume fit you like a glove. It was perfect.

Keeping the mask in one of your belt's bags, you went back to your room, finding Dovah laying on your bed and on his phone. He looked up when he heard the door open and immediately sat up and started typing on his phone once he saw you.

'did you change costume? You look good in it :)'

You smiled at him, "You think so? Bebe made it for me."

He nodded and typed on his phone once again. 'hey, can I take a selfie of us in our hero costumes to post?' You were about to say no, but once again: Dovah's puppy dog eyes.

You sighed and nodded, "Sure, sure. Let me put my mask on first."

He got up and stood next you, getting ready to take the photo as you put your mask on. Seeing that you were done, he got closer to you and wrapped his free arm around your waist. You just did the first normal pose you had in mind.

He tapped on the screen and the selfie was taken. Before you could take a step away from him though, he decided to give you a heart attack.

"You seriously look beautiful in these clothes, you know?" He got closer to your face and whispered near your ear.

He then stepped away from you, removing his arm from around your waist. He had a smirk on his face.

You just stood there shocked for a couple of seconds. The last, and first, time you had heard him speak was in fifth grade and now that he spoke again he decided to say that? Damn, you felt embarrassed for some reason.

Recovering from the shock, you took your mask off and threw it at his face. Caught by surprise he took a step back and ended up falling back onto your bed.

"Seriously, you speak after all this time and that's what you say?!" You complained, "You almost gave me a heart attack, too!"

He just silently laughed in response and shrugged his shoulders before going back on his phone.

𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬. 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰-𝐈𝐭-𝐀𝐥𝐥 | South Park x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now