❝𝐇𝐚𝐦𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝐨𝐛𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝❞

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Despite your hope, your momentary companion decided that he would not stop trying out one-liners. He kept doing it throughout the whole battle.

The one positive thing was that, despite the physical and psychological pain those one-liners brought, he was actually a decent fighter and his powers were kind of really cool. He almost threw a screwdriver at you, but thanks to him, you made quick work of those guys, so you couldn't really complain all that much.

Once done, you could proceed ahead, leaving The Lofts and moving towards the railroad tracks and across them, finally able to reach the U-Stor-It. But not before having to pass through a gate made out of cardboard with 'Freedom Pals' written on it. They seriously claimed possession over a cardboard gate.

As you crossed the road and approached the entrance of the storage facility, you were met with, you guessed it: the dreaded lava. Red LEGO bricks were scattered all over the ground, blocking your path, and oh, would you look at that, there's an air compressor conveniently placed next to it.

Toolshed adjusted his goggles and was about to take his sandblaster out, ready to blow the lava away. Which he would've done, had someone not decided to make his grand entrance with style.

You knew he would do it, but didn't think it'd be him jumping, out of nowhere, on top of a car and posing there.

He turned around, his red cape fluttering slightly due to the movement and light wind of that night. Despite your better judgement, you had to admit he looked at least the tiniest bit cool, not that you would ever tell him.

"They're here! Raccoon Friends, assemble!" Cartman exclaimed, then got off the car, struggling a bit while doing so.

As he stepped foot on the ground, from both left and right arrived the other members of your superhero group, all of them striking some very dorky poses as Cartman walked towards you and Stan. Expect Dovahkiin, he just stood still, unimpressed, looking at you and shaking his head as he refused to look like a clown.

"Well, well, the buttfucking traitor actually shows up." Your leader spoke, staring at the black-haired guy next to you, looking at his expression as if he was expecting a negative reaction and wanted to thoroughly enjoy it.

"Hey, whoa, nuh-uh." Stan started complaining with a furrow of his brows, making a stop gesture with both hands. His eyes moved from looking at Cartman, then to you, and back to Cartman once more. "I said I'd help Metis, not you losers." He said, pointing at you.

"Ah, I'm not a loser." You let out a snort, a smile on your face, showing that you found his statement funny, especially the end of it. It wasn't the time, but you felt a bit of pride in knowing that unlike your teammates, you weren't considered a loser.

"Metis." Your leader sent you a small glare — which you were sure at least one other person in your team was sending you as well — wanting you to be serious. You just raised your hands in surrender, all while stile sporting a smile on your face. He shook his head.

"Yeah, well, Metis is a Raccoon Friend and Raccoon Friends work together, douche." He resumed.

Annoyed at having to wait, Craig stepped forward as well, "Come on, we need to get inside this fence."

"Yeah, Toolshed, that's what Metis wants." Jimmy joined in, looking at you for you to confirm what he just said.

"True. That's my one dream in life: infiltrating this specific U-Stor-It." You sighed, and said apathetically. You could be doing so many things right then, like sleeping, but no. You had to infiltrate a storage facility to rescue a cat from mafia families or something.

"FINE." Stan raised his voice and scoffed. He walked towards the air compressor and attached his sandblaster to it, "As long as there's a power generator nearby, I can use my dad's sandblaster to clear almost any obstacle."

𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬. 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰-𝐈𝐭-𝐀𝐥𝐥 | South Park x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now