8: Clarity

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...And now were finally standing by the water fountain.


We snapped our heads up to see a slightly pissed Ochako Uraraka standing near a lamppost at the edge of the alleyway or clearing, or whatever you could call this.

Kacchan's lip separated from mine with a little pop, and we were both just glaring ad if Uraraka had caught us committing a murder.

"Uraraka! I... Well... Uhm..." Why couldn't I talk NOW!?!

"No Deku... I get it..." She smiled and looked down, but it looked like she was watching our intertwined fingers more than the ground.

The air was cold and still, but then Uraraka started laughing softly. She was giggling lie crazy and Kacchan and I were just casually on the ground, staring at her.

"FINALLY! Gosh Deku, your so obvious yknow? But I realize this was more important that anything... You two ARE soulmates! Now Jiro owes me twenty bucks!"

"You made a BET over this, Pink Cheeks!?!" Now Kacchan was on his feet, still pulling on my hand, and I felt it warm up, like he was going to blow any second.

"Ignore what I said, heheh... The point is, you both have a soulmate now, and I couldn't be happier for the both of you!" Uraraka's smile felt like a weight of uncertainty had been lifted from my shoulders.

"..So your not mad?" I asked, just to make sure she wasn't hiding anything.

"Of course not Deku! I wouldn't be standing here in the freezing cold laughing about it if I was mad!" She giggled, but then her expression softened, and she turned to Kacchan.

"Kat- Bakugo, I'm really sorry... I just... Was too nervous to break our relationship. I didn't want it to seem as if I was using you as a distraction from something, and I just couldn't bring myself to leave you in the dust. I'm sorry..."

"Whatever Pink Cheeks. I'm.... Sorry too..." He whispered the last part and Uraraka and I burst out laughing.

"Did Katsuki Bakugo just apologize!?!"

"SHUTUP PINK CHEEKS AND LEMME HANG OUT WITH MY BOYFRIEND!" He yelled, and she held up her hands and backed away.

"You lovebirds have fun then! I'm gonna send all these pictures to Mina!"

"WHAT!?!" We both replied in unison.

"Uh... See you guys later!" And with that, she ran off.

"What just happened?"

"The cutest little broccoli walked up to me and basically proposed to me, then some brat ruined the moment." He deadpanned.

"Well... Do you uhm... Wanna continue that moment?" I asked, fiddling with the strings of my hoodie.

"Hell yes I do."

I looked up at him and was met instantly with the lips that belonged to a lifelong partner, childhood friend, and forever lasting lover.

The End


❗RANT❗ (feel free to skip till towards the end :)


My heart MELTED writing the last scene! I can muster it playing it my head, over and over again! The visuals were so vivid and I just keel thinking of chocolate hearts. Maybe because my heart is one right now 😅

This story came to me after listening to (obviously) the song Water Fountain. Yeah, it isnt EXACTLY fitting, but it felt so right to make a story based on it.

I also wanted to try making a Soulmate AU, because I've read so many. From there, with my love of BakuDeku, and an idea coming to fruition, I made a story.

Aaaaand, I personally think the writing is trash LMAO.

Seriously, WHY DID YOU READ THIS!?! After chapter 4 I thought about CANCELLING EVERYTHING because I lost interest! (I mean yeah I finished it but-)


Y'know what? Im gonna take a little pride in this story, and be grateful for the AMAZING, AMAZING, AMAZING readers that have stuck through this 8 chapter journey. I appreciate the comments, votes, and everything in-between, and I may have even cried (keyword: MAY HAVE) during the process of writing because of the support you guys have given me.

I truly am blessed to be so heavily supported as just a random girl writing fanfics on a cheap-ass tablet in her bedroom.

(Yikes... That's a bad self image)

Anyways, thank you all again, and hopefully I'll come up with an idea that'll make it to the "pages". Luv you all!

-Blissfulli 💛

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