Scene 1- In the Hangar

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"I still don't see why Sabine can't be the Twi'lek," Ezra Bridger grumbled as he reached up to adjust the fake blue lekku attached to his head.

"I'm the artist, so that leaves you as the canvas," Sabine Wren fished a jar out of her bag and applied more adhesive to Ezra's lekku. "Besides, I did give myself Twi'lek ear nubs. Now, would you please stop messing with my artwork? I don't even want to think about what would happen to you if one the Imperials recognizes you."

"Aww, you do care. But you don't have to worry about me, Bine." He shot her a cocky glance.

"All right, you two, focus." Hera Syndulla scolded from the Ghost's pilot seat. The Twi'lek's green skin had been painted blue. Her real lekku twitched as she guided her ship, also in disguise as the Star Sailor, into the passenger hangar of a glamourous cruise ship called the Love Commander.

"Team, our romantic cruise starts now," declared Kanan Jarrus, slipping his arm through Hera's.

"Uggh," Garazeb Orrelios groaned, "the things I do for the Cause. Kallus's intel better be good."

The Ghost crew made their way down the ramp, into the spacious hangar.

"So far, so good." Sabine nodded towards a sleek, well-armed shuttle. "He was right about one thing at least. That shuttle is Imperial and it has 'Thrawn' written all over it."

"Where?" Ezra asked. "I don't see any writing."

Chopper beeped a snide remark about Ezra being illiterate. Ignoring both Ezra and the droid, Kannan pulled a set of data cards from his travel bag.

"I need everyone's attention," he instructed. "We've got to check in, so you each have to show a data card. It's your ticket for the cruise. After we check in, it will be your key for the suite and for various other areas on the ship, like the Rec-Deck. It also has a map, a schedule of events and other important information, like where to buy souvenir t-shirts."

"Suites?" Hera quirked a lek. "You got us all suites? Where'd you get the money?"

"No," Kanan explained patiently, "I got us one suit to share. It's a family room and it was the cheapest way to go. We even have a family meal plan- all you have to do is let the waiter droid scan your card."

"We're all going to stay in one room!" gasped Ezra, Sabine and Zeb at the same time.

"It'll be fun," Kanan assured them. "Come on, Hera."

With Hera on his arm, Kanan led them to a doorway at the far end of the hangar.

"Hello there," a gleaming pink droid greeted them. "I am LOV-3, at your service. And you are?"

Chopper snickered and beeped something like, "And I'll L-O-V-3 love you all the T-I-M-3 time."

"That's enough C3," Kanan warned. He turned to the pink droid. "We're the Tachtol family. We have a reservation for this week's cruise."

"How wonderful!" The humanoid droid did not seem at all bothered by Chopper's jibe. "Captain Calrissian is expecting you. Come with me and we will get you started on your journey of love and fun."

"Captain Calrissian?" Hera looked at Kanan. "Lando Calrissian?"

"Um, yeah, did I not mention this is his ship? It's an old family business or something."

"Welcome to the Looove Commander, Tacthol family. Lando Calrissian, at your service." Lando stood beside a tall desk in the large reception area, dressed in a white captain's uniform with a royal blue, hip-length cape. "It's our pleasure to please you. If you'll step to the desk, TRU-3 will check you in and make sure that you have everything you need for the delightful week ahead. And of course, your captain is always at your beck and call."

He finished with a bow from the waist.

"Thank you, Captain," Hera said dryly.

The Rebels handed their cards one at a time to the ocean blue droid behind the tall desk.

"Master Mace," the droid read the name on Kanan's card. "You and your family have Suite 2-187. Your tickets include access to all of our extensive entertainment options, along with meals and snacks."

Hera handed the droid her card. "Mistress Depa," the droid read. He continued to scan cards. "Two children, Mistress Violet and Master Ryl. And Master Garabob, is..." the droid hesitated.

"He's adopted," Kanan explained.

"Your adopted what?" asked the puzzled droid.

"Just adopted," Hera confirmed.

"Very well. If you will just attach this label to your droid, you will be all set." TRU-3 handed Hera a small magnetic tag with Chopper's false name, C3-5P, printed on it along with a note identifying Kanan and Hera as his owners.

Lando strolled over with two more of his droids. "SW3-3T will show you to your suite. And her counterpart H3-4RT will help you with your luggage. I will see you fine people in the Grand Dining Hall this evening, I hope."

"Of course." Kanan nodded as H3-4RT took their bags in his ruby-red arms.

"This way, please." SW3-3T extended a rose-gold arm.

The Rebels followed, with Chopper cheekily whistling, "Keep the love light glowing in your eyes so true. Let me call you Sweetheart, I'm in love with you!"

"What a sweet little astromech," cooed H3-4RT.

"I don't think your teasing bothers them, C3." Hera frowned at her droid.

"Oh, we are programmed to provide a romantic atmosphere," SW3-3T agreed. "We love love songs."

Author's Note: I hope you are enjoying this slightly ridiculous story! If you are not familiar with the song Chopper is whistling, you can hear it in the video at the top. Thank you for reading!  God bless you!

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