*scene 2*

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"Hi." Anakin greeted the man kindly

"Hi there."

"Your buddy here was about to be turned into orange goo. He picked a fight with a Dug, an especially dangerous Dug called Sebulba."

"Mesa haten crunchen. Das de las ting mesa want." Jar Jar said

"Nevertheless, the boy is right. You were heading into trouble." The man said "thanks, my young friend."

"But-but-mesa doen nutten!" Jar Jar argued, Rae and Anakin looked at each other


"Here, you'll like these pallies." Anakin said handing the man, Qui-Gon Jinn, a piece of lamb "here."

"Thank you." Qui-Gon said taking the lamb

"Oh, my bones are aching." Rae turned towards an old women "storms coming up, Rae. You better get home quick." Rae turned towards the others

"Do you have shelter?" She asked

"We'll head back to our ship." Qui-Gon told the two younglings

"Is it far?" Anakin asked as they started to walk

"It's on the outskirts." The girl told them, it just then occurred to Rae that they didn't know the girls name

"What's your name?" Rae asked, the girl towards her "you know our names but you never told us yours.."

"Padme." She said with a smile, Rae smiled back 'Padme..' she thought 'what a beautiful name..'

"That's a beautiful name.." Rae smiled

"Thank you.." Padme smiled back

"You'll never reach the outskirts in time." Anakin said moving back to the previous topic "sandstorms are very, very dangerous. Come on, I'll take you to my place." They all followed Anakin before the sandstorm hit


"Mum! Mum, we're home!" Anakin called out as they walked inside his house, Anakin's mum, Shmi, came into view with a confused gaze "these are my friends, mum."

"Hello." Jar Jar greeted kindly

"I'm Qui-Gon Jinn." Qui-Gon introduced

"I'm building a droid. You wanna see?" Anakin asked Padme

"It's spectacular!" Rae said with a huge grin

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