chapter 1

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It was a cool night that November evening in Hawkins, Indiana that was unusually chilly for the time of year. The leaves on the trees were falling off and blowing in the small breeze that swarmed through the quiet town. A full moon laid above the town, glowing over the bright city and the darkness within it, scaring off any shadows that lurked. 

Down one of the quiet yet more wealthy resident streets a blue 1970 honda accord parked in front of rather modern house that contrasted to the other cars on the street. Three bikes scattered on the lawn in front of it, alerting the neighbours of the company over and the noise that would follow.

Inside of the well-lit house, two girls in a bedroom listening to music from a cassette box that was playing for the fourth time of the same songs. Nancy Wheeler was lying on her bed staring at the roof while hugging a pillow to her chest with one hand and a phone in the other with one of her best friends, Barb Holland. 

Nancy's other best friends, Jennifer Callahan, was laying on her stomach on the luscious bedroom carpet with a bottle of baby blue nail polish in front of her. Her feet kicked back and forth to the music that played her favourite songs not bothered to change it.

The two girls were chatting and gossiping like usual when their friend Barb called. The two girls continued their talking with side commentary from Barb, whenever she would add in a comment when overhearing the conversation.

"Yeah, he's cute." Nancy sighed out biting her lower lip. Jennifer glanced up at her best friend and giggled at her comment, smiling down at her nails as she flicked the brush over her index finger. Nancy noticed Jen's reaction and her cheeks got red from embarrassment, though her smile on her lips grew.

"Nancy has a crush." Jennifer mocked aloud. Loud enough for Barb to hear on the other end.

Nancy paused for a moment as Barb spoke on the other end of the phone and scoffed, sitting up on her elbows to glare down at her best friend. "You two live to tease me, don't you?" She asked them both while looking down at her best friend.

Jennifer nodded with a grin. Twisting the cap of the nail polish back on the container. She pushed herself up and blew on her fingers lightly. "Give me the phone. I have to ask Barb how we should torment you tomorrow." Jennifer teased and Nancy hesitantly handed over the phone. 

Regardless, Nancy has been on the phone for majority of the call and knew it was time for Jennifer to talk to Barb. She leaned over the bed and handed Jennifer the phone that was connected to the box sitting on her bedside table. Jennifer took the phone, careful not to smudge her nails. She moved the phone to hold it between her ear and shoulder blowing lightly on her nails.

"What's the plan, Jen?" Barb's voice rang through the phone with excitement. "Calling her Nancy-Banancy in front of Steve? Asking her if she started her cycle? Making kissing noises when she sees him tomorrow?" 

A laugh escaped Jennifer's throat, earning a scared look from Nancy of what her two friends were possibly planning. Nancy was sitting upright with her legs crossed, hugging the pillow to her chest wishing she could hear more of the conversation over the music playing.

"You are a genius, Barb. But I think-"

"H-Hey ladies," A squeaky voice asked from the door of her room, interrupting their conversation. Both Nancy and Jennifer stopped talking and looked towards the open bedroom door to see a boy with curly brown hair and a toothy smile standing in the doorway holding a box of pizza. "T-there is a few slices left if you want it." He offered the girls the box.

"I think what?" Barb laughed on the phone. "Come on, Jen. Don't tell me your getting to that pretty-yet-dumb stage."

Jennifer was pulled from the boy at the door and back to the conversation on the phone laughing lightly on the phone. She glanced at Nancy, who seemed rather annoyed at the boy at the door. Then she gazed back at the boy now smiling widely seeing that he gotten both of their attention now.

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