Texts 2

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Max: Nadakhan is a djinn right

Justin: Yes

Max: And djinn can grant people 3 wishes right

Justin: Where is this going???

Max: In Aladdin there was a genie

Max: The genie could grant people 3 wishes

Max: A djinn is like a genie

Max: Nadakhan manipulated people's wishes

Max: How do we know that the genie in Aladdin didn't manipulate Aladdin's wishes 2 get his freedom

Max: The genie in Aladdin is a djinn


Justin: Oh my FSM

Alex: Justin and Max are freaking out because Max came up with a theory that the genie in Aladdin is a djinn

Juliet: If u think about it it could be possible

Alex: Who's side r u on

Felix: How are you doing?

Harper: Wifi went down for 5 minutes so I had 2 talk 2 my family

Harper: They seem like nice ppl

Mason: This is how 2 sound like Obi-Wan Kenobi

Mason: That's me=of course I know him he's me

Mason: That's rude=so uncivilized

Mason: No=I hate it when he does that

Mason: I'm not sure=oh I don't think so

Mason: u need help=u want 2 go home and rethink ur life

Mason: I'm not lying=what I told u was true...from a certain point of view

Mason: That was quick=the negotiations were short

Mason: That was a nice flight=another happy landing

Mason: Hey=hello there

Justin: I would prefer 2 be Anakin

Mason: That's a scary thought

Zeke: I hate grapes

Zeke: They discuss me

Juliet: What r they saying???

Juliet: Can I join in???

Justin: Every second someone dies

Justin: Every second someone is born

Justin: Why isn't our population 0???

Max: It's 3 am

Max: Go tf 2 sleep

Rosie: Would you like to take a trip to Disneyland with me?

Justin: Of course I would

Rosie: Correction: Would you like to take me to Disneyland?

Justin: I'll get back 2 u

Alex: Do u know y Justin is looking 4 a job???

Rosie: He is going to take me to Disneyland.

Rosie: [screenshot sent]

Alex: That's brilliant

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!  Tell me in the comments if you would like me to do more texting.

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