How Lloyd Met Britney

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago or "I Hope" by Gabby Barrett ft. Charlie Puth, just the story and my OC's.

This takes place kind of where "Ninja Family" starts, but I thought that I would give an explanation as to how they actually met.  This won't be a lemon.  I don't do that.

Lloyd was walking through the streets of Ninjago City.  He went out by himself wearing a green hoodie and blue jeans.  He had his hood pulled up to, hopefully, not be recognized.  He just wanted to get away from the monastery for a while and he didn't want to be swarmed by paparazzi either.  He liked to have alone time sometimes which was hard to get with his crazy ninja life.

He ended up walking into Laughy's.  He went up to the bar where Dareth was serving people drinks.

"Have I seen you around here before?" Dareth asked Lloyd, not recognizing him with his hood up.

"Dareth, it's me," Lloyd said.  Dareth was about to talk, but Lloyd spoke first.  "I don't want people to recognize me, so don't tell anyone I'm here."

"You got it.  You know I can't serve you any alcohol since you're too young."

"I know.  Just give me some water, please."


A girl came up and sat next to Lloyd.  She had brown hair with auburn highlights and was wearing a green T-shirt and blue jeans.

"Hello Britney," Dareth said.  "Water for you?"

"You know it," Britney said.  "I'm not 21 yet."  Dareth went to get them both some water.  Britney looked at Lloyd who was looked down.  "Hey.  Why so glum?"

Lloyd looked up, but didn't meet her gaze.  "I'm not glum," he said.  Lloyd was trying to make sure she didn't get a good look at him, but his efforts didn't work.

"You're Lloyd, right?  The green ninja," she whispered.  She could tell that he didn't want to be spotted.

"Yes," he whispered back.  "Please, don't tell anyone."

"I won't.  I can tell that you don't want people to know.  Although, the green hoodie is a dead giveaway.  I'm Britney, by the way."

Dareth came back with their waters.  "Here you go."

"Thank you," both Lloyd and Britney said.  Dareth walked away.

"So...what's the reason for your night on the town?" Britney asked.

"Just wanted to get away from everything for a night," Lloyd said.  "What about you?  Dareth seems to know you.  Do you come here often?"

"Just when my parents are out of town.  They are so strict about everything.  I like to take advantage of when they're gone.  Why don't you want to be recognized anyway?"

"I don't want the paparazzi and everyone wanting to take a picture with the green ninja.  It's hard, sometimes, being the 'savior' of Ninjago.  Everyone treats me like a celebrity when I would like to just be able to have a normal conversation with someone."

"You're having one with me, right?"

Lloyd gave her a small smile.  "I guess so."

Britney looked over to where two drunk guys were singing karaoke extremely offkey and then looked back at Lloyd.  "Want to have some fun?"

"What did you have in mind?"


"What part of not wanting to get caught don't you understand?"

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