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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story and my OC's.

I am doing a story of Justin and Max on the school's soccer team because I'm bitter that there's no soccer going on right now.  I don't play, but my little brother does and I'm actually a referee for it.  We are a part of a recreational league that would usually have a season going on right now.  I just needed to vent.

FYI: This takes place between "Ninjago Next Generation: Normal Life, SO NOT" and "Ninjago Next Generation: Elemental Twins".

The Ninjago High School soccer was playing a game of scrimmage.  Justin was charging down the field with the ball.  Other players tried to stop him, but they couldn't catch him.  Justin was the best player on the team because he was definitely the fastest.  He could charge down the field and no one would see him coming.  Max was also pretty fast, but even he couldn't keep up with his best friend.  Luckily, they were on the same team for this scrimmage.

"Hey Justin!  Over here!" Max called for Justin to pass him the ball.  Justin saw Max and passed the ball over to him and Max immediately scored.

"Walker!  Garmadon!" the coach called.  Justin and Max jogged over to their coach.  "That was some great teamwork between the two of you.  I would like to talk to you about the plan for the first game."

"What is it, coach?" Justin asked.

"First off, I need to team captain...and I would like it to be you, Walker."


"Yes.  You are the best player we have.  You're fast, but you are also very aware of what's going on around you while you're on the field."  Justin nodded.  "Garmadon, you are to be the team captain if Walker can't make a game."

"Got it, coach," Max said.

"Now, you're positions.  Garmadon, I want you as the striker.  Remember, the striker's main job is to score.  Walker, I want you to be the center midfielder.  That's the only position to be able to roam the entire field.  I believe that position would be a good fit for you, if you're up for it."

"Of course, coach," Justin said.

"Good.  Go home and rest up for the game tomorrow.  We're going to need you both on your A game."

"Yes coach," they both said and grabbed their things to leave.

"How do you lead a team?" Justin asked Max.

"There's no definite answer for that," Max said confused.  He looked over at Justin and realized why he asked that.  "You're worried about being the team captain, aren't you?"

"Why wouldn't I be?  You're a leader, not me."

"Says the guy who was jealous of me picking his sister over him to be my second-in-command."  Max sighed when Justin's nervous expression didn't fade.  "Dude, I may have picked Alex to for second-in-command over you, but it was a close decision.  You're still my third-in-command.  You know how to step up and lead when you need to."

Justin nodded.  "I guess you're right."

"You'll be fine.  You are by far the best player and know the game in and out.  Also, the trick to being a good leader is to know each person's strengths and weaknesses."

"Thanks for the tip."

"We're gonna crush this game!"

The next day

Justin and Max were standing in a circle with the rest of their team to listen to the coach who was in the middle of the circle.

"Alright boys," the coach said.  "Today is the first game of the season.  You boys have been practicing hard.  Now, I can only coach from the sidelines, so I'm assigning a team captain to instruct you on the field.  I've already talked to him about it."  The coach looked around the circle until he found Justin.  "Walker!  Come here!"  Justin went up to the coach.  The coach looked back at the team.  "I expect you all to listen to your captain."  The coach took out a captain armband and gave it to Justin to put on.  "Go ahead and start leading them in stretches."

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