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//you're all I need and could ever want.//

My room is cold, the silence fills the space.

The only noise are my thoughts, and those are about you.

The thought of you brings me warmth.

I lean back in the crimson armchair looking off at the view.

I don't need anything other than you.

I look over at the wall where a large clock is displayed.

The clock reads 2:57am.

This hour isn't anything new to me.

It's an old friend.

However I've grown to dislike it.

Now it's an enemy.

It's the hour I don't hear you, walking, talking, anything.

Its the hour I can't see you out of your room, eating at the luxurious restaurants, having fun, or taking walks.

I know you been exhausted, your tired eyes, the way you spoke when I visited you at the Cafe.

The way you told me how you often feel restless, anxious, fatigued.

I hope you're having nothing but the best here.

I hear a ping from my laptop I left on desk.

I look to see all the information I was looking for had finally finished downloading.

I looked over at the screen, the bright monitor illuminating the dark room.


Everything I needed was right here.

I scrolled down his information.

Everything he had on paper since birth about him to this day, I knew it all.

His record was fairly spotless, however he had a few DUIs.

I continued to read everything about him, his achievements, when he [REDACTED], and his [REDACTED].

I wanted to know who exactly he was.

And why he had you.

Why he got to love you.

Be yours.

You're his.

I found some of his recent expenses.

He said he was seeing his parents and also worked the time you were supposed to be on vacation, however he just spent $300 on hotel for 2 nights, and a fancy restaurant.

I had access to everything, and I found more than I expected.

I looked his most recent location, he's in Eaute, a city 3.4 hours away from where you live.

Recent records of where his parents home shows that they live Banks Dow, which is only 23 minutes away from where he lives.

I was intrigued and continued digging deeper.

How interesting.

He seems to be in a relationship with a woman named [REDACTED].

For approximately 4 months.

Right now they are in Eaute.

How devastating.

I truly feel for you y/n.

He's making a fool of you.

You dont deserve to be used.

He doesn't deserve you.

Blurred Lines// Lovesick L x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now