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//all I see is all you, all I think about and dream about is you my love//

"Welcome to FANNYU Beach Resort! Enjoy your stay!"

The speakers repeated similar messages while I walked into the building.

It was a rather luxurious resort, I didn't mind staying here.

There was quite bit of people so I was able to get lost in the crowd or not be as noticeable.

I was still close enough to hear your conversations.

"So how were you able to get these rooms- it's like way more than $1500+ for a night!" You said shocked seeing the prices.

"My boss was doing some work for the owner and he gave my boss since he has a big family 2 suites for a week, but he got a huge work event the same week before so he gave me the rooms since I work extra hours and did a great presentation for the GanU event."

"That's insane." You said flipping through the suite pamphlet.

"Yup and the owner gave him all access to all the spas, private roof, private beach spots and food for free!" She said looking at her phone.

You walked over to the elevator with your other friends to your room so I lost track of your conversation.

Im not too worried, I'll be seeing you later today.

On my way to my room I realized,

We are on the same floor...






I flopped onto the luxurious bed while my friends gushed over how fancy the rooms were.

"What do you guys say to going to the beach and then the spa?" Lee said coming in from the other room.

"I'm down if you guys are, as long as we get dinner afterwards. I heard the restaurant on the 3rd floor is incredible." Rina, the friend who got the rooms, got up and went to change.

We were all in agreement and most of my friends were almost ready to go. It was just me that was the last one to get ready.

I pulled out my swim suit and put on a long cover and when I walked out it seemed like everyone was waiting outside the room.

I walked out of the room and there was everyone ready to go.

"So where's the beach Rina?" I asked walking with her.

"Oh it's actually by the restaurant we passed on our way to the entrance of the lobby, I think it's called SanYu. It's supposed be super good."

I was a bit tired from train ride, a part of me wanted to stay curled up in the fancy bed spread but this is the first time I'm somewhere fancy and I might as well enjoy my time here.

I walked into the elevator with everyone else but I felt a bit uncomfortable.

It might've been me wearing a swimsuit and that was making me feel uneasy I guess.


The doors opened and everyone chatting and walked out.

"Y/n, let's go set up our spot while the others get some drinks for us."Rina said signaling me to follow her.

I don't know why but the uneasy sensation was back.

I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

I felt like something was watching me or someone.

I looked at my reflection in the big windows of the resort and looked at myself.

I have delt with being self-conscious about my body for a long time. I saw myself in my cover.

I looked at my body and I looked around me seeing all the well off people visiting this luxurious resort.

Maybe they were judging me.

I shook off those thoughts.

I didn't want my negative self thoughts get the best of me.

I should enjoy my time here and not think people are watching me.

I looked up at Rina, she was on her phone looking at what I think was the directions to our private beach spot.

"Hold on the private beach spots are numbered but I can't seem to find ours." She said puzzled.

"Let me see." I grabbed her phone and tried to figure it out. "What number are we?"

"I think we are 4." She answered.

"Oh then it should be around here c'mon let's go look."

We found our spot and soon we set up everything. Our friends joined us and we had a really good time.

Still I felt a weird feeling again.

I couldn't describe it but I felt like I was being watched.

I excused myself and went to make a call.

It was dark, there was a slight breeze, we had been on the beach all day.

I walked away and opened my phone to make a call.

"Yeah?"He answered.

"Hey, I'm just calling cause I missed you." I had my phone on speaker and just laid in the sand with it next to me, besides no one could hear me since everyone was far relaxing in our reserved spot.

"I missed you too, how is everything?"

"Fine.. I'm just tired. I think I might go back to the hotel room soon." I said playing with the sand.

"Yeah.. I'm really sorry but I have to go now love, I have to go drop some things off at my parents but I'll call you soon." He said.

"Oh okay, bye love you." I said before hanging up.

I sighed laying in the sand.

I wanted to just be by myself, being with a group of my friends is nice just a little tiring.

I wondered how the guy who comes in the Cafe is doing.

I wonder what slice of cake he got.

I got up and went back to the group.

"Hey guys I'm going to head back to the hotel, kinda tired." I said waving everyone goodbye.

I went back to my room and dropped all my things on the floor.

I wanted to wash off all the ocean water and sand so I could sleep comfortably.

I turned on the hot water and got in.

I washed off everything.

Even the feeling of being watched.

I know it was just my anxiety and feeling self conscious but still.

I just couldn't wait to fall asleep.

//Ls POV

I could hear the water running from the other side of the wall.

You were the first one to go back to the hotel room.

Either way I'm glad your no longer around those people.

While you took that call I was on a walk around the area you were at.

I heard some of those, who I assume are your friends talk about rather unflattering thoughts about you.

I wish I could just tell you.

You shouldn't have to waste your time around those who don't appreciate you.

I wish I could just be there for you.

Maybe one of these days.

I just wanna know.

Who is the man that calls you love.

Blurred Lines// Lovesick L x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now